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The Sweeney Contexts
This resource comprises of a thorough exploration of contexts and how it can be applied to the Sweeney. The lesson also looks at some of the similarities and differences between The Sweeney and Luther. This lesson needs to be taught after looking at Luther
Lesson outline:
DO NOW (Starter activity) random questions from syllabus
Mind Map on 70s contexts
Four slides on Sweeney context and Historical contexts
Comparisons between The Sweeney and Luther
Viewing time
Long answer questions

The Archers Industry and Audience Eduqas Media GCSE
This resource comprises of three PowerPoint lessons (each powerpoint planned for a duration of 2hours/ 15-25 slides each) , resources to print are embedded in the PPTs. This resource is packed with a range of activities, exemplars, exam style questions and plenty information!

OCR GCSE Newspaper P2 Q9 Revision
This lesson explores Question 9 in paper 2 in-depth. Students will learn how to structure and plan a level 3 response to 15 marker newspaper question.

Newspaper OCR Media Studies Q1&2
This resource comprises of three lessons exploring Question 1 and 2 in the OCR A-level exam. Each lesson is planned for a duration of 70/80 minutes, thus three double lessons in total. All lessons explore theory, paragraph planning, exam questions, mark scheme,and exemplars.

The Voice A-level
This lesson focuses on the theoretical framework of media language, indrepresentation, industry and audiences in relation to The Voice. This lesson is planned for a duration of 5-6 hours. It also includes contexts, theoretical approaches and activities.

Spectre: Industry
This SOW comprises of two powerpoint lesson, each planned for a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes. There is also a powerpoint slide for the Bond/Spectre website analysis.
The resources cover the following:
Product placement
Ownership/ Industry (conglomerates/vertical and horizontal integration)
Key facts

Newspapers OCR Media Studies GCSE
This resource comprises of SOW exploring Theory, Media Language, Representation, Industry, Audiences and Contexts. Each lesson (five in total) is planned for a duration of 80 minutes).

Textual Analysis Cambridge International Media AS
This lesson is for textual analysis. This can be used for any spec as it teaches in-depth analysis, but best for: IB, International, BTEC as there is no set text focus.
The following lesson will cover a minimum of three hours and it is not an introduction to the topics. It also comes with a worksheet that has the activities detailed on there.
(Please check the notes in the powerpoint for exemplars and links to media texts)
The lesson comprises the following:
exploration of Semiotics part 1 and 2
recap of technical codes and definitions
micro and macro analysis activity on the opening of Luther
exam questions
in-depth semiotic analysis on stranger things opening
Todorov’s theory of Narratology and in-depth analysis on the front cover
Essay question on magazine print to challenge students and strengthen understanding of theories
Textual Analysis homework

Article Writing: iGCSE English as a second language
This lesson has been designed to teach article writing thus it can be used for any lesson.
This has been created for the iGCSE English as a second language
This lesson (minimum two hour lesson) comprises of the following:
spelling test
the purpose of article writing
answering questions on the purpose and structure
retrieval questions
article writing step by step guide
heavy scaffolding
peer assessment with mark scheme

Report Writing: iGCSE English as a second language
This lesson has been designed to teach report writing thus it can be used for any lesson.
This has been created for the iGCSE English as a second language.
The lesson (minimum two hours comprises the following):
spelling test
questions on report writing
conventions of a report and identifying them
group work// students researching a topic of interest and their choice
students writing their reports
peer assessment with mark scheme

Media Audiences AS Level: Cambridge International
This resource offers versatile applications within the realm of audience theoretical frameworks, making it relevant across various exam boards. Serving as an initial stepping stone for the exploration of media audiences, it provides a comprehensive overview before delving into specific set texts. While the focus primarily caters to A-level standards, with its in-depth analysis of music videos, adaptations can be made to align with the requirements of other boards, such as AQA GCSE, albeit with some necessary adjustments.
This resource is a 3 hour minimum lesson that comprises of the following:
Questions and answers provided
Mainly student led so teacher can facilitate
Exam question
Exam answer exemplar
Answer sheet
A range of activites
Worksheet with activities linked to slides on the board
Exploration of :
Stuart Hall Reception theory
Passive/Active audience Clay Shirky
Gerbner Cultivation theory
Jenkin’s fandom theory
Blumer and Katz Uses and gratifications theory
Socioeconomic grades ABC1C2DE
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory
Psychographic groups – Young and Rubicam

Reading Comprehension
This resource is for reading comprehension.
The resource comprises of the following:
Group work activites
Vocabulary building
Exploration of western culture: film, television, film, music
Group presentation
Independent study
Answer sheet
Worksheet with actvities related to slides
Extended reading activities

As Media Cambridge International: Media Institutions/Media Industry
This resource offers a comprehensive examination of the media industry, spanning a minimum duration of three hours. It delves into various facets, including:
Technology Convergence.
Cross-Media Convergence
Synergistic Partnerships (focused on marketing)
Key Terminology: Covering essential concepts such as oligopolies, monopolies, and integration etc.
Curran and Seaton’s Power and Media Industries Theory
The resource features a diverse array of activities and tasks, including:
Independent Study
Exam Questions
Model Answers
While the primary focus is on analyzing the “How You Like That” music video by Black Pink, additional texts are also examined, such as:
Marketing materials for the “Black Widow” film.
BBC Radio One Breakfast Show.
“I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor” music video.
This diverse selection of media texts allows for a rich and varied exploration of concepts and practices within the media industry.

