Creative and innovative resources that meet the needs of every learner in every lesson.
Why create numerous resources when one can do it all.
Most resources are for geography lessons, but many are for whole-school too and cross over into numerous subjects.
Creative and innovative resources that meet the needs of every learner in every lesson.
Why create numerous resources when one can do it all.
Most resources are for geography lessons, but many are for whole-school too and cross over into numerous subjects.
All the resources for a series of lessons (4 to 5) about modifying the landscape for water. This looks at the social, economic & environmental impacts of the Elan valley to Birmingham water transfer scheme by gravity.
Pupils have an information sheet (best printed in A3 & colour). This provides them with the detail that they need about the water transfer scheme.
This information can be used to create a variety of work, but I find that an article works best (included) along with a SEND article sheet.
There is a structured Q & sheet and subsequent SPaG sheet that I print on green paper to address the needs of most schools literacy policy.
The assessment also put pupil learning into context & can be peer/self or teacher assessed.
I have even included a teacher feedback sheet that is used to speed up the marking process.
A 57 page revision guide designed for OCR A, paper 3 (Skills, Statistics & Fieldwork).
Areas covered are:
Grid References.
Q & A analysis.
Synoptic Q & A.
It differs from a conventional guide because on each page it provides students with actual tasks to complete. E.g. sorting, linking, drawing, SPaG, spot the mistakes etc.
At the back there are dozens of questions that pupils can use the guide to help answer.
The 2 statistic pages were printed on A3, laminated & provided to the pupils as last minute revision, whilst they were waiting to go into the exam hall.
I printed lots off in colour and charged students £2 as well as providing them with a copy on disc. Some students just wanted a free disc copy & printed it at home.
Please see my other guides.
Although designed for OCR, most of the content is the same for other exam boards and it is very easily amended.
This took dozens of hours to create and will be an superb time save resource that will really support students of all ability.
A 57 page revision guide designed for OCR A, paper 1. All with a UK focus.
Areas covered are:
Modifying the landscape for food & water
Urban geography
Upland, lowland & glacial areas
Climate of the UK
It differs from a conventional guide because on each page it provides students with actual tasks to complete. E.g. sorting, linking, drawing, SPaG, spot the mistakes etc.
At the back there are dozens of questions that pupils can use the guide to help answer.
I printed lots off in colour and charged students £2 as well as providing them with a copy on disc. Some students just wanted a free disc copy & printed it at home.
Please see my other guides for paper2 & 3.
Although designed for OCR, much of the content is the same for other exam boards and it is very easily amended.
This took dozens of hours to create and will be an superb time save resource that will really support students of all ability.
A 42 page revision guide designed for OCR A, paper 2.
Areas covered are:
Climate change.
Extreme weather (tropical storms, El Nino & drought).
It differs from a conventional guide because on each page it provides students with actual tasks to complete. E.g. sorting, linking, drawing, SPaG, spot the mistakes etc.
At the back there are dozens of questions that pupils can use the guide to help answer.
I printed lots off in colour and charged students £2 as well as providing them with a copy on disc. Some students just wanted a free disc copy & printed it at home.
Please see my other guides.
Although designed for OCR, much of the content is the same for other exam boards and it is very easily amended.
This took dozens of hours to create and will be an superb time save resource that will really support students of all ability.
A letter outline that gives some ideas and structure as to how to construct a letter when making the transition to SLT.
You will need to add your own experience and ideas, but should give you the basis of your covering letter.
The more whole-school initiatives that you can add, the better.
Remember to always look at the needs of the school that you are applying to and address those in your letter.
A 37 page revision guide for OCR GCSE Geography.
Has command word breakdown & exemplar answer sections along with higher level detail needed for longer answer success.
Lots of detail to allow pupils to access the learning needed for the more complex and longer mark questions.
Although created for OCR A & B, it can easily be amended for Edexcel & AQA.
I used it as a revision tool before the mock & final examinations.
This will save you hours of work.
This is just an outline of possible lessons and it the actual lessons themselves.
A full year 7 or 8 scheme of work.
Most lessons in it are available to download separately.
It is a fun and engaging geography scheme of work that promotes a real love of the subject.
This will save you hours of work.
A full year 9 or 10 scheme of work.
Air masses
Geomorphic processes
Modifying the landscape for food & water
Urban geography
Most lessons in it are available to download.
