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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Extract Booklet

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Extract Booklet

This booklet contains a series of extracts from each chapter and exam questions to accompany these. It is written specifically for Edexcel, but is easily tweaked for any exam board by changing the mark schemes in the booklet. It also has a writing frame, sample answer and terminology glossary within to aid students in their essay writing. Great to accompany the reading of the text, or used for revision or as a home work booklet.
Romeo and Juliet - Key Quotations- Revision

Romeo and Juliet - Key Quotations- Revision

These quotation cards help students learn 21 quotations in preparation for the closed book exam. Each quotation is accompanied by an image and students can play snap or pairs with these cards. Great as a starter or for revision!
Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet

A selection of activities to use whilst teaching Romeo and Juliet. Appropriate for KS3 and KS4. Includes: - Essay question, planning sheet and writing frame for low ability - Quotation collection tasks and key scenes to aid in this - Quotation memory game.
Macbeth Court Case - Responsibility

Macbeth Court Case - Responsibility

This is a court case based on the theme of responsibility within Macbeth. It is a great activity to do after finishing the whole text. It’s a really engaging way to get students to prepare for an essay on responsibility. It includes: Instruction sheets for each role within the court case A powerpoint Example statements to give in court Key scenes that students can get their quotations for evidence from An essay planning sheet
Edexcel English Language Paper 2 - Grades 9-1

Edexcel English Language Paper 2 - Grades 9-1

This pack provides a comprehensive overview of Language Paper 2. It includes: An exam paper the students can work on throughout Sample answers for each long answer question (this includes a grade 4-5/6-7/8-9 answer for each) An exam question on a different paper that students can then do as an assessment or homework Fully annotated exam questions so that student know what the question is asking them to do. How I have used this resource: I print the sample answers on different coloured paper and get students to rank them. They must then mark them as an examiner and justify why they have ranked them in this order. They then use the best answer to create their own sentence stems before they then write their own answer and peer assess. This has really improved the quality of their writing and students feel more confident on how to approach each question.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Unit of Work

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Unit of Work

A complete unit of work aimed to help students learn quotations, confidently answer the extract based question and create their own revision resources. This unit include: - Lesson by lesson presentation - An extract booklet - Starter activities - Revision 'pit stops' - Language Paper One exams based on extracts from this text. This is great as an introductory unit to the text, or as a revision unit just based on key extracts. The booklet and Language exam papers make great homework. The booklet also contains marking stickers, writing frames and a terminology glossary to aid students in their essay writing. These resources are aimed at Edexcel Literature; however, are easily adaptable for any exam board.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Plot Sort - Revision Activities

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Plot Sort - Revision Activities

This pack includes: Chapter by chapter summary sorts An overall plot summary Activities on key chapters (such as quotations sorts, character analysis) Edexcel Language Paper 1 exams Who wants to be a millionaire revision quiz Key terms revision sheet Brilliant to use with any year group alongside reading the book.
Edexcel - Language Paper 1 - Evaluate Question 4

Edexcel - Language Paper 1 - Evaluate Question 4

This is a learning mat with hints and tips of what students should be looking for in regards to the EVALUATE question on Language Paper One. It includes: Useful terms Sentence stems Leading questions It also includes a useful planning sheet to help students map out their ideas on a text.
Macbeth - Subject Terminology

Macbeth - Subject Terminology

A great activity to help students decipher which keys terms can be used to comment on language, form and structure. By no means an exhaustive list, but a great place to start. I get the students to to this as a pre-unit task so that they can use this sheet for every extract analysis.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Subject Terminology

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Subject Terminology

A great activity to help students decipher which keys terms can be used to comment on language, form and structure. By no means an exhaustive list, but a great place to start. I get the students to to this as a pre-unit task so that they can use this sheet for every extract analysis.
English Language Paper 2 - Non-fiction Texts - Grades 9-1

