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A-Level Psychology [EDEXCEL]- Social learning theory

A-Level Psychology [EDEXCEL]- Social learning theory

This is a A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the learning approach. This lesson specifically focuses on introducing the social learning theory, Bandura. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 16 power point slides. Included: Starter activity- focusing on recapping key words from the social approach. Recap- key word match up focusing on schedules of reinforcement (Skinner). Title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about SLT and Bandura et al. Links to research methods. Overview of the different types of observations used in psychology. Including; structured, natural, covert, overt, participant and non-participant. Video clip introducing students to social learning theory. Link provided on the pp slide. The main features of social learning theory explained. Challenge questions and application tasks provided. The four stages of social learning theory including: attention, retention, reproduction, motivation. Student storyboard task to go with this, an example is on the pp slide. Storyboard template provided on a separate document. Evaluation of SLT. Including evidence, application, reductionism. Reading activity to ensure students understand key concepts. Will need access to the ALevel Edexcel textbook to complete this. 8 mark exam question based on SLT. Students to plan the question (or could write) on the sheet provided. Question is also on the pp slide. Students can then add anything to their plan which they have missed out using the mark scheme provided on the pp. The graphic guide reading task. Pages not included. Plenary- start reading ahead about Bandura’s main BoBo doll experiment. Again, students will need access to the textbook to complete this. Homework task- content analysis. Slide can be removed if not applicable. Textbook pages and the graphic guide pages have not been included. However, if you need scanned copies please email me at amyfo7@live.co.uk and I can send them over.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Patterns of crime, Age and gender.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Patterns of crime, Age and gender.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson is specifically about patterns of crime with reference to age and gender. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, social stratification and differentiation retrieval practice. Work out the covered up words- answers on the pp slide. Title page, encouraging students to think about why some females turn to crime. Quick quiz about the subcultural explanations for crime. Questions and answers on the pp slide. Age article- to get students thinking. Attached as a separate document. An overview of patterns of crime relating to age. The age crime curve. Victim rates and age. Mini plenary- students summarise what they have learnt using the key terms on the board. Gender and crime with reference to Pat Carlen. 8 mark practice question, an outline is included of what students should write in their answer. Mark scheme/ indicative content is also included. Plenary- patterns of crime overview sheet. Attached as a separate document, students to add to this each time a new area is completed.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Feminist and subcultural view of crime and deviance.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Feminist and subcultural view of crime and deviance.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. This lesson specifically focuses on the Feminist view of crime and deviance, the lesson then moves on to how subcultural theories explain crime. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, retrieval practice of the social stratification and differentiation unit. Title page, encouraging students to think about why men are more likely to commit crimes compared to women. Overview of the feminist perspective. Social control and gender- Heidensohn. Fill in the blanks task, provided on a separate worksheet. Examples of criminal females. Differences in types of women- with a focus on Ladette behvaiour. Pollak’s chivalry thesis- reading task, provided on a separate document. Overview of the subcultural explanation of crime. Student creative task- instructions on the pp slide. Students will need access to the GCSE textbook to complete this task. Plenary- students to fill in the theory overview sheet, this can be completed as and when theories are covered. Attached as a separate document.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Interactionist contribution to crime and deviance.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Interactionist contribution to crime and deviance.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson is specifically about the Interactionist contribution to crime. The second half of the lesson focuses on the media and crime, again there is a particular focus on Interactionism and the media. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity, scrabble board- Social stratification and differentiation recap. Title page, students to draw their idea of a typical offender. Recap of Marxist view of crime & deviance, quick quiz. Questions and answers provided on the pp. Criminal stereotypes, links to Howard Becker and labelling. Examples of criminal stereotypes, links to key concepts including ‘master status’. Which groups are most likely to be affected by labelling? Links to key concepts such as ‘deviant career’ Student task- students to fill in the flow diagram to show how labelling and deviant careers are formed. Template provided on a separate document. Evaluating the Interactionist explanation of crime and deviance. The media and crime. Short video clip- link on the pp slide. Key concepts referred to such as ‘hypodermic syringe model’. Interactionism and the media. Reading task, provided on a separate document. Activities for students to complete- written on the pp slide. Theories of crime and deviance consolidation sheet- students to write down what they know about each theory. They can add to this as and when theories are covered. Plenary- Marxist view of the role of the media. Key concept match up task.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance, Merton: strain theory.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance, Merton: strain theory.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson specifically focuses on Merton’s strain theory, within the functionalist perspective of crime. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, recapping social differentiation. Title page, encouraging students to think about the motivation for why people commit crimes. Quick quiz- assessing students knowledge on the functionalist perspective. Answers and questions provided on the pp. Explanation of what Merton means by the word Anomie- links to the American dream. Explanation of Merton’s strain theory- short video clip showing how society is not meritocratic. Link included on power point. Explanation of Merton’s reactions to strain. Drawing task- students to create a storyboard which represents each reaction. Template for this included as a separate document. Explanation of Marxist criticisms of strain theory. Student task/ instructions on power point. Consolidation task- students to add what they have learnt to their worksheet. Students come back to this each time they learn about a new theory. Provided as a separate worksheet. Short answer exam questions, differentiated. Students choose which questions they want to answer. Mark scheme for 5 marker provided on the pp. Plenary- match the deviant reaction to its definition. Answers provided.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance. Functionalist view of crime.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance. Functionalist view of crime.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson specifically focuses on the Functionalist view of crime and deviance. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, social stratification & differentiation recap. Title page- encouraging students to think about the functions of crime in society. Newspaper article headlines- students to think about what they tell us about crime. Durkheim: collective sentiments explanation. James Bulger reading task- how does crime make society stronger? reading provided on a separate document. Durkheim: Anomie - London Riots 2011 as an example. Short video clip included, link on the pp slide. Explanation of the positive role of deviance. 5 mark exam style question, examples of what students could include is on the pp slide. Peer assessment encouraged using ABC technique (explained on the pp slide) Theories of crime and deviance overview sheet- students to add to this each time they learn a new theory. Sheet provided on a separate document. Getting ahead, reading task, Texbooks will be needed for this. Students to start reading ahead about Merton’s strain theory.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance. Marxist view of crime.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance. Marxist view of crime.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson is specifically about the Marxist view of crime and deviance. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, based on recapping the social stratification and differentiation unit. Title page- encouraging students to think about what Marxists would say about crime. ‘The price is right’- students to guess the price fraud costs per year. All answers on the pp. Definitions of white-collar and corporate crime. Example of white collar crime, encouraging students to think about why rich people may get treated differently. Capitalism and consumerism. Short video clip, questions for students to answer. Link on pp slide. Social power and crime- links to William Chambliss. Fill in the blanks task, provided on a separate worksheet. Answers on pp slide. What is white collar crime? reading and question task. Reading provided on a separate worksheet. Evaluation of Marxism. Plenary- summary task, students write a tweet using the key concepts on the board.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance- measuring crime.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance- measuring crime.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. This lesson specifically covers measuring crime including police recorded statistics, victim and self-report studies. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, recapping the social stratification and differentiation unit. Students to work out which statements are incorrect. Title page, encouraging students to think about how the government collects data about crime. Brief outline of how we can measure crime in society. Official statistics on crime recorded by the police, including strengths and weaknesses. The dark figure of crime explanation. Application/ scenario task- provided on a separate worksheet. Victim and self-report studies, referring to The crime survey for England and Wales. Key word match up task- answers provided on power point. Sociological theory and their views on official crime statistics. Comparing police recorded statistics and The crime survey for England and Wales- worksheet provided on a separate document. Answers on the power point. Plenary- are official crime statistics accurate? task for students to complete.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- crime and deviance. Informal and formal social control

