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Back To School  Kensuke's Kingdom Year 4 to 6 Planning and worksheets

Back To School Kensuke's Kingdom Year 4 to 6 Planning and worksheets

I’m now retired from teaching after decades in the classroom. I’d like to help the younger generation. One aspect I don’t miss in Sundays. Trying to fill in planning grids that were rarely used or looked at. What a nightmare! So I’ve put together my teaching plans etc from the various schools I was in. The zip contains loads. I’ve put a sample in the ordinary download to give you a flavour It’s mainly to do with Kensuke’s Kingdom. But there’s othet stuff too included for free. There’s stuff on Dolphin Boy, Butterfly boy etc. Feel free to adapt for your planning grid. Sample planning : Recount one event from holiday. Note features and language patterns to list. Chronological, time connectives, 1st person, past tense, personal views. Write a recount for the Easter holiday. Individual revision task. Focus on organization and links using temporal connective phrases. Personal views. Introduce ch 1 for Kensuke’s Kingdom. Record initial response with prediction. Select examples to show Michael’s feelings. List reasons for and against yourself and family setting off on a round the world sail, Justify relating to evidence selected from the text. Red: format provided Gr/Or: list reasons from two places Bl/Y: form contrasting sentences… begin with, “even though…” Read ch 2. In pairs. How does Mom feel about the trip and Dad’s ideas? What is the alternative? 1. Why has Michael decided now to tell his story? 2. Who are the members of Michael’s family? 3. What do the family do together on the weekends? Can you describe how it makes them feel? 4. Why do the family stop sailing? 5. What is the atmosphere like in the house? 6. What happened to Michael’s best friend? 7. What happens to Michael’s father and why? 8. What do you think happens next? 9. Describe the father when they meet up again. What sort of mood is he in? Read chapter three. List examples of each character’s feelings. How do Mom and Dad’s feelings compare. When Michael and his family first set sail, how many miles a day do they want to do? How many miles a day do they actually do? What game do Michael’s parents play? What do they eat? What creatures do they see off the coast of Africa? In November they went to Brazil. Where did they stop? What did Michael do in Brazil? What did they do on Christmas Day? Describe, in your own words, the incident with Stella Artois. Record the incident with Stella as a personal diary entry. Refer to events in the chapter. HA: personal style to include worries for the future. MA: Organise into paragraphs with links LA: use ed-ing-ly openers. You get 8.7 mb of stuff so that’s good value imo. In it are lesson plans, powerpoints, questions etc. Enjoy your Sundays!
Spring Term Literacy Planning Year 5 s1 KS2

Spring Term Literacy Planning Year 5 s1 KS2

Great planning for year 5 for the Spring Term. Jam packed with plans, ideas, powerpoints etc. You get 200 mb of material, so great value. e.g. Persuasive writing, recounts, stories from other cultures, descriptive writing, model writing Plus you get some year 5 Autumn planning I did in one school I taught in.
Easter Resources Powerpoints Lessons PDFs Catholic Flavour Lots of Resources

Easter Resources Powerpoints Lessons PDFs Catholic Flavour Lots of Resources

I’ve combined all my planning from the schools I taught in. I was in a few schools in the U.K., quite a few of them Catholic. There is a massive amount of planning for you to sift through. Years range all the way through from 4 year olds to 11 year olds. There’s some great powerpoints, lesson plans, sheets, even a play or two. You’ll have to sift through them as I am enjoying my retirement too much to do that! You get over 250 mb of stuff (300 plus files)
Gandhi  Four Weeks Literacy Lesson Matilda Roald Dahl Grammar Year 6

