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Year 6 Cross Curricular Literacy History World War 2 English

Year 6 Cross Curricular Literacy History World War 2 English

To plan and write a recount text, using appropriate form, features and language. To understand the value of the ‘home front’ during WWII. To discuss and write about the life of children during WWII. Understand the role of the ‘home front’ and the impact of rationing. Explain that this week’s literacy lessons are linked closely to our current history topic. We are moving on to a geography topic after half term. Recap what we have learned recently in history lessons. What were the main causes for WWII? Dates? Political leaders? Axis? Allies? How was the war fought? What was the Blitz? What sort of places did the Germans target? Why? Last lesson I asked you to discuss the posters issued by the British Government. What did you find out? Show the quote: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. You ask, What is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory.” TTYP – who do you think said this? Come back together and establish that it was part of a speech by Winston Churchill when he became PM in May 1940. At this time, victory seemed a long way off. Show map of the world. Explain that, at the time of this speech, the German forces had already conquered Norway and Denmark. Now, they were sweeping through Belgium and the Netherlands. By 20 May, they reached the English Channel. More than 500 000 British and French troops were trapped on the French coast at Dunkirk. Hundreds of boats, big and small, repeatedly sailed from Britain and brought nearly 340 000 safely back to England. The German advance went on. On 17th June France surrendered. Most of North-West Europe was now in Hitler’s hands. The German leader began to plan the invasion of Britain, only 34 KM away. Britain now stood alone with scarcely anyone to help. The USA had not yet entered the war. The countries of the British Empire such as Australia and Canada were too far away. Churchill encouraged the people of Britain with defiant speeches. “We shall go on to the end,” he said, “we shall never surrender.” What was providing a natural barrier for the British against the Germans? The sea. However, it also caused problems. Britain’s farmers could not grow enough food to feed the population. Large amounts had to be brought in from home by ships. Merchant or goods ships were slow and lightly armed and so were easy targets for German U-boats and bomber aircraft. Between March and May 1941 over 320 merchant ships bound for Britain were sunk. Food such as flour, meat and sugar were in short supply.
Year 4 Literacy Plans Persuasive Text poetry Imaginary Worlds

Year 4 Literacy Plans Persuasive Text poetry Imaginary Worlds

Literacy plans for year 4. Mainly word doucuments for recounts newspaper book week persuasive texts poetry antibullying week imaginary worlds stories with historical settings stories with imaginative settings stories with historical settings narrative writing and book week creative writing holy week Bits of Roald Dahl the Twits references. Sample planning : What newspapers and magazines can the pupils name? What are the articles usually about? Discuss the purpose of a newspaper. WALT – know the features of a newspaper text. WILF – good expression Read through the opening paragraph of a newspaper article. Children to discuss the features and the structure of the opening paragraph. Newspaper articles have all of the important information in the opening paragraph. The opening paragraph is not overly descriptive. This information includes who, what, when, where, why and how. (It is written this way because most people do not read an entire newspaper article all the way through. So newspaper writers put the most important information at the beginning). Children wrote learn the opening paragraph of a newspaper article. Firstly as a class, followed by group work. Recap the features of an opening paragraph of an article. SW – target group to discuss the features of the article.
11 Plus Letter Patterns Volume One Logic Puzzles

11 Plus Letter Patterns Volume One Logic Puzzles

100 sheets with answers. The sort of thing that’s good for eleven plus prep. Good for logical thinking.11+ Grammar School Letter Pattern Questions What do you call a rooster with a bad sunburn? A fried chicken. Find the next two letters in the pattern for each set of letters. Use the alphabet grid if stuck. KGOKS_ _ OW (- 4 + 8) QOMKI_ _ GE (- 2) KGPLU_ _ QZ (- 4 + 9) FHJLN_ _ PR (+ 2) HJLNP_ _ RT (+ 2) GFHGI_ _ HJ (- 1 + 2) VSPMJ_ _ GD (- 3) SXQVO_ _ TM (+ 5 - 7) ZXVTR_ _ PN (- 2) FILOR_ _ UX (+ 3
Independent Reading Tasks learning Aids Lots of Ideas

