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Back To School French Primary School Resources and Lessons

Back To School French Primary School Resources and Lessons

Have you been volunteered (know what I mean?) to deliver Modern Languages at your Primary School? This bunch of resources, that I used in my decades of French teaching, will help. I’ve put them into groups to help you. the zip file has loads. I’ve put a selection as downloads so you can have a look at them. Highlights include: festivals games and activities how to ideas for lessons phonics poems loads of powerpoints songs stories
back to School Year 4 Literacy and Numeracy Planning Plus Humanities ICT

back to School Year 4 Literacy and Numeracy Planning Plus Humanities ICT

Plans for lessons in English and Maths/ Plenty to choose from. You may wish to merge a few together in your own lesson planning. Cut and paste and ease your planning load. Plus a bit of things like RE, ICT and Geograpghy. The zip file has the lot. I’ve included some in the general download to give you a flavour. sample : L.O. To read stories about other cultures and identify differences in place and customs. Explain to the chn that today we are going to continue to look/share stories from a different culture. Can they find clues that will help them to work out what country/culture the stories are about? Read an extract from ‘Gregory Cool’ [up to when Gregory stomps off on the beach] without showing the chn the cover or title. Where is it set? When? Through whose eyes is the story told? Mood? H/A • Give chn a copy of the text for the first part of the book. Chn to discuss in groups and write each clue they find onto a separate slip of paper e.g. his cousin had to look after the goats. • Ext. Are there any details e.g. characters’ feelings which seem familiar? • Each group to be given an opportunity to present their findings to the class and state where they think the story is set • A.R. to support Milne group Show chn the cover of the book and read to end of story. Where is Tobago? Look at map. Do the chn know anything about the Caribbean? M/A Success Criteria • To read stories about other cultures and be able to identify differences in place and customs.
Maths Puzzles Across Down Addition 100 Puzzles Plus Answers

Maths Puzzles Across Down Addition 100 Puzzles Plus Answers

100 puzzles plus answers. Great for reinforcing maths. Across-Downs is a fun activity that reinforces addition and subtraction skills. The object of the exercise set is to find the answer for each row and column, then use those answers to calculate the final answer in the lower right-hand corner of the puzzle. This set tests addition.
Poetry Imagery Planning Year 6 English Literature Imagery and Personification

Poetry Imagery Planning Year 6 English Literature Imagery and Personification

Great planning for year 6. Two weeks worth. Nice powerpoints. Sample : Introduce the new unit and writing outcome. Read the poem ‘Fog’ by Carl Sandberg together. Write ‘personification’ on the board and discuss what this means. TTYP – what might it mean? Agree on a definition for the working wall: Giving human traits to non-human or abstract things. Or making a non-human thing do things that only a human can do. Explain the phrase ‘inanimate object’. Give out copies of ‘Two Sunflowers Move in a Yellow Room’ by William Blake. Discuss how the sunflowers are given human characteristics – they talk, they feel tired, they want a room with a view! Return to the poem Fog. In this, it is almost as if Fog is alive – either human or possibly feline (cat-like). Look again at ‘Two Sunflowers Move in a Yellow Room. ’Underline the words ‘topaz tortoises’. Ask children what these last lines mean? Discuss whether it matters if we are not sure of the exact meaning of all the words in a poem. Why might it not matter? Because it is the sound and the rhythm of the words which is as important as their meaning in a poem. Look up topaz to find its meaning. Does this help us understand what the last two lines mean?
100 Sudoku Puzzles Plus Answers Easy level Maths Logic Fun Critical Thinking

100 Sudoku Puzzles Plus Answers Easy level Maths Logic Fun Critical Thinking

100 Sudoku puzzles plus answers. Sudoku is a popular and fun puzzle that can be used with math classes to reinforce logic and problem-solving skills. Each puzzle grid contains 81 cells, divided into 9 blocks made up of 9 cells. The grids are presented with only some cells filled with numbers. To solve the puzzle, each block must contain the numbers 1 through 9. In each block, each number can only appear once in a column, row or block. Then across all blocks, within the larger puzzle, each 9 cell column and 9 cell row can have a number appear just once. Easy refers to the number of cells already filled in.
Great Year 5 English Literacy Christmas Planning Alternative Christmas

