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Planning To revise and produce a piece of journalistic writing Literacy
Planning for writing a piece of jounalism.
Full planning.
Great powerpoint and lots of detail.
Pupils write a piece with the teacher’s help.
Model write for 2011 short writing task.
A speech to my class persuading them to support the charity of my choice – charity to buy books for foreign schools.
8 for composition and effect
4 for sentence structure
Hello 6J
My name is Chloe and I would like to persuade you to support the ‘Books for foreign countries’ charity with the money that we hope to raise. There are many reasons for my choice and I am going to tell you about them today.
Surely you agree that every child deserves an education? Isn’t this a fundamental human right? I think it is. Yet in some countries, children aren’t as lucky as us. Recently, I have been writing to a young girl in Bali, Indonesia. In 2002, a tsunami struck Bali millions of people died, thousands were injured, few survived. Bali is a poor country and finding the money to rebuild lives wasn’t easy. Most schools were swept away
Features of persuasive writing
What sort of persuasive writing is it?
e.g. letter, poster/flyer, travel brochure, advert, catalogue, book blurb etc.
Is the point of view clearly explained in an introduction?
Is there a series of points with elaboration?
(Elaboration means adding more detail.)
Is it in the present tense?
Does it use logical connectives?
e.g. because, consequently, as a result, however, nevertheless etc.
Does it use emotive language (e.g. strong adjectives)?
Does challenge the reader?
E.g. using adverbs and phrases; Clearly, Surely, Obviously, Everyone knows that… etc
Is there a clear conclusion or final statement?

Guided Reading Lots of Ideas To Encourage Kids To Read Literacy
Tons of ideas to stimulate kids to read.
Plenty of short snappy ideas.
The zip file has over a dozen documents.
Sample ideas
Write a letter as a character in your book to either another character in your book, a new invented character or a real-life character.
Write a letter from yourself to a character in your book.
Write a letter to the author of your book – you could say what you like or dislike about the book, or give ideas for what else you would like included in the book.
Have a go at drawing a map of one of the places in the story. See how much you can include and how much detail you can add.
Pretend you are a travel agent and want people to visit the place in the story. Write a paragraph on what you would tell others.
Re-tell an event from the story from another characters point of view. For example, if Jenny is visiting a haunted castle with her wimpy brother Joe, can you change it from Jenny’s point of view to Joe’s?
Re-tell an event from the story as if you are a newspaper reporter and you are writing a newspaper article.
Imagine you could interview a character in your story – what would you ask them? What would their replies be? Write your interview with your character. Set it out so you use 2 different colours for your questions and your character’s answers.
Write the diary entry (or several) for a character in your story after something interesting has happened. Have a go at writing a second diary entry for a different character.
Have a go at continuing the story after the end of the book. What might happen next?
Change the story by changing the actions of one of the characters. Maybe they do something different when it’s a big event, that changes everything!
Change the story into a very simple version for young children and illustrate it too.
Change the story (or part of it) into a comic strip.
Change the story (or part of it) into a poem.
Change the story (or part of it) into a play.
Create a passport or ID card for your character.
Draw a picture of a character from the story. Make sure you use all the detail that the book gives you.
Draw a picture of a place in your story. Make sure you use all the detail that the book gives you.
Design a new blurb for the back cover of the book. You can use colours and pictures as well as writing.
Redesign the front cover of the book.
Design a poster to advertise your book. Think about it’s unique selling points – e.g. what is good about it.
Design a radio advert to advertise your book… maybe you would read some of the exciting bits to the audience. Remember your audience can only listen, not see what you’re doing.
Write about what a character might be thinking or feeling at different stages of the story. You could write it in the first person, or in a speech bubble.

Writing about Flashbacks Dunkirk My Uncle's War
Planning for Literacy Lesson. Pupils will focus on a soldier who was fighting at Dunkirk.
Main character
Jimmy Jones
Medic in WW2. Lovable, friendly and family orientated but also proud and doesn’t talk about his experiences during the war.
Two daughters and several grandchildren. Grandson Bobby will be in the story briefly. Present Scene
A bonfire and fireworks event at the local park. Jimmy is enjoying himself with his family. Noisy, crowded, smells of hotdogs and candyfloss, feeling his Grandson’s hand in his.
Seeing a father piggy back his children, having fun, children squealing in delight at the sparklers in their hands.
Wishing his wife was there to experience this.
Past Scene
The beaches of Dunkirk, there were explosions here too as Luftwaffe bombed the boats.
People being carried here too, carried to me as a medic. How can I help them? I have no supplies, no way of easing their pain.
Soldiers scream in pain and give up on life. Gunfire and shells all around me, the chaotic sound of warfare. A ring of flames. Smell sweat on my bloody uniform. Damp clothes. Lice crawling over my body. Trigger
The sound of wood crackling on the bonfire brings a distant memory and the sound of an exploding firework causes the flashback to begin…
Bobby ‘Daddy, what’s wrong with Grandpa?’ Jimmy’s son gently on his father’s forearm ‘Dad?’.
‘It’s nothing Son, ‘ he cleared his voice gruffly and tried to come back to the present.

