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I achieved A*AB in respectively OCR Religious Studies, Edexcel Economics and Maths. Graduated at the University of Warwick. My notes are concise and invaluable in helping you attain top grades in your upcoming A level exams!!




I achieved A*AB in respectively OCR Religious Studies, Edexcel Economics and Maths. Graduated at the University of Warwick. My notes are concise and invaluable in helping you attain top grades in your upcoming A level exams!!
OCR A level Religious Studies 2019 - DCT - Augustine on Human Nature

OCR A level Religious Studies 2019 - DCT - Augustine on Human Nature

These are very condensed and concise revision notes, useful to easily remember and quick to learn, with the information to write an A* essay on any question on the given topic. These notes were invaluable to my revision and for me attaining an A* in Religious Studies. The knowledge in these revision notes are sufficiently detailed and have are able to fill the scope/demand of any essay question within the topic. These notes focus on all aspects of Augustine on human nature, free will, predestination, grace, pride and disobedience, along with some detailed strengths and weaknesses, including critics and overall differing views of human nature from alternative philosophers.
OCR A level Religious Studies - Religious Pluralism & Society DCT Essay Plan

OCR A level Religious Studies - Religious Pluralism & Society DCT Essay Plan

This is an exemplar sample essay plan of a religious pluralism and society essay focusing on inter-faith dialogue, with 3 aspects of theology of religions, exclusivism, inclusivism (scriptural reasoning) and pluralism. I memorised this essay plan for my 2019 DCT Exam and scored 40/40 making specific links to the question, allowing me to achieve A* in DCT overall. This essay plan if used correctly, can be used to answer a broad range of questions within the society chapter of Christian Thought (OCR)
OCR A level Religious Studies - Religious Pluralism & Theology DCT Essay Plan

OCR A level Religious Studies - Religious Pluralism & Theology DCT Essay Plan

This is a comprehensive, critical essay plan, using a general structure to answer questions on Religious pluralism, along with evaluative pointers and critics to add weight to your argument. The detail in this plan provides a variety of approaches that can be taken when writing an essay regarding topics in pluralism. These essay plans are applicable to general questions as well as being able to be tailored to an essay focusing specifically on exclusivism, inclusivism or pluralism. The content in this document, if correct links are made, can be used to answer many essay Qs, accessing level 5/6 bands for AO1 and AO2 when writing essays.
Edexcel Theme 4: Detailed Revision Guide

Edexcel Theme 4: Detailed Revision Guide

9 Resources
These are my A-level notes for Theme 4 Economics, which really helped me in securing an A* in my Paper 2 Exam. The notes are full and concise, covering every aspect of the specification in detail, with a structure outlining all points on the specification in order to ensure this. Examples have been provided when necessary to apply context to the economic concepts in Theme 4. These notes are very easy to learn and are summarised sufficiently, respective to the broadness of a specific topic in a global perspective unit. Overall, these notes are invaluable in securing top grades in Edexcel Economics A (A-level 2015) and the content can easily be applicable to other specifications. This resource also includes; Notes + Challenging topics selection Essay plans (x6) Developing Country (extensive reading with developed countries for additional context/support economic theory)


In Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Developing and Emerging Economies: I chose Nigeria, as my developing country, in where i explored their strengths and weaknesses, summarised a few articles on Nigeria, for economic context, along with a detailed range of statistics of Nigeria to present a strong essay. Along with this, I also discussed in reasonable lengths, the UK economy, as well as news articles with focus of other economies, such as Germany and China, for variety, and a breadth of knowledge in preparation for essay questions and longer mark responses.


6 Resources
These are Edexcel economic essay plans that are very comprehensive, with examples, specifically UK and Nigeria based (as my chosen developing country for Theme 4). I’ve separated the essays into 5 differing parts covering all/majority of the specification. I have divided all chapters into 5 individually to provide option of buying one chapter. The Topics of my essay plans include: International Economies (Globalization (Evaluating both costs and benefits), Causes of Globalization, Patterns of Trade, Specialization and Trade, UK leaving EU, Free trade, Protectionism) A critical essay plan on the causes of poverty and ways to reduce income inequality Essay plans on aid, with relevant contemporary examples in the UK (x2), as well as 2 general development economics essay plans,one on tourism and debt relief and trade liberalization. Essays covering main bullet points on role of the state, including macroeconomic measures for poverty/inequality, international competitiveness, changing levels in taxation and public expenditure, along with problems for policy makers. I memorized all of these in time for my exams and conveniently, my plans had appeared in Paper 2, in verbatim to the specification. Edexcel have a tendency to either draw towards past essay questions from the legacy spec or 16 markers (unit 3) or use bullet points from the specifications. Essay plans are essential in all topics to guarantee your success. These plans inadvertently prepare you for 10,12 and 15 mark responses in section B (Edexcel). Whilst I’ve made these essay plans for Edexcel, the structure is similar to other exam boards, so if the content is relevant it may also be of use. A few of my essays may contain 3 paragraphs because it is nice to have choice when planning and deciding what points you understand easier. In the exam I aim ideally to write 2 detailed analytical paragraphs with heavy convincing evaluation and a strong judgement with extra theoretical weight. Note: majority of the plans are comprehensive, a significant minority of these plans may be less detailed. By doing all of this, allowed me to achieve an A* in my paper 2 exam.
Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: International Competitiveness

Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: International Competitiveness

These are detailed Edexcel economic essay plans that are very comprehensive, with examples, specifically UK based and Nigeria (as my chosen developing country for Theme 4). I’ve separated the essays into 5 differing parts covering all/majority of the specification. I have divided all chapters into 5 individually to provide option of buying one chapter. The Topics of my essay plans include: Additional to International Economics: International Competitiveness Monetary Union
Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plan: Role of the State

Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plan: Role of the State

These are detailed Edexcel economic essay plans that are very comprehensive, with examples, specifically UK based and Nigeria (as my chosen developing country for Theme 4). I’ve separated the essays into 5 differing parts covering all/majority of the specification. I have divided all chapters into 5 individually to provide option of buying one chapter. The Topics of my essay plans include: Role of the state: (Specification oriented) Changing levels of indirect and direct taxes Productivity Measures for international competitiveness Ways to reduce fiscal deficit Measures to reduce poverty and or inequality Why problems occur for policymakers
Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: Poverty and Inequality

Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: Poverty and Inequality

These are detailed Edexcel economic essay plans that are very comprehensive, with examples, specifically UK based and Nigeria (as my chosen developing country for Theme 4). I’ve separated the essays into 5 differing parts covering all/majority of the specification. I have divided all chapters into 5 individually to provide option of buying one chapter. The Topics of my essay plans include: Poverty (causes) Inequality (ways it can be reduced in a developing country)
Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: International Economics

Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: International Economics

These are detailed Edexcel economic essay plans that are very comprehensive, with examples, specifically UK based and Nigeria (as my chosen developing country for Theme 4). I’ve separated the essays into 5 differing parts covering all/majority of the specification. I have divided all chapters into 5 individually to provide option of buying one chapter. The Topics of my essay plans include: International Economics: (Specifically) Globalisation (costs / benefits) Free Trade Specialisation and trade Protectionism Regional trade agreements Trading bloc Pattern of trade
Edexcel Economics Year 1: FULL A GRADE REVISION GUIDE

Edexcel Economics Year 1: FULL A GRADE REVISION GUIDE

5 Resources
These documents on AS level economics for Edexcel Economics A, are invaluable and helping you attain top grades in your first year of a levels (year 12) exams. These are broad, focusing on every aspect of the specification (in notes), this is specifically outlined in the Theme 2 Notes, where every objective of the specification from Edexcel Exam Board, is explicitly stated and a concise and convincing response (without the long, waffly details, is presented). Furthermore, I have also included essay plans and exam responses for both theme 1 and 2, to give students a live example of what mark schemes demand as a high quality answer or more compelling analysis in terms of responses given by students, along with Mark Scheme definitions, to save time with memorising long-winded key terms. Moreover, I have also provided detailed essay plans for both Theme 1 and 2, with at least 10 essay plan per theme, focusing on a broad range of questions within the unit. Lastly, I have provided some exam structure and logistics, to provide tips on multiple, potential ways examiners may review questions.
Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: Emerging and Developing Economies

Theme 4 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: Emerging and Developing Economies

These are detailed Edexcel economic essay plans that are very comprehensive, with examples, specifically UK based and Nigeria (as my chosen developing country for Theme 4). I’ve separated the essays into 5 differing parts covering all/majority of the specification. I have divided all chapters into 5 individually to provide option of buying one chapter. The Topics of my essay plans include: Economic development, debt cancellation, trade liberalisation.
Theme 4 Edexcel Economic Essay Plans: Aid (Economic Development)

Theme 4 Edexcel Economic Essay Plans: Aid (Economic Development)

These essay plans are for the developing and emerging economies chapter in Edexcel Economics A: Theme 4, focusing on 2 specific questions in detail: Whether aid is important factor of development Whether aid should be sent to developing countries These essay plans are very article driven, led by context of applied economics and politics, in which can be applied to many economical theories within the emerging and developing economics chapter. This provides a wider insight to the bigger context of aid, from an arguably multi-disciplinary perspective.
Edexcel Economics Theme 4 - Challenging Topics