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- crime and deviance. Informal and formal social control

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson is based around social control and the role of formal and informal agents. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, designed to recap the stratification and differentiation unit. Title page- students to think about the rewards and sanctions used within their school. Explanation of formal and informal social control. Student task on pp slide. Explanation of sanctions. Explanation of different agencies of social control. The role of the police- formal social control. Student task. Explanation of informal agents of social control. Student task- fill in the table on the pp slide. Answers provided. Practice 8 mark exam style question. Sentence starters for students to complete.
GCSE psychology [edexcel]- sleeping and dreaming. Freud: Little Hans

GCSE psychology [edexcel]- sleeping and dreaming. Freud: Little Hans

This is a GCSE psychology lesson which focuses on the sleeping and dreaming unit. The lesson is based upon a key study; Freud- Little Hans. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 17 slides on the power point. The lesson also comes with a worksheet with activities for students to fill in which go along with the power point. Challenge/ extension questions are provided throughout. Included: starter, criminal psychology recap. title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about Freud. explanation of case studies- including strengths and weaknesses. background to the study with a short video clip. explanation of aims, procedure, results and conclusions. Tasks in the booklet for students to complete. strengths and weaknesses of the study. 9 mark exam question. Question provided on the pp along with a brief outline of how to structure an answer. Mark scheme provided on the power point. plenary- summary task. Students write a snapchat message using the key concepts on the power point.
GCSE psychology [edexcel]- Sleeping and dreaming, sleep disorders.