It is a fun and engaging geography scheme of work that promotes a real love of the subject.
A set of resources created to teach all about the pros and cons of fracking in the UK.
The information sheet is designed to be printed in A3 & provides pupils with all of the learning that is needed. They can create a more creative piece of work (article/story board) or use the structures mindmap sheet provided.
There is a quick test (on the reverse of the mindmap) which tests their learning, using simple fill in the blanks paragraphs.
It is designed to be used with the new 1-9 GCSE geography specifications (most exam boards) or for KS3.
All the resources needed to teach pupils about coastal features coasts. Based upon the Holderness coastline.
Probably 3 to 4 lessons worth of work, including assessment.
areas covered include;
Crack, cave, arch, stack & stump.
Bays & headlands
Bars & spits
Longshore drift.
This really supports pupils working independently and the A3 worksheet provides all of the ingredients needed for all levels of pupil to access the information.
I print the large A3 sheets in colour & laminate them so that they can be used over again. Saves the need for text books.
Suitable for all age groups & easily amended to suit all GCSE geography specifications.
All the resources needed to teach pupils about fracking.
Probably 3 to 4 lessons worth of work, including assessment. I’ve even added work & assessment feedback sheets to allow for speedy marking. Just print & staple to pupil work & assessments.
The A3 worksheet provides all of the ingredients needed for all levels of pupil to access the information.
I normally print in colour & laminate the info sheet. It can be used for future lessons.
Suitable for all age groups & easily amended to suit all GCSE geography specifications.
This bundle contains all of the resources and materials to teach all of the key content related to the GCSE 1-9 specification.
Over 15 resources that took an estimated 20 hours to plan and create.
Lessons include:
growth & character of london
Problems facing the city
sustainable solutions
Lessons are creative and engaging and designed to allow independent learning.
Mark sheets are often included to allow for simple & quick teacher feedback.
A wide selection (13) of geography topics covered, but activities can simply be modified for any subject.
The tasks take roughly 15 minutes.
Pupils generally spot any SaG errors, copy out incorrect words & use tricky words to create a new paragraph.
Te MRI tasks are a bit more specific to geography and allow pupils to put key terminology and SPaG corrections into a more structured GCSE answer.
All the resources for a series of lessons lesson about Delhi. Designed for both KS3 or 4.
Pupils have an information sheet (best printed in A3 & colour). This provides them with the detail that they need about Delhi. Slums, character, problems of urbanisation in less developed countries, push & pull factors and sustainable management.
This information can be used to create a variety of work, but I find that a diary works best (included).
There is a structured Q & sheet and subsequent SPaG sheet that I print on green paper to address the needs of most schools literacy policy.
The assessment also put pupil learning into context & can be peer/self or teacher assessed.
I have even included a teacher feedback sheet that is used to speed up the marking process.
These tasks actually take about (roughly) 5 lessons to complete.
All the resources for an entire lesson about the great barrier reef.
Pupils have an information sheet (best printed in A3 & colour). This provides them with the detail that they need about why the GBR is good for people, its threats & how it is sustainably managed.
This information can be used to create a variety of work, but I find that a cartoon strip works best (included).
There is a structured Q & sheet and subsequent SPaG sheet that I print on green paper to address the needs of most schools literacy policy.
The assessment also put pupil learning into context & can be peer/self or teacher assessed.
I have even included a teacher feedback sheet that is used to speed up the marking process.
These tasks actually take about (roughly) 5 lessons to complete.
This contains 20 resources that cover many of the key words related to the new 1-9 gcse geography specification.
Also included is a series of mri, top-up, misconception activities.
This will save you hours of planning.
A selection of activities that pupils can use mid-way through or at the end of a unit or to top up learning at any point during the course. Students watch a video clip/clips or DVD on the subject. They then add detail to the mindmap. The GCSE question in the centre of the page links all of the content back to a GCSE context. Pupils complete this in purple pen to top up learning & demonstrate understanding. Tricky SPaG has been identified & pupils copy it 3 times. The resources cover much of what schools are asking for, in terms of topping up learning.
A mini unit of work that covers an in-depth look at both Delhi & India.
It covers:
statistical analysis
push & pull
problems in the city
solutions to city problems
I have created materials that should ideally be printed in A3, colour & laminated to be used many times (no need for books).