Speaking, Video and Listening: EAL as a second language
This comprehensive lesson, spanning a minimum of two hours, aims to develop students’ listening, research, critical thinking, and communication skills concerning cultural differences. The lesson is structured as follows:
Introduction to Cultural Differences: Students reflect on their own experiences to initiate understanding.
Pair Conversations: Engage in guided discussions on predetermined conversation topics.
Video Analysis and Inference: Students watch videos and respond to questions, fostering analytical thinking and comprehension.
Group Discussion: Further exploration through another video, prompting group discussions to deepen understanding.
Debate Preparation: Students form groups and receive debate topics, preparing arguments collaboratively.
Debate: Group leaders will debate and students will vote for the argument that won
Self-Recording: Culmination with students individually recording responses to a series of questions, reinforcing comprehension and articulation skills.
This lesson offers a holistic approach to exploring and engaging with cultural diversity through speaking and listening

EDUQAS GCSE Media Studies Waterfalls by TLC Media Language and Contexts
This resource comprises of a 80 minutes double lesson focusing on the analysis and evaluation of media language as well as the influence of social and cultural contexts. The lesson includes the following:
DO NOW starter activity on research of TLC and the term intertextuality
Explanation of Intertextuality and some examples
Background contexts on TLC
Video information on HIV/AIDS in the 90s and information on how the music video is influenced by this context
Watch the video
Video information on Street violence in the 90s and information on how the music video is influenced by this context
Intertextuality in the music video
Explanation of the term iconography
Group discussion on how romance/love iconography is used in the music video
Lyrics illustration
Music codes and conventions and how it’s used in the music video
Media language analysis independent work
Media language analysis answers and self mark
Media language analysis group work
Exam question
sentence starters for less able

This resource comprises of accompanying worksheets with a PowerPoint presentation which includes:
Thorough exploration on political contexts
Exploration on cultual contexts
Exam requirements
Left and right wing video
In depth exploration on Product context
Identification of left and right wing values on newspaper front covers
Exploration on Daily Mail’s right wing stance
Recap quiz
Exploration and evaluation on historical context
Research on regulatory boards
Exploration on product context with regulation
Evaluation on how contexts influences the content produced
Exploration on self-regulated newspapers
Introduction to Leveson’s Inquiry with video and reflection questions
Recap questions on Leveson’s Inquiry
Discovery as to why newspapers refuse to sign to IPSO regulatory board
Exploration on IMPRESS regulatory board and analysis questions
Analysis on the advantages and disadvantages on regulatory boards
Question on the power of regulatory boards
Technological change and Digital convergence with questions
Daily Mail statistics on readership and circulation along with long answer questions
Exploration on digital convergence
Social media task
Theoretical approaches Curran and Seaton, Hesmondhalgh
Exam Question with assessment objective

The 1960s Observer & The Guardian INDUSTRIES and AUDIENCES OCR MEDIA GCSE
This resource comprises of one PowerPoint with two worksheets, one for more able and one for less able.
The PowerPoint presentation includes:
Recap on the 1960s newspapers with sentence starters (including exam question)
Newspaper ownership
Exploration on how much control owners have
Exploration on the leveson’s inquiry with link to video
Exploration on regulation and questions
Introduction to technology convergence
Analysis on how technology has impacted news
Key terminology for industries
How the observer uses technology
The Guardian’s use of social media and online technology
Exploration as why print still exists
Recap Quiz
Exam Questions
Exam Question Answers
Social class NRS grades with task
The observer target audience
How the observer appeals to the target audience
Task on how The Guardian and The observer appeal to their target audience with accompanying worksheets
Passive vs Active audience
Exam questions with answers
Link to Mrs Fisher’s uses and gratidication theory with reflection question
Application of the theory task
Exam question

The 1960's Observer and The Guardian Introduction OCR MEDIA GCSE
This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with two worksheets, one for more able and the other for less able students.
The PowerPoint includes:
Focus on students general understanding of newspapers
Exam requirements
Product Context with questions
The observer ownership with questions
The observer product context with questions
Recap quiz
Tabloid vs Broadsheet with questions
Plenary questions

The Voice Audiences AQA ALEVEL MEDIA
This resource comprises of a PowerPoint which includes the following:
Recap on representation in relation to the voice
Activity on website analysis and appeal to the audience
Class debate on how the voice is successful in appealing to audiences
Evaluation of theoretical approaches in regards to audience
Group activity on theoretical approaches
Compare and contrast essay question
In depth analysis on theoretical approach to the voice
Plenary essay questions

This resource comprises of two PowerPoint presentations.
PowerPoint 1 includes the following:
Research activity including an article and questions
Exam Requirements
Product Context
Ownership model
Article on ownership and questions
Exploration on technology inteference
Exploration on online presence
A link to Mrs Fisher video on David Hesmondhalgh’s theory
A worksheet on Hesdmondhalgh’s theory
Long answer questions
PowerPoint 2 includes the following:
Quizlet live quiz
Post-it-note questions
Fill in the blank paragraph
Structure of 15 marker questions
Checklist on paragraph structure
Students highlight an exam response based on the structure
Students highlight key terminology
Mark scheme
Students will create a paragraph plan for the exam question
Students will write their exam response
Students will provide post-it-notes feedback