GCSE psychology [edexcel]- Sleeping and dreaming, sleep disorders.

This is a GCSE psychology lesson which focuses on the sleeping and dreaming unit. The lesson is based around sleep disorders; insomnia and narcolepsy. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 14 slides on the power point. The lesson also comes with a worksheet with various activities that go along with the power point. The power point indicates when there are activities to complete on the worksheet. Included: starter activity which focuses on recapping the criminal unit. (this task could be changed to link to any other unit which has been taught) title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about sleep disorders. spider diagram task- students to write everything they already know. an explanation of what sleep disorders are. short video clip about insomnia- link on the power point. newspaper article about insomnia. symptoms and explanations of insomnia. video about narcolepsy- questions to answer. Link on the power point. explanation of what narcolepsy is, symptoms and explanations. Challenge questions provided on the power point throughout. practice 4 mark exam question, question and mark scheme provided on the power point.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- what is crime and deviance?

GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- what is crime and deviance?

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. This is lesson one, which is designed to cover key concept such as crime, deviance, laws, social construction and sanctions. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, social stratification and differentiation, retrieval practice quiz. key questions and answers on the pp slide. Title page- encouraging students to discuss what they already know about crime. Handouts for students to keep in books. Key concepts fill in sheet, key studies fill in sheet and know it well tick sheet. All attached as separate documents. Students are presented with three different images, discussion task. Are they criminal or deviant? have norms/ attitudes around these images changed? Key definitions: crime and deviance. Explanation of how crime and deviance could be considered a social construction. Key concepts and examples fill in table. Answers provided on the pp slide. Finish with a clip from summer heights high- students to make a notes of any examples of deviant behaviour. Link on pp slide.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Globalisation & poverty. Social stratification and differentiation.

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Globalisation & poverty. Social stratification and differentiation.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson [WJEC/ EDUQAS] based on the stratification and differentiation unit. The lesson focuses on globalisation and poverty. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, education recap. Students work out the missing words, based on Paul Willis key study. Title page- encouraging students to think about what globalisation means. Globalisation definition. Multinational corporations explanation. Student task, read through the McDonalds information sheet (attached as a separate document) and students answer questions on the pp. Explanation of a global elite. Fill in the blanks task with answers on pp. The connection between employment, globalisation and poverty. Work sheet for students to read through where they can highlight evidence of globalisation. Attached as a separate document. 9 mark practice question. Functionalist and Marxist views on stratification. Example answer included on pp. There is also a brief explanation about how students should answer this question.
GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Stratification & differentiation. Social exclusion and deprivation.

GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Stratification & differentiation. Social exclusion and deprivation.

This is a GCSE sociology lessson [WJEC/ EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on the social stratification and differentiation topic. With a particular focus on social exclusion and deprivation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity. Education recap- students work out the missing words. Title page. Encouraging students to think about what deprivation means, recap absolute and relative poverty. Outline of spec provided on pp slide. Definition of deprivation and how it can be a social construct. Research into relative deprivation. Townsend. Handout provided on a separate document. The cycle of deprivation. Explanation and student task. Provided on a separate work sheet. Students make their own cycle of deprivation, put the statements in the correct order. Answers provided on a separate document. What is social exclusion? - explanation & student task. On pp slide. Social inclusion, explanation provided & challenge question for students. Why are poverty and social exclusion hard to solve? What do sociological theories say about poverty? Student task- instructions on the pp slide. Goes through, marxism, the new right, functionalism and feminism. Plenary- student task. Explaining why some groups are more likely to suffer from poverty, Instructions and examples on pp slide.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Disability and differentiation

GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Disability and differentiation

