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This resource comprises of a PowerPoint presentation which includes:
Starter questions on Stuart Hall’s representation theory
Exploration of Laura Mulvey’s Male Gaze theory
Male Gaze activity
Exploration of the representation of men in the Ad
Exam question with response analysis
Exam question with paragraph structure and key terminology
Creative activity to recreate the Ad

This resource comprises of a PowerPoint Presentation which includes the folllowing:
Research activity on Audrey Hepburn
A link to the advert and reflection questions
Exam Requirements
A link to an article (If hyperlink doesn’t work check the notes)
Questions for the article are in the following slides with the answers please put it on a document and hand out to students to use whilst reading the article
Intertextual references activity with answers
Students to define key terminology through research
Students analyse key media language terms in reference to the ad
Answers to the aforementioned task
Complete the blank paragraph
Propp’s character theory analysis
Todorov’s narrative theory analysis
Exam question with assessment objective
Sentence starters for exam question
Peer assessment Mark scheme

This PowerPoint include the following:
Recap questions on Media language with answers
Carousel Activity on different social groups
Debate Activity on stereotypes
Research questions and Challenge questions
Selection, Mediation and Construction worksheet activity
A link to Mrs Fisher’s Stuart Hall Reception theory
A response worksheet applying the Reception theory with an exemplar

This resource has a PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Research Activity on the contexts
Exam specification and Assessment Objectives
Hyperlink of the Ad (Video - if it doesn’t work please use the link in the notes)
Social Contexts
Recap Quiz
Analysis of the lyrics
Information on the genre
Terminology study
Video link to Mrs Fisher Intertextuality meaning
Video link to Mrs Fisher Genre, Sub-genre and hybrid genre meaning
Study of the narrative with answers
Semiotic Analysis group activity with an exemplar
Exam Question
Creative task on print advertisement

This resources comprises of the following:
A powerPoint lesson
Worksheet (With extension and some challenge tasks)
Worksheet for more able (with extension and challenge tasks)
Worksheet for less able (Scaffolded questions and simplified activities)
Homework Document with two activities
Fareshare website analysis
Video post analysis
Social media pages document
This was created on google docs and slides so their might be some issues with formatting.
The PowerPoint lesson includes the following:
Specification Requirements
Assessment Objectives
Research activity for contexts
Analysis of MR official website: homepage
Match up activity for website features/ familiarisation with key terminology
Analysis of genre features
Exam question with exemplar, paragraph structure, mark scheme
Creative website task
Recap Quiz
Social media analysis, Group activity with exemplars
Reflection Questions
Exploration of Semiotic Theory
Semiotic analysis and evaluation task with exemplars
In depth semiotic theory study
In depth semiotic theory task
Semiotic theory quiz
Exam Question
Peer Assessment with mark scheme and feedback sheet
Creative social media task
Consolidation quiz
RAGS assessment

As Media Cambridge International: Media Institutions/Media Industry
This resource offers a comprehensive examination of the media industry, spanning a minimum duration of three hours. It delves into various facets, including:
Technology Convergence.
Cross-Media Convergence
Synergistic Partnerships (focused on marketing)
Key Terminology: Covering essential concepts such as oligopolies, monopolies, and integration etc.
Curran and Seaton’s Power and Media Industries Theory
The resource features a diverse array of activities and tasks, including:
Independent Study
Exam Questions
Model Answers
While the primary focus is on analyzing the “How You Like That” music video by Black Pink, additional texts are also examined, such as:
Marketing materials for the “Black Widow” film.
BBC Radio One Breakfast Show.
“I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor” music video.
This diverse selection of media texts allows for a rich and varied exploration of concepts and practices within the media industry.

Speaking, Video and Listening: EAL as a second language
This comprehensive lesson, spanning a minimum of two hours, aims to develop students’ listening, research, critical thinking, and communication skills concerning cultural differences. The lesson is structured as follows:
Introduction to Cultural Differences: Students reflect on their own experiences to initiate understanding.
Pair Conversations: Engage in guided discussions on predetermined conversation topics.
Video Analysis and Inference: Students watch videos and respond to questions, fostering analytical thinking and comprehension.
Group Discussion: Further exploration through another video, prompting group discussions to deepen understanding.
Debate Preparation: Students form groups and receive debate topics, preparing arguments collaboratively.
Debate: Group leaders will debate and students will vote for the argument that won
Self-Recording: Culmination with students individually recording responses to a series of questions, reinforcing comprehension and articulation skills.
This lesson offers a holistic approach to exploring and engaging with cultural diversity through speaking and listening

Reading Comprehension
This resource is for reading comprehension.
The resource comprises of the following:
Group work activites
Vocabulary building
Exploration of western culture: film, television, film, music
Group presentation
Independent study
Answer sheet
Worksheet with actvities related to slides
Extended reading activities