English Language Paper 2 - Non-fiction Texts - Grades 9-1

I have collated a selection of non-fiction texts appropriate for the English Language Paper 2 exam. They are suitable for all exam boards. Each text includes a glossary. They have also been grouped into topics for easy comparison and range across different forms and 19th/20th/21st century. Topics include: War Places & Attractions Around the World The UK Science & Technology Life Changing Events Poverty & Working Life Crime & Punishment Childhood and Education Extreme Weather People There are articles, letters, personal accounts, travel writing, obituaries, historical texts, recipes and diary entries. These have been taken from various text books, different exam boards and old papers, and from the internet.
Edexcel English Language Paper 1 - Question 3 - Grades 1-9

Edexcel English Language Paper 1 - Question 3 - Grades 1-9

A set of 18 extracts and exam questions based around the Edexcel Language Paper 1 Question 3. Each slide of the powerpoint is a different extract and has an acronym to help students remember language devices and structural features. Great for homework and revision. Review and follow :-)
AQA English Language 9-1 Exam overview

AQA English Language 9-1 Exam overview

This is a Language Paper 1 and 2 overview which gives students: Marks Timings Hints and tips and various strategies to effectively answer each style question. Great revision resource to give students before their exam… brilliant for the night before and morning of the exam to just act as a reminder of key pointers. Review and follow :-)
Essay Writing Skills

Essay Writing Skills

These learning mats help students to structure their essay paragraphs so that they include all assessment objectives. The essay plan gives them a strict structure to follow to ensure they include all aspects needed in their essays. The learning mats also provide ways for students to self-check their work, and provide sentence stems and handy hints so that student can become more independent. This is a great starting point for all students. I have found it to be a winning formula with borderline student and it is easy to adapt and expand for the higher ability students.
Spelling - KS3/KS4

Spelling - KS3/KS4

This resource contains 24 weeks worth of spelling, each with 10 spellings. They are grouped in synonyms so that the students create their own vocabulary book as they go that they can then use in their own writing. Words include: good bad happy sad loud quiet look said English terminology alternatives for 'this shows…' plus many more. I now have year 8 students confidently using words such as phosphorescent, exhibits, phenomenal and nonchalantly.
Accelerated Reader - Recommended Book of the Week

Accelerated Reader - Recommended Book of the Week

This pack includes 10 recommended books to encourage students to read. The presentation can be put up on the board or be printed off as a display poster (I have them stuck on all the classroom doors). Each book has the cover and plot summary included. There is also a set of bookmarks that can be printed for each book which are kept in the library and English class rooms.
Charge of the Light Brigade & Exposure - Poetry

Charge of the Light Brigade & Exposure - Poetry

This is a series of lessons that cover both ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ and ‘Exposure’, with the end goal of comparing them. This pack includes: lesson by lesson power point sample answers homework starter activities planning sheets assessment peer assessment sheets.
Edexcel English Literature Poetry Conflict Cluster

Edexcel English Literature Poetry Conflict Cluster

This booklet includes a comparative Venn diagram for each of the 15 conflict poems. 3 are already completed as revision examples and are colour coded for language, form, structure and context to ensure students are hitting the exam criteria. It also includes on Venn diagram that is partly planned that students must complete. The others are all blank with a focus poem and exam question so that students can complete these themselves. A sample essay is also included for one of the completed Venn diagrams. A great resource for getting students to revise for the exam independently as they are able to follow the models already set out for them.
Animal Farm English Literature GCSE Grade 9-1

Animal Farm English Literature GCSE Grade 9-1

This is a pack of various exam questions: Violence Inequality Leadership Boxer Power Change Each pack contains an exam question, planning grids, lines to write the exam answer and the Edexcel mark scheme (could easily be swapped for the mark scheme of any exam board. There is also a powerpoint for the Inequality essay that walks them through how to construct a great paragraph step by step. It gives examples and how to develop and improve these. There is also a slide on Orwell’s intentions that students can use for many different essays. A sample introduction and paragraph on equality has also been included that is colour coded with the exam criteria - this shows students how to construct a successful paragraph for their essays.