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Spanish Edexcel Questions- Home & Daily Routine
Model answers for Edexcel’s Spanish speaking exam. There are three copies: - Blank copy - Model answers for foundation candidates - Model answers for higher candidates

Spanish Questions & Time Expressions - Going Out
PowerPoint Presentation to introduce the dialogue in Module 4, Section 1 in Listos 2 Verde. This is good for Role-play Speaking activities, asking Questions when arranging to go out and using temporal expressions.

Los tiempos del pasado
Revision card containing the formation of past tenses in Spanish and their uses.

Spanish Activity - Shopping for Clothes
Pairwork activity to practice Conversation and Speaking in the clothes shop. .

Spanish Edexcel Questions- Health & Fitness
Model answers for Edexcel’s Spanish speaking exam. There are three copies: - Blank copy - Model answers for foundation candidates - Model answers for higher candidates

Spanish Resources - The State and the Individual
Reading Comprehension with Speaking Questions about the State and the Individual.

Comparison of new A-Levels
Comparison of themes, literary text, films and exam structures of AQA, Edexcel and OCR boards. This comparison is based on their draft specifications.

Descripciones sicas
PowerPoint presentation to introduce adjectives to describe physical appearance and personality. It also introduces the structure to make comparisons.

Las vacaciones y el pretérito
PowerPoint presentation to revise the formation and use of the preterite tense and how to add detail to your writing.

Me presento
Resource for beginners to revise how to say your name and its spelling, your age and where you live.

En Ruta
PowerPoint presentation to revise modes of transport, justifying your choice of transport and buying train tickets.

Comprando recuerdos
Presentation to introduce items you can buy in a gift shop, names of different shops and giving directions. This presentation is linked to AQA Mira / Edexcel textbook pages 30-31.

Spanish Aid: Social Activities, Fitness and Health
GCSE model Answers for topic Social Activities, Fitness and Health (Edexcel). For Speaking Skills & Exam Revision.

La oficina de turismo
Presentation to introduce the structure "se puede + infinitive" and "ir a + infinitive" in the context of tourism and sightseeing. This presentation is linked to pages 28/29 in the GCSE AQA Mira/Edexcel textbook.

Vacaciones (presente y pasado)
Worksheet to practise the 1st person of 15 verbs in the present and past tenses. This worksheet is linked to pages 50 and 51 of ¡Mira! 2.

Qué tal lo pasaste?
Presentation to introduce phrases to express opinions about a holiday. It also covers previously studied questions and answers such as where did you go? who with? how long for?... This unit is linked to Mira 2 Module 3 Unit 4.

La música y el pasado
PowerPoint presentation to introduce the names of different types of music and the formation of the past tense.