Exam skills, examples, and scaffolds built into lessons.
Links to real online articles and resources.
Discussion and extension tasks.
Is Graffiti ‘Art’?
Is public artwork a good idea?
Should statues of controversial historical figures be removed?
Should museums return objects to their country of origin?
Links to topic of Digital World.
Exam skills, examples, scaffolds, and mark schemes built into lessons.
Links to real online sources.
Discussion and extension tasks.
Introduction to global internet access.
The Digital Divide
Robots and the workplace
Digital Surveillance
5 lesson with links to topic of Environment, Pollution, and Conservation
Exam skills, examples, scaffolds, and thinking activities built into lessons.
Links to real online sources.
Discussion and extension tasks.
Trophy Hunting
Pacific Garbage Patch
Illegal Trade in Wildlife
Links to topic of Values and Beliefs.
Exam skills, examples, scaffolds, and mark schemes built into lesson.
Links to real online articles.
Discussion and extension tasks.
Introduction to issues regarding the Sanctity of Life
Human Genetic Engineering