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the stratification and differentiation unit. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. The lesson goes through how disability can affect life-chances. No other resources are needed other than the power point. Challenge questions provided throughout. Included: Starter activity, education recap. Retrieval practice questioning task. Title page- definition of disability. Encouraging students to share their prior knowledge about how disability can affect life-chances. Mind-map task, what things do we associate with ‘disability’? Explanation of the two ways to view disability- the medical model and social model. Discrimination and disability. How does disability affect life chances? goes through each of the factors; social exclusion, status, employment and hate crime. Link to Marxist view of disability. Plenary- short answer exam style question. Encourages peer assessment (this is structured on the pp) Model answer provided.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Age and differentiation

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Age and differentiation

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the stratification and differentiation unit. The lesson covers age and differentiation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and has a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, education recap. Students to work out the highest scoring key concepts using the scrabble board. Title page- encouraging students to think about key questions to do with the lesson. How do the norms of different ages vary in different societies? How are different ages presented in the media? - extension task provided. How does age affect life chances? Students will then look at each of these three topics in more detail using the textbook. The students will become the expert for one of two roles, they will then teach their partner what they have found out. All instructions are on the pp and resources provided. Students will need access to the GCSE sociology textbook. Question sheets are provided for students to fill in whilst their partner teaches them their expert topic. How are different ages presented in the media? - key information on the pp, students to add this to their summary sheet. Summary sheet provided, students fill this in at the end to make sure they have all the relevant information they need. Plenary- consolidating their knowledge. This allows students to share their opinion on whether the voting age should be reduced.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- gender and differentiation

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- gender and differentiation

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the stratification and differentiation unit. This lesson specifically focuses on gender and differentiation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and has a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, education recap. Students to unscramble the key concepts. Title page- encouraging students to think about Feminism and stratification. How does society present gender roles in the UK today? Male and female roles- image, students to discuss what the image shows. Socialisation- reference to Ann Oakley. Labelling and gender. How have men been affected by changes in society? short video clip. Link on pp slide. New roles for men. Men and life chances. The crisis of masculinity. 9 mark exam question, example structure provided on pp. Plenary- articulate.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Research methods and education revision lesson.

GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Research methods and education revision lesson.

This is a GCSE sociology revision lesson which focuses on the education and research methods units. Key details of what topics are covered are listed below. This is designed as a mock preparation lesson, however could be used as a generic revision lesson. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes are there are a total of 16 slides on the power point. Included: Starter- research methods key concepts sheet. Retrieval practice task, separate worksheet provided. Title page- encouraging students to think about some of the key issues within the methods unit. Strengths and weaknesses of interviews- sheet for students to fill in, provided separately. Answers provided on the pp. Challenge and extension tasks provided throughout. Ethical guidelines/ considerations in research. Sampling key concepts match up task- provided on a separate worksheet for students. Answers on pp. Theories of education- students match up the key sociology/ term with the correct theory. Answers provided. Theories of education student fill in table- provided on a separate worksheet. Answers on pp. Challenge questions included. The hidden curriculum. Pro and anti-school subcultures. How do they affect achievement at school? Plenary- short answer exam style questions. Provided on a separate worksheet, mark scheme on power point.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Family revision lesson

GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Family revision lesson

This is a GCSE sociology lesson [WJEC/ EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on revising the families and households unit. The lesson specfically covers, theories of the family, marriage patterns, is the family in decline along with some games which covers the unit as a whole. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are 13 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, bingo. Title page- retrieval practice, how many key concepts can students remember? Key theories of the family, there is a slide on Functionalism, Marxism and Feminism. IS the family in decline/ changing? key points on the board, reminding students of The New Right and Postmodernism. Short answer exam questions- provided on a separate document. Why are less people getting married? spider diagram, key information on pp slide. Marriage patterns- student fill in the blank task. Student worksheet provided, answers on pp. Sociology quiz- questions on the cultural transmission and family unit. Questions and answers provided on a separate worksheet. Independent revision task, textbook may be required. Plenary- blankety blank- students work out the missing words in a series of statements about the family unit.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- class and differentiation.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- class and differentiation.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the year 11 unit- social stratification and differentiation. This lesson specifically focuses on class and differentiation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 9 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, education recap. True or false activity- provided on a separate worksheet. Short answer exam style question (4). Based on previous learning, formal and informal sources of power. Model answer provided on pp. Title page- discussion task, is class still important today? Recap of what differentiation means. Is class still important? explanation. Student task- apply it question. Research into social class- includes key studies. Are inequalities of social class still important in the UK? - reading task. Students will need access to the GCSE sociology WJEC textbook to complete this task. The question sheet is attached as a separate document. Summary task- students to summarise the arguments for and against the idea that class is no longer important.