Gandhi Four Weeks Literacy Lesson Matilda Roald Dahl Grammar Year 6

Four Weeks Gandhi work. Plus stuff on Roald Dahk Matilda. All on word documents. lots of great ideas. A few other goodies thrown in for good measure. Plenty of grammar as well with some great powerpoints. the zip file contains loads. I have uploaded a few examples too so you get the feel. sample planning : L.O: Understand who Mahatma Gandhi was. Success Criteria  Use limited information to deduce and infer.  Describe why Mahatma Gandhi was so well known and influential.  Consider what you would like to find out about him. Start by showing the phrase ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.’ In table groups discuss what you think this means and what type of person you think may have said it. Feedback, discuss and put on working wall. Reveal that it was a man called Mahatma Gandhi who said this. Show the trailer to ‘Gandhi’ DVD (1982). All groups to complete a KWL grid. What do I know? What do I want to know? What have I learnt? APP links: L.O: Use L5 adjectives to analyse a real character from history. Success Criteria  Take useful notes on a subject.  Generate L5 adjectives and phrases.  Use alliteration if possible. Use PowerPoint to discuss Gandhi’s life further – children to make notes in SODA books. Give each pair a minute to decide on one fact they think should be on working wall. Make notes on working wall about his life to include: Helped free Indian people from British Rule Non violent protest based on courage and truth Different ways of protesting Started in South Africa then India Governments were forced to listen to him and negotiate Encouraged people to make their own resources rather than buying British. Used fasting as a protest and a penance Spent time in prison Is known as the ‘Father of the Nation’ Birthday is a public holiday in India. Children to have a picture of Gandhi in the middle of their page. Annotate with L5 adjectives and phrases to describe him. Fire group (AA): Extended by CN to include alliterative phrases that could be newspaper headlines of his life. Water Group (A): Working independently. Air group (BA): Supported by assistant.
Back To School J K Rowling Harry Potter Literacy  Planning Literacy Year 5

Back To School J K Rowling Harry Potter Literacy Planning Literacy Year 5

A fantastic planning set. Four weeks worth. J K Rowling. Worked very well when I was a teacher. Focuses on : Tales of the Beadle Bard’ and ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.’ Two long powerpoints included. In total you get : 4 Powerpoints 3 pdf files 7 word files that have 4 weeks planning on them 2 excel files Sample planning: Genre: Narrative Unit 1 - Stories by a significant children’s author. Focus Texts: ‘Tales of the Beadle Bard’ and ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.’ Objectives Primary Framework Group Discussion and Interaction: Understand the process of decision making. Understanding and interpreting texts: Infer writers’ perspectives from what is written and what is implied. Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured. Explore how writers use language for comic and dramatic effects. Engaging with and responding to texts: Reflect on reading habits and preferences and plan personal reading goals. Compare the usefulness of techniques such as visualisation, prediction and empathy in exploring the meaning of texts.
Back To School Planning Year 4 Year 5 First Week Rules Activities Powerpoints

Back To School Planning Year 4 Year 5 First Week Rules Activities Powerpoints

back to school activity pack. Ideal for year 4 and 5. Can be adapted for different years of course. I mainly taught in these years groups, and this planning helped so much in that tricky first week, There;s a bit of everything. Planning of course, rules, display, activities Just packed with vital little time savers. Some really goo VCOP stuff too. Plenty of resources. Give it a go!
Year 5 Back to School Autumn Planning Fables Literacy Lots of Planning