Independent Reading Tasks learning Aids Lots of Ideas

Gathered together some great ideas for guided reading and Independent reading. Flexible for all years. Get them doing tasks whilst you help different groups. example : During guided reading your teacher and teaching assistant(s) will be listening to different groups read, and work with children to improve reading and comprehension skills. There will often be one or 2 groups that will work independently. This sheet has lots of activities for you to complete if you are working on your own for the lesson. You can do the activities in any order, but you will need to tick them off and fill in the dates when you worked on the activities so your teacher can check them. You will need to keep your sheets in your folder – make sure you number your work with the activity number too! For most of the activities you will need either your current reading book, one you have read recently, or one you know quite well. Write a letter as a character in your book to either another character in your book, a new invented character or a real-life character. Write a letter from yourself to a character in your book. Write a letter to the author of your book – you could say what you like or dislike about the book, or give ideas for what else you would like included in the book. Have a go at drawing a map of one of the places in the story. See how much you can include and how much detail you can add. Pretend you are a travel agent and want people to visit the place in the story. Write a paragraph on what you would tell others. Re-tell an event from the story from another characters point of view. For example, if Jenny is visiting a haunted castle with her wimpy brother Joe, can you change it from Jenny’s point of view to Joe’s? Re-tell an event from the story as if you are a newspaper reporter and you are writing a newspaper article. Imagine you could interview a character in your story – what would you ask them? What would their replies be? Write your interview with your character. Set it out so you use 2 different colours for your questions and your character’s answers. Write the diary entry (or several) for a character in your story after something interesting has happened. Have a go at writing a second diary entry for a different character. Have a go at continuing the story after the end of the book. What might happen next?
Kindlekrax Teaching Materials and Planning Back to School Year 5 Literacy

Kindlekrax Teaching Materials and Planning Back to School Year 5 Literacy

Planning and worksheets. Read chapter 3 and 4. Discuss the characters of Ruskin and Elvis. Do you like these characters? Explain. What do they look like? How do they move? Do they have friends/ family? What clothes do they wear? Discuss. Draw up a list of ideas. Task: To compare the characters of Ruskin and Elvis supporting your description with evidence from the text. Children to describe each character and complete an illustration. Children to check over their work and improve it. Discuss the comparisons they have made. Which character is the most interesting? Which do you like? Why? Highlight the WALT. Read p.27 ‘The playground was made of asphalt that sparkled in the sunlight like crushed diamonds on black velvet.’ Describe your school using images like this. The hall was… My classroom was… My teacher is… Task: Write a character description of Ruskin using the three shot camera frame. Model how to write the character description using the frame (use Elvis). Long shot, mid shot, close up and reveal.
Year 1 planning Maths and English from Excellent school Back to school

Year 1 planning Maths and English from Excellent school Back to school

Planning for year one I’ve gathered from my log career. Mainly Maths and English but other stuff too. Zip has loads. I’ve put a sample in general download. Read the story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ Talk about the main events and make a list of the characters on the IWB. Introduce the term setting and discuss what a setting is. Identify all the different settings in the story and make a list on the IWB. Make links with the children’s own experiences eg who has walked through long grass? Diamond/ Ruby H/A (Ind) Children to complete worksheet identifying main characters, setting and event (HA sheet) Children to complete worksheet drawing favourite setting, identifying main characters, and explaining what happened. (SD to support) Children to complete worksheet drawing favourite setting, identifying main characters, and explaining what happened. (BM to support)
Iron Man Ted Hughes 4 Planning Sheets Year 6 Literacy

Iron Man Ted Hughes 4 Planning Sheets Year 6 Literacy

4 planning sheets. Plenty of ideas. Year 6. Literacy. Sample : Set up plenary clip at beginning of lesson to be played in plenary Imagination starter: display front cover of the Iron man on IWB – Tell pupils that we have a new topic surrounding the novel The Iron Man, and tell them we will find out more about the author and the story as the unit continues. Round Robin: Can you write down describing words about the character you see? Place pupils into A/B and give 2 minutes to write down ideas on wipeboards in pairs. Feedback with lollypop sticks to follow. Draw out discussion as to what genre the book might be/ if the character is good/evil. Read the first two pages to the class: Hands up: Does the opening make them want to read on? Why? Collect ideas on IWB- What is the effect of opening the story with questions? Explain that the author Ted Hughes was primarily a poet rather than author-so he plays with his words/sentence length a lot more. Note any important features of the text, which build up atmosphere and note on IWB. Choose an OPENERS card and set the class a challenge. As core, but once they have completed highlighting, pupils are to label similes, metaphors, alliteration, repetition, rhetorical questions, short sentences… Can I analyse the features of a good story opening and find poetic devices? Children are given a copy of the first 2 pages of The Iron Man to annotate. They highlight what parts of the text build up the atmosphere to make a good opening –and how this contributes to he overall style. Can I analyse the features of a good story opening? Support lower going over each section of the text together. Read through again if necessary. Can I analyse the features of a good story opening, with support?
Classic and Narrative Poems The Highwayman Alfred Noyes Planning

