4 Times Table Worksheets
SKip counting in 4s, forwards and backwards
Mixed 4 Times Table Multiplication Questions
Both sheets come with learning intentions.
Suitable for Primary 3/ Year 2
Multiplying and Dividing by Multiples of 10 and 100 Powerpoint
This includes a powerpoint with lessons covereing mutliplying and dividing by multiples of 10 and 100.
It has animated visuals to help with learning.
Suitable for Primary 5/ Year 4
Chimney Sum Multiplication 2d by 1d number
This resource includes Powerpoint present with visual animation for how to use a chimney sum for multiplication.
Also includes QR Code Games to practise times table facts.
Art and Design learning about hot and cold colours.
Pupils colour the melting snowman with hot colours such as red, yellow and orange, and the cold snowman with cold colours, blue, green and purple.
Used in early years but upper school as revision of hot and cold colours.