Media Audiences AS Level: Cambridge International
This resource offers versatile applications within the realm of audience theoretical frameworks, making it relevant across various exam boards. Serving as an initial stepping stone for the exploration of media audiences, it provides a comprehensive overview before delving into specific set texts. While the focus primarily caters to A-level standards, with its in-depth analysis of music videos, adaptations can be made to align with the requirements of other boards, such as AQA GCSE, albeit with some necessary adjustments.
This resource is a 3 hour minimum lesson that comprises of the following:
Questions and answers provided
Mainly student led so teacher can facilitate
Exam question
Exam answer exemplar
Answer sheet
A range of activites
Worksheet with activities linked to slides on the board
Exploration of :
Stuart Hall Reception theory
Passive/Active audience Clay Shirky
Gerbner Cultivation theory
Jenkin’s fandom theory
Blumer and Katz Uses and gratifications theory
Socioeconomic grades ABC1C2DE
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory
Psychographic groups – Young and Rubicam

Report Writing: iGCSE English as a second language
This lesson has been designed to teach report writing thus it can be used for any lesson.
This has been created for the iGCSE English as a second language.
The lesson (minimum two hours comprises the following):
spelling test
questions on report writing
conventions of a report and identifying them
group work// students researching a topic of interest and their choice
students writing their reports
peer assessment with mark scheme

Article Writing: iGCSE English as a second language
This lesson has been designed to teach article writing thus it can be used for any lesson.
This has been created for the iGCSE English as a second language
This lesson (minimum two hour lesson) comprises of the following:
spelling test
the purpose of article writing
answering questions on the purpose and structure
retrieval questions
article writing step by step guide
heavy scaffolding
peer assessment with mark scheme

Textual Analysis Cambridge International Media AS
This lesson is for textual analysis. This can be used for any spec as it teaches in-depth analysis, but best for: IB, International, BTEC as there is no set text focus.
The following lesson will cover a minimum of three hours and it is not an introduction to the topics. It also comes with a worksheet that has the activities detailed on there.
(Please check the notes in the powerpoint for exemplars and links to media texts)
The lesson comprises the following:
exploration of Semiotics part 1 and 2
recap of technical codes and definitions
micro and macro analysis activity on the opening of Luther
exam questions
in-depth semiotic analysis on stranger things opening
Todorov’s theory of Narratology and in-depth analysis on the front cover
Essay question on magazine print to challenge students and strengthen understanding of theories
Textual Analysis homework

Newsbeat A-Level Media Studies AQA (Industry)
This lesson (approximately 3-5hrs) is extremely detailed, clear sequencing and concise. It encompasses the following: individual and group activities, extensive information, theoretical approaches, exam questions, prompts, sentence starts, differentiation, high order thinking questions and challenges.

The Voice Revision Quiz AQA A-level
This resource includes an overview of what your students need to know in preparation for the exam. This resource covers the theoretical framework (media language, representations, industry and audience, contexts and academic theories) in relation to the Voice CSP for the AQA A-level specification.
This is a PowerPoint lesson, a quiz for the duration of 65 minutes. Give your students 30 seconds to answer the short response questions and 1:30 minutes for the long response questions. They should be using a whiteboard in groups of 3/4 to answer the questions.

The I newspaper Revision Quiz (AQA)
A revision PowerPoint looking at the industry and audience theoretical framework, as well as terminology and contexts in relation to The i newspaper CSP for the AQA Media specification.

The Daily Mail Revision Quiz
A revision PowerPoint looking at the industry and audience theoretical framework, as well as terminology and contexts in relation to The Daily Mail CSP for the AQA Media specification.

This resources comprises of two powerpoints that look at Media Language, Industry, Contexts and Audiences in regards to areas of the theoretical framework, in relation to the newspaper CSP (Daily Mirror). The lessons include:
group activities
independent activities
extensive and detailed information
sentence structures
theory application
prompts for differentiation
challenge exam questions
assessment objectives and links back to the specification

Galaxy Advertisement AQA GCSE Media Studies
This resource focuses on the theoretical framework of media (media language and representation in relation to the Galaxy Advertisement (Audrey Hepburn). This lesson includes:
media language
theoretical approaches
exam questions
group activities
independent work// student agency
production activity

GCSE AQA Media Exam Prep
This resource looks at the exam preparation for the following:
galaxy chocolate advert
Arctic Monkeys’ I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor music video
Tatler magazine

Old Town Road AQA A-level
This lesson focuses on media language and representation in relation to the Old Town Road music video. It also includes theoretical approaches, some contexts and exam prep.