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Over a 1000 purchases! Designed with a deep understanding of the classroom dynamics and curriculum requirements, my resources inspire engagement, promote critical thinking, and foster academic growth. Join me on this transformative learning adventure and discover a treasure trove of resources that will empower both teachers and students to thrive in their educational journey.




Over a 1000 purchases! Designed with a deep understanding of the classroom dynamics and curriculum requirements, my resources inspire engagement, promote critical thinking, and foster academic growth. Join me on this transformative learning adventure and discover a treasure trove of resources that will empower both teachers and students to thrive in their educational journey.
SPaG - Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases - KS2

SPaG - Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases - KS2

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6. Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as adding prepositions & prepositional phrases in children’s writing. This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 13 PowerPoint slides for this lesson. The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet that requires the children to identify and add prepositions & prepositional phrases. Learning Objective: LO: To know and identify prepositions. To use prepositions to write complete sentences.
SPaG - Relative Clauses - KS2

SPaG - Relative Clauses - KS2

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Relative Clauses - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6. Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as using relative pronouns to create relative clauses. This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 13 PowerPoint slides for this lesson. The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet that requires the children to create sentences with relative clauses. Learning Objectives: To identify relative pronouns. To create relative clauses.
SPaG - Homophones (to/too/two, for/four and you're/your)- KS2

SPaG - Homophones (to/too/two, for/four and you're/your)- KS2

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Homophones - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6. Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as identifying homophones and choosing the correct word to improve their writings. This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). An interactive quiz is also included. There are 23 PowerPoint slides for this lesson. Also included a range of homophones, to/too/two, for/four and you’re/your. The task for this lesson is to complete a Homophones worksheet Learning Objectives: To identify homophones To differentiate words with the same sounds.
SPaG - Past, Present & Future Tense - KS2

SPaG - Past, Present & Future Tense - KS2

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Past, Present & Future Tense - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6. Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as using the correct tenses (past, present & future tenses) and knowing how to use them to improve their writings. This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 18 PowerPoint slides for this lesson. The task for this lesson is to complete a past, present & future tense worksheet Learning Objectives: To use past, present and future tenses.
SPaG - Modal Verbs - KS2

SPaG - Modal Verbs - KS2

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Modal Verbs - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6. Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as using modal verbs and knowing how to use them to improve their writings. This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 13 PowerPoint slides for this lesson. The task for this lesson is to complete an Modal Verbs worksheet Learning Objectives: To use modal verbs phrases in writing
SPaG - Expanded Noun Phrases - KS2

SPaG - Expanded Noun Phrases - KS2

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Expanded Noun Phrases - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6. Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as using expanded noun phrases (Determiner Adjective, Adjective Noun and Prepositional Phrase) to improve their writings. This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 16 PowerPoint slides for this lesson. The task for this lesson is to complete an Expanded Noun Phrases worksheet Learning Objectives: To use expanded noun phrases to add more detail.
SPaG - Main & Subordinate Clauses - KS2

SPaG - Main & Subordinate Clauses - KS2

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Main & Subordinate Clauses - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6. Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as understanding what a main & subordinate clauses are and how use them to improve their writings. This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 10 PowerPoint slides for this lesson. The task for this lesson is to complete a Main & Subordinate Clauses worksheet. Learning Objective: To understand the difference between the main and subordinate clause.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)  - Part 1- KS2

