Starter task to compare and contrast 2 pictures showing poor working conditions from the past and present.
Pupils analyse an argument against sweatshops (exam Q2a and Q3)
Pupils then explore some pieces of information relating to the counter-argument that campaigning against sweatshops may actually cause more harm than good. They first sort the information into evidence for and against the claim.
Pupils then examine a piece of information in more depth to consider how useful and reliable it might be.
Pupils select and justify the 3 pieces of information that may be most useful in supporting the knowledge claim.
Starter task to consider similarities and differences using pictures related to child labour.
Pupils analyse the perspective of a UNICEF article (exam Q1c)
Pupils investigate individual personal perspectives from children in different countries who have experienced child labour.
Pupils then examine a newspaper report from the USA concerning child labour there. They match the summary with the quotation from the article.
Pupils further examine the causes and consequences outlined in the article and suggest potential courses of action.
Starter task to consider global data about life expectancy. Discussion on possible consequences of an ageing population.
Pupils consider retirement ages in different countries and suggest possible reasons for this.
Pupils organise statements into arguments for and against raising the retirement age in a country. They identify the main points, language used, and evidence used and explain which argument they feel is more persuasive (exam Q3)
Pupils explain their own perspective on this issue.
Cambridge Global Perspectives Key Stage 4 Resource
Starter task invites discussion on types of crimes and their prevalence and seriousness.
Analysis of cartogram showing global homicide rates. (exam 1a)
Scaffolded discussion and writing task concerning the significance of causes of violent crime (exam 1d)
Guided example of identifying consequences of violent crime. (exam 1c)
Comparison of solutions proposed to violent crime with examples of facts, opinions, generalisations and vested interest. (exam 1b)
Discussion to evaluate arguments.
Starter task to guess some of the main topics explored in GP.
Discussion of how the topics could link or overlap in terms of global issues.
Pupils identify the 17 UN SDGs. Discussion of links and overlaps between the SDGs and the GP topics.
Teacher models analysis of a current global issue through an online article relating to M Pox.
Pupils work in pairs to investigate one or more of the other articles by identifying: the perspectives, the issue, links to the GP topics and UN SDGs, key facts. Pupils present findings to each other.
Cambridge Global Perspectives Key Stage 4 Resource
Starter task invites discussion of global internet access (exam Q1a)
Evaluation of benefits of internet access for developing countries (exam Q1d)
Analysis of an argument for perspectives and facts/opinons/generalisations (exam Q1b and Q1c)
Evaluation of a source for reliability (IRR)
Follow up activity connected to research for IRR.
Starter task to analyse the context of a photograph.
Discussion concerning the discovery of the Polio vaccine by Jonas Salk and his desire not to patent it.
Analysis of graphical data concerning the eradication of polio globally.
Pupils analyse six different perspectives concerning whether vital medicines should be patent free. They need to identify the main points, perspective, evidence and any weaknesses in the arguments.
Pupils can then investigate online sources connected to the issue before writing an answer to the big question of whether vital medicine should be patent-free.
Starter task to consider the science and purpose of vaccination.
Analysis of global data connected to mandatory childhood vaccination in different countries.
Pupils analyse a debate concerning whether vaccination should be mandatory and identify the key points, evidence, and language used by both sides. Pupils discuss and explain which argument they find most persuasive and why.
Pupils analyse a research project connected to the issue of vaccination to identify its strengths and weaknesses.
Pupils consider how they might improve the research conducted into the issue.
Starter consider the messages and imagery of old adverts for cigarettes.
Discussion concerning the banning and regulation of tobacco advertising. Consideration of whether other harmful substances- such as junk food- should also have an advertising ban.
Pupils analyse arguments for and against banning junk food adverts.
Pupils consider how they could investigate and test a claim concerning the banning of junk food adverts.
Pupils investigate a selection of online sources connected to the issue. They consider the perspectives, research methods, types of evidence, key information, and reliability of the online article.
Starter task to consider global data about life expectancy. Discussion on why life expectancy might be an important issue for governments.