Year 5 Back to School Autumn Planning Fables Literacy Lots of Planning

Lots of planning for the Autumn term. Literacy. Powerpoints, planning and handouts included. Plenty of a month’s work. Sample planning: Genre: Traditional stories, fables, myths, legends. Focus Texts: Robin Hood (Legend), Hercules (Myth) and Pandora’s Box (Myth). Objectives Primary Framework 7. Understanding and interpreting texts  Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured  Explore how writers use language for comic & dramatic effects 8. Engaging with and responding to texts  Compare the usefulness of techniques such as visualisation, prediction and empathy in exploring the meaning of texts 11. Sentence structure and punctuation  Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophe Learning/Writing outcome for unit: Children can write a new version of a legend, identifying their audience and adapting their writing to suit this audience. Children can reflect on their own performances. Children can reflect critically on their own writing and edit and improve it. NB Teacher Day on Monday, Mass on Thursday LO: Whole Class Shared Learning Guided and Independent Activities: Plenary: Tu Identify features of a myth. Introduce the new unit and look at the writing outcome displayed on the working wall – explain that we have three weeks to achieve this. Allow children two minutes to TTYP and talk about the new unit – do they have any ideas about myth, legends or fables? Introduce the LO for today. Work through the PowerPoint on the features of a myth. Activity One Come back together and create a ‘post it’ note checklist for the working wall, to include: A myth is about gods and goddesses It is set in ancient times It features danger/revenge It includes use of magical powers It uses powerful imagery Characters are heroes Explains a strange/important happening It features strange, frightening creatures Read the following version of ‘Pandora’s Box’ and compare & contrast: http://myths.e2bn.org/mythsandlegends/story562-pandoras-box.html Activity Two Activity One Read through the myth of ‘Pandora’s Box’ Discuss the features – give children 10 minutes to highlight the features in pairs. LA: Supported by IR Activity Two Provide several examples of myths for pairs. Children to highlight and annotate the features. Differentiate questioning after activity. Discuss the task – were all the features present? Push HA to say that Myths pass on cultural, religious or spiritual beliefs and traditions. Look at the ten rainbow steps to writing a myth on PPT – discuss how this links to the story mountain. Homework and spellings.
Great Year 5 English Literacy Christmas Planning Alternative Christmas

Great Year 5 English Literacy Christmas Planning Alternative Christmas

This is some great planning for Christmas for Year 5 Literacy. I found the kids loved it. Advantages for you: kids are interested, it’s non religious so can be shown to everyone, you can watch the lovely short movie umpteen times so takes the strain off you. It’s based on a great little movie, voiced by the late great John Hurt. It will fill up the last two to three weeks nicely. Plus there’s non literacy planning for free. Some example planning : To analyse and create a character and setting description for 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North. I can express verbally what a character may be feeling, thinking or doing I can explain why I think a character may feel, think or do something I can describe a setting using figurative language Starter 5 mins Pen portrait of key characters in 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North: Children mind map/annotate information about the key characters that they know so far around an image of The Adventurer and Professor Erit. They add information about the internal feelings, thoughts and emotions within and the external information such as physical description, or known facts Activity 1 5-10 mins Use key questions and discussion in groups to think about answers to questions such as: Why am I here? Will I be able to find Professor Erit? Emphasise the importance of chn giving evidence to support their opinion when they give a response to these questions. Activity 10 mins Return to image of the Adventurer and Professor Erit. Using a different coloured pencil, chn should add information about these characters Main 20 mins Give chn an image of the setting and ask them to mind-map descriptive words, phrases or sentences they could use to describe the narrative setting. Model using the different kinds of sentence-types to record a setting description, using the vocabulary recorder in the mind-map. Chn use sentences to build suspense if they can. Plenary 5 – 10 mins Chn share their comments about the Adventurer and Professor Erit with the class. Chn to explain what they have now learnt about each character - using their skills of inference. Share best sentences to describe setting. Take a moment to add any extra information after the class discussion to their own work, using another coloured pencil.
Persuasive Writing Lots of Planning Powerpoints Worksheets English