Classic and Narrative Poems The Highwayman Alfred Noyes Planning

Lots of powerpoints and planning for this Classic poem. Sample planning : Genre: Poetry Unit 2 – Classic/Narrative poems. Focus Texts: ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. ‘Maggie and the Dinosaur’ by Dave Ward. ‘The Works’ (poetry anthology) by Paul Cookson. ‘The Puffin book of utterly brilliant poetry’ (Anthology) edited by Brian Patten. Objectives Primary Framework 7. Make notes on and use evidence from across a text to explain events or ideas 7. Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured 7. Explore how writers use language for comic and dramatic effects 8. Compare the usefulness of techniques such as visualisation, prediction and empathy in exploring the meaning of texts 3. Understand the process of decision making Learning/Writing outcome: Investigate the structure of narrative poetry. Compose an extra verse to a classic poem. Work as part of a group to perform a poem and to evaluate performances. LO: Whole Class Shared Learning Guided and Independent Activities: Plenary: T Read and investigate a narrative poem. Prepare to share a narrative poem from an anthology: Maggie & the Dinosaur, p463 in The Works by Paul Cookson. Explain that an Anthology is a collection of poems specially chosen by a person: an anthologist. Highlight that Narrative poems are poems which tell a story. Point out that not all narrative poems have the same structure although each poem will probably have its own! They often have many verses just like a song, with each verse telling the next part of the story. Ask the children to respond to the narrative poem we shared. Which parts, lines & words did they enjoy the most? Did they like the way that the poem was read? Narrative poems are often long so they need to be read in a way that keeps the audience interested from start to finish. Just like a good story reader would make a story sound interesting. Children to be split into mixed ability groups of four and given copies of two poems:
Beowulf Teaching Materials Planning Powerpoints Anglo-Saxons Poetry Year 6 Literacy

Beowulf Teaching Materials Planning Powerpoints Anglo-Saxons Poetry Year 6 Literacy

You get 48 files. Include a dozen powerpoints. All in zip. Some in the genr=eral upload. Some nice free bonus stuff on History, jewellery and ship making. Sample L.O. To use knowledge of quest myths and the Vikings to create a character profile for the main character and hero of our own Viking quest myth story. I can use my knowledge of quest myths and the Vikings to create a character profile for the main character and hero for my own Viking quest myth story. Beowulf Lesson 4 STARTER – adjectives Look at text and highlight in pairs adjectives that describe Beowulf, then using post –it notes in pairs, begin to generate more words form pictures displayed on the IWB of Beowulf in various positions/battles and write some of their own powerful adjectives. These can then be ‘magpied’ by the children during the independent work. Main activity Hot seating – Beowulf and the King Use the questions generated on Wednesday as interview questions. Choose children that would like to play those parts – use a sword and shield if we have one This will hopefully give the children an idea as to what these main characters are like, their personality and how they think and react to different situations that happen in the story. Teacher to explain/demonstrate how the profile needs to be complete. Discuss what the words – appearance and personality mean and how they are different. Independent work Character profile – Beowulf the hero of their quest myths Using ‘My Viking Quest Myth Ideas Planning Booklet’ create a character profile for their Beowulf hero by labeling the picture, answering the questions in detail and adding descriptive words and phrases to describe his personality and appearance. Plenary Discuss the difference between appearance and personality of a character and what does it mean by special qualities? Because he isn’t a super hero!
English year 5 and 6 The Mysteries of Harris Burdick Planning and Powerpoints Literacy year 5

English year 5 and 6 The Mysteries of Harris Burdick Planning and Powerpoints Literacy year 5