Edexcel Economics Theme 4 - Challenging Topics

This is a document of topics that generally come across as challenging in Theme 4. This can be personalized to meet your own needs, and the content can be changed to be more specific in terms of the economic ideas that are harder to revise. This overall, did focus my revision over the summer, allowing me to achieve an A* in my Paper 2 Edexcel Economics Exam, and this would be a useful resource for quickly summarising harder content in later periods of revision for upcoming exams/ mock exams.
Theme 4 Edexcel Economics A (A-level) Revision Notes

Theme 4 Edexcel Economics A (A-level) Revision Notes

These are my A-level notes for Theme 4 Economics, which really helped me in securing an A* in my Paper 2 Exam. The notes are full and concise, covering every aspect of the specification in detail, with a structure outlining all points on the specification in order to ensure this. Examples have been provided (in a UK macroeconomic and global economic viewpoint) when necessary to apply context to the economic concepts in Theme 4. These notes are very easy to learn and are summarised sufficiently, respective to the broadness of a specific topic in a global perspective. Overall, these notes are invaluable in securing top grades in Edexcel Economics A (A-level 2015) and the content can easily be applicable to other specifications. Topics included: International Economics Poverty and Inequality Economic development Financial markets Role of the state
Edexcel Theme 3: Detailed Revision Guide

Edexcel Theme 3: Detailed Revision Guide

5 Resources
These are my A-level notes for Theme 3 Economics, which really helped me in securing top grades in my Paper 1 Exam. The notes are full and concise, covering every aspect of the specification in detail, with a structure outlining all points on the specification in order to ensure this. Examples have been provided when necessary to apply context to the economic concepts in Theme 3. These notes are very easy to learn and are summarised sufficiently, respective to the broadness of a specific topic in the business behaviour and labour market unit. Overall, these notes are invaluable in securing top grades in Edexcel Economics A (A-level 2015) and the content can easily be applicable to other specifications. These also include; Essay plans Essay Outlines Essay Analysis for Market Structures
Theme 3 Edexcel Economics A - Essay Outlines

Theme 3 Edexcel Economics A - Essay Outlines

This theme 3 Edexcel essay plans have been invaluable to my revision. The content of these plans have been tailored specifically to fulfill demands of the specification. Whilst I personally use a 2 paragraph structure with however points in my essay in the exams, I like to write 2-4 paragraphs in these plans to provide choice in what content you can build up upon, either contextually or theoretically (in terms of economic analysis). These plans are very example based and/or article driven, as the content/theory is rather easier to apply with given examples provided. These plans specifically are more unique to my general plans and are very brief pointers of ideas you can use for analysis and evaluation when writing a variety of economic essays for theme 3.
Theme 3 Edexcel Economics Essay Analysis for Market Structures

Theme 3 Edexcel Economics Essay Analysis for Market Structures

This is a simplistic market structures memory map covering how to fill the scope of an essay using market structures. It also reflects how easy basing advantages and disadvantages of perfect competition and oligopoly (for example) from their characteristics are, rather than finding very specific pointers that are completely unique for each and every market structure, which are often quite challenging to recall and revise from. The knowledge in this; is often accurate, however as it is based from my knowledge as well as research, and I have not changed the content on this document, there may appear one occasional lapse of error in my economic theory. Overall, it serves very useful in covering topics from, Market structures/failure/contestability
Theme 3 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: Government Intervention

Theme 3 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: Government Intervention

This theme 3 Edexcel essay plans have been invaluable to my revision. The content of these plans have been tailored specifically to fulfill demands of the specification. Whilst I personally use a 2 paragraph structure with however points in my essay in the exams, I like to write 2-4 paragraphs in these plans to provide choice in what content you can build up upon, either contextually or theoretically (in terms of economic analysis). These plans are very example based and/or article driven, as the content/theory is rather easier to apply with given examples provided. The topics I’ve included in this are: Controlling monopolies Subsidies Competitive tendering Privatisation (I did not include nationalisation, as I predicted it would not be in the 2019 exam, however there is a possiblity of seeing it in 2020 for Edexcel and other exam boards, so be prepared for this possiblity ;)
Theme 3 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: Business Growth / Efficiency / Pricing Strategies

Theme 3 Edexcel Economics Essay Plans: Business Growth / Efficiency / Pricing Strategies

This theme 3 Edexcel essay plans have been invaluable to my revision. The content of these plans have been tailored specifically to fulfill demands of the specification. Whilst I personally use a 2 paragraph structure with however points in my essay in the exams, I like to write 2-4 paragraphs in these plans to provide choice in what content you can build up upon, either contextually or theoretically (in terms of economic analysis). These plans are very example based and/or article driven, as the content/theory is rather easier to apply with given examples provided. The topics I’ve included in this are: Business Growth Efficiency (E.g. allocative, productive) Pricing strategies (and non-pricing strategies)