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) - Part 1- KS2

20 Resources
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a set of high-quality Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) lessons with tasks attached. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6. Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills Each Lesson Pack Contains: A Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides). The 20 lessons are broken down into the following: Adverbs, Fronted Adverbials & Adverbial Phrases Imperative Verbs Possessive Apostrophes Contractive Apostrophes Dashes & Hyphens Colons & Semicolons Full Stops, Question & Exclamation marks Formal & Informal English Paragraphs Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases Determiners Pronouns Relative Clauses Synonyms & Antonyms Homophones (their/they/re/there and where/we’re/wear) Homophones (to/too/two, for/four and you’re/your) Expanded Noun Phrases Modal Verbs Past, Present & Future Tense Time Conjunctions Learning Objectives; To use adverbs, fronted adverbials and adverbial phrases to modify sentences. To identify and use imperative verbs. To understand singular and plural possessive apostrophes. To identify and use contractive apostrophe. To use dashes and hyphens. To understand and use colons and semicolons in sentences. To use full stops, question and exclamation marks in writings. To understand the importance of formal English. To identify the difference between formal and informal English. To use paragraphs to improve writings. To know and identify prepositions. To use prepositions to write complete sentences. To identify and use determiners. To identify and use pronouns. To identify relative pronouns. To create relative clauses. To use synonyms of common words to improve writings To identify antonyms To identify homophones To differentiate words with the same sounds. To use expanded noun phrases to add more detail. To use modal verbs phrases in writing To use past, present and future tenses. To identify and use time conjunctions.
Ancient Egypt - Farming - Lesson 3 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Farming - Lesson 3 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Farming - KS2 - Lesson 3 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on Ancient Egypt’s farming, the black land, the Ancient Egyptian calendar (the three seasons: Ahket, Peret and Shemu), farming tools and the benefits of the river Nile. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 14 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a complete a worksheet that encourages children to answer questions on farming Learning objectives To learn about farming in Ancient Egypt.
Ancient Egypt - The Rich and Poor - Lesson 7 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - The Rich and Poor - Lesson 7 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - The Rich and Poor - Lesson 7 - KS2 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on the differences of the rich and poor lives of the Ancient Egyptians. This lesson discusses the different jobs, houses, food, furniture and clothing. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 20 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a Venn diagram. Learning objectives To learn about the difference in lifestyles of the rich and poor.
Ancient Egypt - Religion- Gods & Goddesses - Lesson 4 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Religion- Gods & Goddesses - Lesson 4 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Religion- Gods & Goddesses - KS2 - Lesson 4 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on Ancient Egypt’s religious belief, polytheism, worship through life and the afterlife. Some of the gods and goddesses that are discussed include Ra (Atum), Bastet, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Neith, Anubis, Nephthys, Geb, Nut, Bes and Tefnut. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 18 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a complete a fact file on one of the Ancient Egyptian god/goddess. Learning objectives To learn about religion in Ancient Egypt. To learn about Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.
Ancient Egypt - History Unit

Ancient Egypt - History Unit

10 Resources
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lessons with tasks attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians Each Lesson Pack Contains: A Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides). The 10 lessons are broken down into the following: Introduction to Ancient Egypt River Nile Farming Religion- Gods & Goddesses Pharaohs Life After Death - Afterlife The Rich and Poor Inventions Hieroglyphics Pyramids & Ruins Learning Objectives; To learn about Ancient Egypt. To learn about Ancient Egypt’s geographical properties. To learn about the River Nile. To learn about the importance of the River Nile to the Ancient Egyptians. To learn about farming in Ancient Egypt. To learn about religion in Ancient Egypt. To learn about Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. To learn about ancient Egyptian pharaohs To learn about life after death in ancient Egypt To learn about the difference in lifestyles of the rich and poor. To learn about ancient Egyptian inventions. To learn about hieroglyphics. To learn about ancient Egyptian ruins. To learn about the ancient Egyptian Pyramids. Some Key Topics Covered: Ancient Egypt, its geographical properties (the land, climate. River Nile and its location), when? (timeline) and what is left behind (ruins)? The role of Pharaohs, Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and art. The River Nile, Ancient Egypt’s climate, the benefits of the river Nile, the black and red land. The farming, trade and the reason why Ancient Egypt’s civilisation choose to live next to the river Nile. Ancient Egypt’s farming, the black land, the Ancient Egyptian calendar (the three seasons: Ahket, Peret and Shemu), farming tools and the benefits of the river Nile. Ancient Egypt’s religious belief, polytheism, worship through life and the afterlife. Some of the gods and goddesses that are discussed include Ra (Atum), Bastet, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Neith, Anubis, Nephthys, Geb, Nut, Bes and Tefnut. Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, how Menes started a line of succession, with an in-depth focus on Djoser, Khufu, Hatshepsut, Akhenaton, Tutankhamun, Ramses II and Cleopatra VII. With a mention of we know about ancient Egyptians through discoveries made by archeologists. Ancient Egyptian’s life after death (afterlife), the process of mummification, canopic jars, natron salt, shroud, amulet, the book of the dead, inside the burial chamber, tombs, scenery, spells, Howard Carter, and the mummy’s curse. The differences of the rich and poor lives of the Ancient Egyptians. This lesson discusses the different jobs, houses, food, furniture and clothing. Ancient Egyptian inventions such as Cosmetic Make-up, Jewellery, Wigs, High Heels, Toothpaste, Medicine, Surgical Instruments, the Police, Lock & Key, Clocks (Obelisk & Clepsydra), the Calendar, Chairs, Tables, Senet, Throw stick, Shadoof, the Sickle and Ox-drawn Plough. Ancient Egyptian system of writing, hieroglyphics, the Invention of writing, Scribes, the use of hieroglyphics in temples, the use of hieroglyphics in tombs, the use of Record-keeping & the Government, the discovery of the Rosetta Stone and the writing materials (wood, papyrus and limestone) and examples of hieroglyphics. The Karnak Temple Complex, Luxor Temple, Valley of the Kings, Kom Ombo Temple, The Philae Temple Complex , Edfu Temple, and the Abu Simbel Temples. The focus them shifts on the Construction of the Pyramids, their importance, Types of Pyramids (step, bent, and the straight pyramid). Pharaohs Djoser, Sneferu, Khufu, and Khafre. Also covered are the Step Pyramid, Bent Pyramid, Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza
Ancient Egypt - Pyramids & Ruins - Lesson 10 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Pyramids & Ruins - Lesson 10 - KS2