A great collection for teaching this interesting topic. You get powerpoints and planning. Sample : Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes. Use commas to mark clauses. Group and classify words according to their type and meaning. Read a variety of texts, commenting on the author’s choice of vocabulary. Construct sentences which are punctuated correctly; including the use of commas, speech marks and apostrophes. Use a range of connectives to join sentences. Experiment with complex sentences. Whole Class Shared Learning Discuss pronouns (homework) Define each type of word: Noun, adjective, verb and adverb. Build up a sentence as we go. Show the children a picture on the whiteboard of a horse galloping and of a lightning bolt. Children to write down 3 (LA) or 5(MA and HA) important nouns from the picture. Share. On the left of the noun, children to write an adjective to modify or describe the noun. Share. After the noun, children to write a verb and then an adverb to qualify the verb. e.g. The black horse galloped elegantly along the beach. Praise the children on yesterday’s literacy work – they showed knowledge of the function of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs (HA showed knowledge of the difference between common, proper and pro nouns). Children to name a range of punctuation – I record on the board (I do not add to it at this point). Ask volunteers to illustrate uses of the punctuation named. Look on the punctuation pyramid – have we named any L5 punctuation? This is what we should be aiming at all the time. Children to have a variety of sentences to up level punctuation on their whiteboards. Come back to ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick’. Read through all of the captions and talk about ‘reading’ the illustration. Allow children time to talk about the ‘mystery’ – what do they think happened to Harris Burdick? Choose a picture from ‘The Mysteries…’ and list all of the questions which it provokes. What do children think of the pictures? Do the captions answer any of the questions? Talk about the settings in the pictures – often they are recognisable, familiar settings where things are not as they seem. Explain that we would call this ‘Stories in a familiar setting’. Model the task. Use PPT to study speech punctuation. Use the pictures from ‘The Mysteries…’ to write some possible dialogue. Model possible conversations, including synonyms for said and adverbs plus adverbial clauses. With correct punctuation. Look at some of the pictures from ‘The Mysteries …’ Think / discuss some of the characters in the pictures. Use adjectives to describe them – give them names. From the pictures come up with verbs to describe what they are doing then add adverbs and adverbial clauses.
Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman

Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman

Great 4 weeks planning for this Literacy topic. Really nice powerpoints. Plus free bonus. Plenty of argument planning using Olympics. Example planning :  Identify and discuss the various features of a fiction text, including characters, settings, themes and dilemmas, the author’s intentions, the structure and organisation of the text and the way language is used to create effects on the reader. Speaking  Use the techniques of dialogic talk to explore ideas, topics or issues. Creating and shaping texts  Set their own challenges to extend achievement & experience in writing. Understanding and interpreting texts  Understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact. Text structure and organisation  Use varied structures to shape and organise text coherently Sentence structure and punctuation  Express subtle distinctions of meaning, including hypothesis, speculation and supposition, by constructing sentences in varied ways  Use punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences To produce several pieces of writing based around the focus text. To learn and identify the features of a formal/impersonal text and comment on occasions where this may be necessary. To produce a formal letter, speech and broadcast using appropriate form, features and content. Remind children of last week’s immersion into the focus text. TTYP – what did you think of the text? If you could talk to the author, what would you say to him? Ask him? Display a ‘Likes/Dislikes/Patterns/Questions’ board on the whiteboard. Explain that we are going to focus on the ‘patterns’ section today. Re-read the last few pages of the book and add ‘false endings’ to the patterns section. Have some photocopied pages from the book in the centre of the tables (each table to have different pages). Give groups ten minutes to note any patterns they see on whiteboards. Come back together and note on the board to include: False endings. Simile Lucy asking her Mother, Father and brother for advice, always in that order. Adjectives for the noises she hears. Alliteration and onomatopoeia. Phrase “You know what they say…” Appearance of pig puppet. What effect do these patterns have on the reader? They give the text fluency, a rhythm almost like a poem. They make the text easier to read and digest. The repetition also mimics the repetition of Lucy’s pleas to her family to listen to her about the noises. They make the reader frustrated on Lucy’s behalf. Have one child write a definition of ‘atmosphere’ on a sentence strip for the working wall. A general feeling or mood. There are a few different atmospheres in this book. Discuss. List tension, frustration, relief etc on the board.
Year 4 Planning Autumn Term Literacy Numeracy KS2

Year 4 Planning Autumn Term Literacy Numeracy KS2

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Autumn term for year 4. You get 160 mb of material so good value imo. I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem. You get planning for: creative curriculum Literacy Numeracy P.E. (some) Science (some) R.E. (Advent, Abraham, Judaism etc) Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.
Year 2 Planning Literacy and Maths

