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Spanish Revision Aid - Your House
Writing frame to describe: - Where your house is - Your house - The Rooms in your House - Your Bedroom. Use of 'Ser/Estar' and plenty house-related Vocabulary.

Spanish Questions & Time Expressions - Going Out
PowerPoint Presentation to introduce the dialogue in Module 4, Section 1 in Listos 2 Verde. This is good for Role-play Speaking activities, asking Questions when arranging to go out and using temporal expressions.

Spanish Home Worksheet
Spanish worksheet about where you live - Describing your House (size, floors, rooms…) - Do you like your house? - Rooms in the house.

Spanish Holidays - Las vacaciones
Worksheet to revise Unit 4 in Listos 2. Activities about last year's Holidays, using the Past Tense.

Spanish Reading - Family & Relationships
Spanish Article and comprehension exercises about single-parent families.

Spanish Family - Mi Familia
Basic family tree Worksheet with exercises. It’s good practice for Family, Vocabulary and Revision of Numbers (family members' age).

Spanish Aid: Social Activities, Fitness and Health
GCSE model Answers for topic Social Activities, Fitness and Health (Edexcel). For Speaking Skills & Exam Revision.

'The Shops' - Spanish Worksheet: 'Las Tiendas'
Spanish Worksheet where students have to Match up the objects with the shops (what can you buy in each of the shops) and then make Sentences using the Verb 'Comprar' and the structure: Voy a comprar ____. Puedo comprar(lo/la/los/las) en ______

Spanish Hobbies - Los pasatiempos
Spanish exercises about hobbies using past, present anf future tense, followed by a reading activity.

GCSE Spanish - Writing Skills
Sheet containing different ways to express opinions, time phrases, linking words and verb tenses.

Spanish Festivals - Fiestas
Reading Comprehension and Writing activity (Questions) about popular Spanish Festivals: La Tomatina, San Fermin and La Feria de Sevilla.

Spanish Resources - The State and the Individual
Reading Comprehension with Speaking Questions about the State and the Individual.

Spanish Verbs Revision: To Be - Ser & Estar
Explanation on the use of Verbs “ser” and “estar” + list of Vocabulary and Adjectives that change meaning depending on whether they are with “ser” or “estar”.

Spanish Tutorial - In the clothes shop
Powerpoint presentation to introduce Comparative, revise Clothes Vocabulary and Adjectives, and practise all with translation and Speaking activities.

Adjetivos de personalidad
Exercise to practice different adjectives to describe someone’s personality.

Spanish Activity - Shopping for Clothes
Pairwork activity to practice Conversation and Speaking in the clothes shop. .

Spanish Worksheet - Leisure actitivies
Spanish Vocabulary exercises to reinforce and expand the vocabulary for Leisure and Free Time activities.

Spanish Revision - Opinions - Expresar opiniones
List of different ways to express your opinion. For Speaking or Writing activities.