Great Year 5 English Literacy Christmas Planning Alternative Christmas

This is some great planning for Christmas for Year 5 Literacy. I found the kids loved it. Advantages for you: kids are interested, it’s non religious so can be shown to everyone, you can watch the lovely short movie umpteen times so takes the strain off you. It’s based on a great little movie, voiced by the late great John Hurt. It will fill up the last two to three weeks nicely. Plus there’s non literacy planning for free. Some example planning : To analyse and create a character and setting description for 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North. I can express verbally what a character may be feeling, thinking or doing I can explain why I think a character may feel, think or do something I can describe a setting using figurative language Starter 5 mins Pen portrait of key characters in 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North: Children mind map/annotate information about the key characters that they know so far around an image of The Adventurer and Professor Erit. They add information about the internal feelings, thoughts and emotions within and the external information such as physical description, or known facts Activity 1 5-10 mins Use key questions and discussion in groups to think about answers to questions such as: Why am I here? Will I be able to find Professor Erit? Emphasise the importance of chn giving evidence to support their opinion when they give a response to these questions. Activity 10 mins Return to image of the Adventurer and Professor Erit. Using a different coloured pencil, chn should add information about these characters Main 20 mins Give chn an image of the setting and ask them to mind-map descriptive words, phrases or sentences they could use to describe the narrative setting. Model using the different kinds of sentence-types to record a setting description, using the vocabulary recorder in the mind-map. Chn use sentences to build suspense if they can. Plenary 5 – 10 mins Chn share their comments about the Adventurer and Professor Erit with the class. Chn to explain what they have now learnt about each character - using their skills of inference. Share best sentences to describe setting. Take a moment to add any extra information after the class discussion to their own work, using another coloured pencil.
Science Year 5 or 6 Complete Year's Planning Powerpoints Worksheets

Science Year 5 or 6 Complete Year's Planning Powerpoints Worksheets

A complete year’s planning for year 5 or year 6 science. A complete year’s planning for Science for 10 year olds. Tons of powerpoints, word documents, planning, info etc. Topics include Interdependence and adaptation, micro organisms, dissolving, life cycles, magnetism, etc etc You get over 900 files. They are all in the zip file. Plus I’ve put a few examples up for you
Persuasive Writing Lots of Planning Powerpoints Worksheets English

Persuasive Writing Lots of Planning Powerpoints Worksheets English

Happily retired, decided to put together my Persuasive writing planning from my various schools. there’s a mass of stuff! Save yourself a shedload of time and enjoy your Sundays! Plenty of great powerpoints. From different years but concentrating on years 3 to 6. example planning : Main teaching: Explain that we are now looking at another text under the umbrella of persuasive texts. Explain that we may sometimes need to write a letter to a person or organisation in order to put across our point of view and persuade them to take a course of action or come around to our point of view. Revise what we need to include in a persuasive argument, explain that it is exactly the same in a letter but in a slightly different layout. Read the example of a persuasive letter from page 17 of the L4 study guide. Deconstruct and discuss. Elicit that the opening of the letter needs to be powerful and state the objective of the letter. Talk about the conclusion of the letter and how it also needs to be powerful. Ensure that children understand the structure of a letter (addresses etc). Activity 1 Bring children back together and draw up a list of good opening lines ‘I am writing to express my disgust’ etc. Explain that, tomorrow, children will be writing their own persuasive letter. Show them the title ‘TV adverts should be banned for junk foods’ Briefly discuss what is a ‘junk food’ and brainstorm reasons for not advertising them on TV. Encourages obesity which leads to illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. Illnesses cost money (treatment on NHS) and days off work. Junk food produces a lot of litter. The packaging cannot be recycled. If children have a bad diet their performance at school is affected. This adversely affects their education and future prospects.
Back to School Year 6 Maths Mathematics Complete Year's Planning

Back to School Year 6 Maths Mathematics Complete Year's Planning

Tons of great planning, worksheets, powerpoints to help you in year 6 Maths. With SATS you need a ton of material to help you through. Here it is. I’ve combined my planning for two schools to give you max value. The zip file contains the lot. I’ve included a sample in the general download so you can look. The schools used Abacus/Maths on Target/Target Maths, but don’t worry if you do not have these. There are loads of lessons that you can adapt for your school. I think the revision weeks I’ve done are particularly good.