Persuasive Writing Lots of Planning Powerpoints Worksheets English

Happily retired, decided to put together my Persuasive writing planning from my various schools. there’s a mass of stuff! Save yourself a shedload of time and enjoy your Sundays! Plenty of great powerpoints. From different years but concentrating on years 3 to 6. example planning : Main teaching: Explain that we are now looking at another text under the umbrella of persuasive texts. Explain that we may sometimes need to write a letter to a person or organisation in order to put across our point of view and persuade them to take a course of action or come around to our point of view. Revise what we need to include in a persuasive argument, explain that it is exactly the same in a letter but in a slightly different layout. Read the example of a persuasive letter from page 17 of the L4 study guide. Deconstruct and discuss. Elicit that the opening of the letter needs to be powerful and state the objective of the letter. Talk about the conclusion of the letter and how it also needs to be powerful. Ensure that children understand the structure of a letter (addresses etc). Activity 1 Bring children back together and draw up a list of good opening lines ‘I am writing to express my disgust’ etc. Explain that, tomorrow, children will be writing their own persuasive letter. Show them the title ‘TV adverts should be banned for junk foods’ Briefly discuss what is a ‘junk food’ and brainstorm reasons for not advertising them on TV. Encourages obesity which leads to illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. Illnesses cost money (treatment on NHS) and days off work. Junk food produces a lot of litter. The packaging cannot be recycled. If children have a bad diet their performance at school is affected. This adversely affects their education and future prospects.
Grammar Teaching Materials Powerpoints Teaching Materials Worksheets

Grammar Teaching Materials Powerpoints Teaching Materials Worksheets

Gathered together all my Grammar teaching materials from Primary school. The zip contains them all. Over 170 mb of stuff. I’ve included a few examples in the ordinary upload so you can look. sample: Start by reviewing homework and making a list for the working wall. Define each type of word: Noun, adjective, verb and adverb. Build up a sentence as we go. Show the children a picture on the whiteboard of a horse galloping and of a lightning bolt. Children to write down 3 (LA) or 5(MA and HA) important nouns from the picture. Share. On the left of the noun, children to write an adjective to modify or describe the noun. Share. After the noun, children to write a verb and then an adverb to qualify the verb. e.g. The black horse galloped elegantly along the beach. Children to have 5 minutes to read and digest their new writing target. Ask any questions if necessary. Praise the children on yesterday’s literacy work – they showed knowledge of the function of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs (HA showed knowledge of the difference between common, proper and pro nouns). Children to name a range of punctuation – I record on the board (I do not add to it at this point). Ask volunteers to illustrate uses of the punctuation named. Look on the punctuation pyramid – have we named any L5 punctuation? This is what we should be aiming at all the time. Children to have a variety of sentences to up level punctuation on their whiteboards. Come back to ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick’. Read through all of the captions and talk about ‘reading’ the illustration. Allow children time to talk about the ‘mystery’ – what do they think happened to Harris Burdick? Choose a picture from ‘The Mysteries…’ and list all of the questions which it provokes. What do children think of the pictures? Do the captions answer any of the questions? Talk about the settings in the pictures – often they are recognisable, familiar settings where things are not as they seem. Explain that we would call this ‘Stories in a familiar setting’. Model the task.
Back to School Year 6 Complete Year's Planning Literacy Roald Dahl

Back to School Year 6 Complete Year's Planning Literacy Roald Dahl

A great set of planning. Three terms. Loads of planning and powerpoints and great topics. Zip file has the lot. I’ve put some sample ones in the general load so you can look. Includes : Biography and Autobiography Cross curricular history & literacy Fiction Genres Roald Dahl Poetry Journalistic and persuasive Sample :
Back to School Autumn PlanningThere's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom  Louis Sachar

Back to School Autumn PlanningThere's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom Louis Sachar