Ancient Egypt - Pyramids & Ruins - Lesson 10 - KS2 With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians. This lesson focuses on the ancient Egyptian ruins such as the Karnak Temple Complex, Luxor Temple, Valley of the Kings, Kom Ombo Temple, The Philae Temple Complex , Edfu Temple, and the Abu Simbel Temples. The focus them shifts on the Construction of the Pyramids, their importance, Types of Pyramids (step, bent, and the straight pyramid). Pharaohs Djoser, Sneferu, Khufu, and Khafre. Also covered are the Step Pyramid, Bent Pyramid, Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 24 slides. This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete an evaluation sheet after creating a pyramid with the materials provided. Please note materials can be changed or altered to your class’ needs. For this task materials needed are mini marshmallows, Blu tack, PVA glue, cocktail sticks, paper straws and craft sticks. Learning objectives To learn about ancient Egyptian ruins. To learn about the ancient Egyptian Pyramids.
Success Steps - Writing Checklists - Year 1 & Year 2 - KS1

Success Steps - Writing Checklists - Year 1 & Year 2 - KS1

2 Resources
Success Steps - Writing Checklists - Year 1 & Year 2 - KS1 These resources enable teachers to mark children’s writing with regards to their level (working towards, working at expected and working at greater depth) and expectation for their age group. Both resources includes 3 writing checklists: working towards, working at expected and working at greater depth for each year group. The resources are ready to print. The Year 2 Checklists also contains a self-assessment box. The resources are ready to print.
Art - Henri Matisse - Collage  ( KS1/KS2)

Art - Henri Matisse - Collage ( KS1/KS2)

Henri Matisse - Collage - Art ( KS1/KS2) This lesson has slides with different art pieces created by Henri Matisse. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 14 slides. This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is create cut-outs using colourful paper and glued the cut-outs on a plain white paper. Learning objectives To create collage cut-outs To learn about Henri Matisse
Guided Reading - True or False, Prove it! - KS2 - Takumi Minamino

Guided Reading - True or False, Prove it! - KS2 - Takumi Minamino

Guided Reading Resource - True or False, Prove it! - Takumi Minamino (KS2, Japan) This reading activity is in an editable word document. Includes two documents, a short article about Takumi Minamino and a True or False, Prove it! activity. These statements are based on the article provided. These statements can be true or false. The purpose is to get children to ‘prove it’ by using the text to retrieve and record key information and then identifying whether the the statement is true or false.
Reading Resource -Definitions - KS1/KS2

Reading Resource -Definitions - KS1/KS2

Reading Resource - Definitions - KS1/KS2 This reading resource is fully editable and in the word document format. This activity encourages children to write their own definitions for each one. First predict the meaning, find the definition, write a definition in your own words and then write sentence example (could be from the text). By creating their very own dictionary, children can expand their vocabulary thus writing. This can be completed after reading a text or book.
Reading Resource - Top 5 - KS1/KS2

Reading Resource - Top 5 - KS1/KS2

Reading Resource - Top 5 - KS1/KS2 This reading resource is fully editable and in the word document format. This activity encourages children to recap the 5 most important parts of this text. This can be completed after reading a text or book. This reading activity can be used as partner, group, and individual work. The Top 5 template can be printed in A4 and A3 formats.
Maths - Measurement - Time -  KS1 Bundle

Maths - Measurement - Time - KS1 Bundle

5 Resources
Maths - Measurement - Time - KS1 Bundle The first lesson focuses on the time measurements seconds, minutes and hours. Time awareness, how long each time measurement of a second, minute and an hour. The lesson looks at time facts such as 60 seconds in one minute and 60 minutes in one hour. The second lesson focuses on learning time facts, how many minutes in an hour? how many seconds in a minute? 5 minute intervals. Minute and hour clock hand. The third lesson focuses on time telling and reading o’clock timings. Very simple and easy to understand. The fourth lesson focuses on time telling and reading half past timings. The last lesson in the bundle focuses on time telling and reading quarter past timings. Very simple and easy to understand. The lessons come in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. All lessons are detailed and straight forward. All lessons come with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. **5 Lessons Included ** Hours, Minutes and Seconds Clock Hands O’ Clock Half Past Quarter Past Learning objectives To understand the importance of time To measure and record time To learn to identify clock hands To draw hands on a clock to show times To learn to identify and read the time To use term O’clock To learn to identify and read the time To use the terms half past and O’clock To learn to identify and read the time To use the terms quarter past, half past and O’clock