Pupils consider the requirements of the exam Q4.
Pupils work in small groups to formulate potential benefits and downsides to each of the 3 courses of action and report back to the class.
Pupils then locate useful evidence in the sources to add to their responses.
Each group then creates a model paragraph on one of the courses of action to present to classmates.
Pupils peer mark using the tick-list.
Starter task to consider questions related to zoos.
Analysis of an online source related to the issue of zoos. Evaluation of the effectiveness and reliability of the perspective presented.
Pupils work in groups to explore four different online sources connected to the issue. They consider the perspective, points made, language and evidence used, and the reliability of the source.
Pupils sum up different perspectives and reach a personal conclusion.
Starter task to consider what defines a sport.
Pupils complete a guided analysis of a perspective for facts, opinions, vested interests, etc.
Pupils independently analyse an online source for the opposite perspective.
Pupils write an answer to the big question.
Starter task to consider examples of wildlife products that may be traded internationally.
Card sort of causes and consequences of the illegal trade in wildlife. Pupils consider which causes and consequences may be most significant.
Pupils analyse two arguments about solutions to ending the trade in illegal wildlife- including points, language and evidence used.
Pupils discuss and evaluate the solutions proposed.
Starter task to generate questions based upon visual data.
Identification of causes of deforestation in rainforests.
Consideration of relative significance of causes.
Analysis of a perspective, including causes, consequences, and solutions.
Consideration of various perspectives related to deforestation. Pupils organise these into for and against ending deforestation in Brazil and reach a conclusion
Starter task to analyse the message of a cartoon.
Pupils identify knowledge claims in an argument and formulate methods and types of evidence to test a knowledge claim.
Pupils analyse a global perspective connected to the issue for strengths and weaknesses.
Pupils investigate an online source connected to the issue and identify potential strengths and weaknesses.
Pupils locate their own online sources connected to the issue and annotate strengths and weaknesses of the source to share with the class.
Starter task to generate ideas and questions based upon Midway albatrosses.
Video introduction to the Pacific Garbage Patch- pupils note down key statistics and facts.
Card sort of causes and consequences of the Pacific Garbage Patch
Pupils investigate different perspectives regarding who is to blame for the garbage patch and who should clean it up.
Cambridge Global Perspectives Key Stage 4 Resource
Starter task invites discussion on trophy hunting.
Analysis of graph related to the issue.
Card sort analysing arguments for and against trophy hunting.
Research group task to investigate different websites and articles related to the topic. Analysis using summary note table.
Pupils discuss different perspectives related to the issue and formulate their own perspective based on the research from the lesson.
Cambridge Global Perspectives Key Stage 4 Resource
Starter task invites discussion on taking the knee in various sporting events.
Discussion of the 1968 Olympic protest by Tommie Smith and John Carlos using a short documentary.
Background to Colin Kaepernick’s protest.
Analysis of perspectives surrounding protest in sport- pupils categorise information into global, national, local, and personal perspectives and identify which information could be used to support opposing arguments.
Discussion regarding the key question of whether professional athletes should use sporting events as a platform for protest.
Cambridge Global Perspectives Key Stage 4 Resource
Starter task invites discussion on countries that have hosted the Olympics.
Analysis of a global perspective that is positive about the Olympics.
Interpretation of images of protests against the Olympics.
Analysis of an argument for hosting the Olympics including identifying fact, opinion, generalisation and vested interest. Also discussion of the strengths and limitations of the argument.
Comparison of 2 arguments- identifying the evidence used.
Discussion to evaluated whether the pros of hosting the Olympics outweigh the cons.
Cambridge Global Perspectives Key Stage 4 Resource
Starter task invites discussion on how much water there is on Earth.
Analysis of graphs in relation to water usage trends in different global regions.
Thinking task related to the amount of water needed to make everyday objects and foodstuff. Pupils can investigate reasons why certain items require a surprisingly large amount of water to produce.
Card sort analysing the consequences of water scarcity through different perspectives.
Pupils complete homework task related to their household use of water and share findings next lesson.