Some great planning on this excellent book. Worked a treat in year 4 but could be adapted up or down. Sample planning : Reading and Analysis Mon Revise comma splicing work. Choose three example sentences and punctuation to add. WALT: To be able to explore themes and issues in a text, To be able to write in role to a character in the text. Read extract showing Jeff changing. Note reactions at each point. (Reveal) How is Jeff feeling? How do we know? How does Bradley feel now? Write an e-mail to Jeff using Extranet site. Advise him what to do based on events in chapter. Informal. Consider purpose. Share received e-mails. How should Jeff respond. AF6 Wr Viewpoint of character RED CT to support sentences and encourage completion. Tues Consider e-mails and identify errors to correct. Check grammar and punctuation. Who is the audience? APP AF3 reading WALT make deductions from a text. Read ch 23-25. WALT: interpret evidence to make deductions. All draw outline of Bradley showing his bad outside and his good inside. Write diary entry on behalf of Bradley showing feelings about Carla. R AF3 make deductions. Children are to show and explain there own choices and justify decisions. GREEN Support sentence skills and grammar. Wed Recap word groups with examples of each in class. E.g. adverb and adjective. Improve using a thesaurus. Read next chapter to include list Bradley makes. What does it show us about him? Be imaginative. AF3 R How is it helping him to think? Why does he repeat some things? Create your own list in the style of Bradley. Check spellings and compare with a friend. What does it show about you? WALT: Show empathy for a character. Read and interpret lists as if you were Carla. What would she say? ORANGE Support use of dictionary and thesaurus for ideas. Thurs Grammar skills. Choose correct words to complete gap. Adjectives. Shared read next chapter with Bradley changing. How does he feel? Freeze frame alongside story telling. How does each character feel? Use outline of Bradley. Show goodness inside and badness outside. Use quotes and examples from the text. WALT: select evidence to support a view VERY WELL DONE! Share thought with a partner and with the class. Yellow Share quotes. What do they show about his character? Fri List prepositions. Sort into order then create a paragraph. Teacher to model. Big Writing: SATs test example. Through the door. Apply skills of descriptions using prepositions. Planning time using boxing for paragraphs. AF1 AF7 Wr WALT: write a description of a scary place. 3 Stars and a wish. Response partners. Blue: Extend ambitious vocabulary. Tell me what you think/felt about… What came into your mind when you read… Have you come across anything like this before….? Tell me more… Do you agree…?
Back to School Holes Louis Sacher Teaching Plans 5 Weeks Literacy Year 6

Back to School Holes Louis Sacher Teaching Plans 5 Weeks Literacy Year 6

Great planning for Louis Sacher’s intriguing book Holes. 5 week’s short plans. Plus great stuff on getting pupils to construct aruments. Two terrific pdfs. Sample planning : Spelling rules. Modifying e. Cope … coping. In pairs write short speech for debate. Shared write persuasive language list. What connectives could be used to link ideas? What about repetition? WALT: organize views in a debate about homework. Debate “Should primary children have homework? All pairs to speak. Comment and question speakers. LA: TB to list points and useful language. HA: to lead arguments Add title paragraphs in example argument about Dogs in Parks. Review plan. Recap form. Read introduction through. Suggest strong openers for sentences and useful connective phrases from chart. Indiv write points for homework in Primary Schools. Paragraph – consider openings. WALT: write a balanced argument in a formal style. Mr Pratt Synonym Circus Recap plan and bullet points. Consider possible connectives to link to opposite view. (e.g. nevertheless) • All write points against - anticipating possible objections homework to balance argument. Use paragraphs and strong openers. Find passive voice in examples. Read example formal discussion regarding homework. Identify language. Useful terms. WALT: Write a formal letter of complaint. All children write complaining letter about a visit to a restaurant. LA: provide opening. Vocab list for feelings and connectives. Example balanced arguments. • the expression, sequence and linking of points • the provision of persuasive examples, illustrations and evidence • pre-empting or answering potential objections • appealing to the known views and feelings of the audience; T16 identify the features of balanced written arguments which: • summarise different sides of an argument • clarify the strengths and weaknesses of different positions • signal personal opinion clearly; T18 construct effective arguments: • developing a point logically and effectively • supporting and illustrating points persuasively • anticipating possible objections • harnessing the known views, interests and feelings of the audience • tailoring the writing to formal presentation where appropriate; T19 write a balanced report of a controversial issue: • summarising fairly the competing views • analysing strengths and weaknesses of different positions.