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Imperfecto / Pretérito in the context Holidays
Worksheet to practise the use of the imperfect and preterite tenses in Spanish in the context of holidays.

Spanish Edexcel Questions- At home and abroad
Model answers for Edexcel’s Spanish speaking exam. There are three copies: - Blank copy - Model answers for foundation candidates - Model answers for higher candidates

Spanish Holidays: 'Mis vacaciones'
Powerpoint presentation about Holidays with Questions in the Preterite Tense that students have to answer. This PP leads to a Writing and Listening activity.

Los trabajos
Worksheet to revise the names of jobs. There is a list of jobs at the top of worksheet and a number of job descriptions underneath. Students are to match up the job names with the descriptions.

La vida saludable
This resource works through the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet and the dangers of eating disorders. I have also included two worksheets, one on obesity and a second worksheet on the Mediterranean diet (I have not created this second worksheet, it is a resource I found on the TES, but changed the format so it was easier to print and share with students).
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Spanish Tutorial: Money & Work - Dinero y trabajo
PowerPoint Presentation to introduce these Role-play Questions:
¿De qué trabajas?,
¿Cuándo trabajas?,
¿Cuánto ganas?,
¿En que te gastas el dinero?,

Spanish Countries & Nationalities Flashcards
Set of Printable flashcards that contain the flag, the name of the country and Masculine and Feminine nationality.

Spanish Crossword: Preterite
Wordsheet with a Crossword to practise the Preterite / Pretérito Indefinido Tense.

Was hast du gemacht?
Worksheet to introduce the perfect tense in German. There are two exercises: 1) Complete the table with the past participle and the meaning of the verbs 2) Fill in the gaps with the right past participle

Spanish School Uniform & Adjectives
Short powerpoint presentation that introduces the words necessary to describe their uniform and focuses on the agreement noun-adjective.

Spanish Preterite of IR - ¿Adónde fuiste?
A Powerpoint Presentation to introduce the Preterite of 'ir' and say where you went, what for and who with. It's related to pages 64-65 in Listos 2 Rojo. Good for Speaking and Writing activities.

Spanish Activities - In the Hotel
A match up exercise, fill in the gaps and translation about common Sentences and Expressions used in a hotel situation.

El uniforme y las normas del instituto
Worksheet which can be given as homework to revise adjectival agreement and phrases followed by infinitive.