Year 2 Planning Literacy and Maths

Gathered my lessons for year 2 together. Mainly Literacy and Maths plus bits and bobs. In the zip you find the lot. Included some examples in general upload. Sample planning : Read the traditional tale LRRH, recap ‘good’ central character/villain. Concentrate on the attitude, not words. What would happen if we reversed the characteristics? S&L Children discuss how a ‘good’ wolf might behave towards LRRH/Granny. Teacher draw children back together. Model how to ‘tell’ story of wolf from new pictures. Word/Sentence Activities IWB available for quick phonic session. YEAR 2 LITERACY LESSON PLAN WEDNESDAY Whole Class Shared Learning Return to the traditional tale of LRRH. Remind children about their previous day’s pictures. What did they do? How did they change the Wolf? Is he still the villain? S&L Ask the children to look at their pictures as you read story extracts with his dialogue. Encourage them to discuss dialogue with a partner. Do the pictures and words make sense together? As a class, agree that the Wolf needs new words. Discuss what he might say. Model how to write words for a speech bubble. Word/Sentence Activities Rehearse spellings for Word Wall words. Challenge children to find other words with same phonemes
Year 3 Literacy and Maths Planning

Year 3 Literacy and Maths Planning

Gathered my lessons for year 3 together. Mainly Literacy and Maths plus bits and bobs. In the zip you find the lot. Included some examples in general upload. Sample planning : Introduction Explain will be looking at different ways of writing poetry using special words and shapes as stimulus. ‘calligram’ means beautiful writing. Show examples. S&L Children discuss with response partner why they think words are presented in these ways. Teacher draw children back together. After discussion, ask children to choose most effective calligram, justifying choice. Draw out understanding that the meaning of words inspires the shapes in a calligram. Teacher demonstrate use of ICT programs to produce calligrams and own drawing as alternative. Draw up a list of suitable words for choices. Word/Sentence Activities Use IWB store range of suitable words for calligrams. Can children classify word types: nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. YEAR 3 LITERACY LESSON PLAN 16th Monday Whole Class Shared Learning Before reading; ask the children what they think ‘Autumn’ poem will look like. Show poem. Ask them to decide where you should begin reading and then read the poem. Read two more examples of shape poems. Add appropriate actions. Class repeat. S&L Encourage the children to say how similar and different the three poems are. Invite them to say which poem is most effective visually. Which poem do they prefer? Discuss why the poets have chosen these shapes, and how the shape affects the content of the poems. Practice with RP saying preferred poem aloud. Word/Sentence Activities Rehearse spellings for Word Wall words. Challenge children to find other words with same phonemes
Year 2 planning Autumn Term Literacy Mathematics Ref B

Year 2 planning Autumn Term Literacy Mathematics Ref B

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Autumn term for year 2. 60 mb of info which is good value imo. You get: Literacy planning 12 weeks. Performance poetry, Stories with familiar setting etc. Maths 14 weeks Measuring, Money etc Creative curriculum (a bit) the Police R.E (a bit) I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this. Science (a bit) Forces and Motions, Health and Growth Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste. Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Summer term for year 2. You get 50 mb of material so good value imo. Literacy. Non-Chronological reports 4 weeks, Character descriptions, Traditional tales, poetry planning etc Numeracy 9 weeks worth Using and applying the four mathematical calculations to solve problems, Revision of the four main operations. rounding up and down etc Creative curriculum (a bit) making scarecrows, Wizard of Oz P.E. (a bit) R.E. (a bit) St Paul. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this. Science 4 weeks. Plants and animals. Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste. Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Planning Year 1 Spring Term Literacy Numeracy

Planning Year 1 Spring Term Literacy Numeracy

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Spring term for year 1. You get 72 mb of material so good value imo. I taught in Catholic schools so a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, that is good. You get planning for: Creative Curriculum Literacy Numeracy R.E. Science (Animals and Plants)
Year 1 Autumn Term Planning Literacy Numeracy

Year 1 Autumn Term Planning Literacy Numeracy

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Autumn term for year 1. You get 160 mb of material so good value imo. I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem. You get planning for: creative curriculum Literacy Numeracy P.E. (some) Science (some) R.E. (Advent etc) Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.