Poetry Year 6 Personification Imagery Planning Fog Carl Sandburg
Lovely powerpoints and planning.
Sample :
Give out copies or enlarge Fog by Carl Sandberg (see resources). Read the poem together. Write ‘personification’ on the f/c and discuss what this means. Write a definition: Giving human traits to non-human or abstract things. Or making a non-human thing do things that only a human can do. Enlarge or give out copies of Two Sunflowers Move in a Yellow Room by William Blake (see resources). Discuss how the sunflowers are given human characteristics – they talk, they feel tired, they want a room with a view! Return to the poem Fog. In this, it is almost as if Fog is alive – either human or possibly feline (cat-like). Look again at Two Sunflowers Move in a Yellow Room. Underline the words ‘topaz tortoises’. Do chn know what these last lines mean? Discuss whether it matters if we are not sure of the exact meaning of all the words in a poem. Why might it not matter? Because it is the sound and the rhythm of the words which is as important as their meaning in a poem. Look up topaz to find its meaning. Does this help us understand what the last two lines mean? Easy
Working with the teacher, and using a copy of Fog, chn brainstorm other types of weather. They make a list and then write a short sentence or phrase which personifies that weather, e.g. The wind yells in the gaps between the buildings. TD

Back to School Morning Resources Powerpoint Maths Year 4 Year 5 Set 2
Some material that can be displayed on the board as they enter for registration.
10 simple questions per day
Three weeks worth. Watermark not on full product
sample ;
Double 24.
Half of 28 is 14. What is ¼ of 28?
What is an apple likely to weigh:
1g, 10g, 100g, 1kg, 10kg?
A garden path is 10m long. Half of it is weeded, how
much is still to be weeded?
How many grams are there in 1kg?
How many 10’s are there in 265?
How many 100’s are there in 265?
Which of the following are even?
12, 9, 6, 14, 17, 5.
Read these numbers to your partner 562, 784, 90, 106.
Write these numbers in figures, two hundred and seven, six hundred and twenty six, fifty.

Back to School Morning Resources Powerpoint Maths Year 4 Year 5
Some material that can be displayed on the board as they enter for registration.
7 to 10 simple questions per day
Two weeks worth.
sample ;
A school bag could weight about:
2 metres, 2 centimetres, 2 kilometres, or 2
The length of a bed measures about:
2 kilos, 2 metres 2 inches or 12 metres?
The height of a school building would be measured in:
centimetres, litres, kilometres, metres?
How many mms in 25cms?
How many strips of 10cm could you cut from 2 metres
of tape?
In the year 3 classroom there are 4 pots with 5 crayons
in each pot. How many crayons are there altogether?
Jodie thinks of a number and doubles it. The answer
is 30. What was the number Jodie thought of?
Double 7 and add 2.
Draw a square and shade ¾ of it.
A trip to the swimming baths costs 50p per child.
How much will it cost for 4 children?

Mixed Fractions Questions 100 Worksheets Maths
100 worksheets with answers.
Mixed fractions.
Some you have to multiply, some you have to divide etc.
A good time filler or revision homework.

Number Sequences Maths 100 Worksheets with Answers
100 worksheets.
100 answer sheets.
At least 10 questions per sheet.
Pupils have to enter the next two numbers in the sequence.
They get harder so that later sheets include decimals and 20 questions per sheet.

Teaching Resources worksheets Money Shopping cd KS2 Mathematics Coins
I have designed 100 worksheets on Money and Shopping for primary school children. I have used a variety of items, a variety of difficulty and a variety of numbers of questions per sheet. Pupils write on the sheets the total cost. e.g. a milkshake costs £2.90 a hot dog £1.65 How much would 2 milkshakes and 3 hotdogs cost? There is plenty there to reinforce the work done in the classroom. Good for extra homework or additional work for the bright ones. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.

Back To School Autumn Short Term Lesson Plans Reception to Year 6
14 weeks of short term plans
Great for cutting and pasting into your own personal school timetable.
I’ve included a sample week in the visible upload. The zip contains the lot.
sample year 2. Register Activity
Chn finish work from Meet Your New Teacher day.
9am: Input: Welcome the children to their first day of year 2! Talk about how we were feeling before coming into school, did we get very much sleep last night? Share with the children how you were feeling too!
Introduce the chn to the text of the week: First day jitters by Julia Danneberg. Read the story together and discuss the twist at the end. (Ask questions throughout)
T focus for morning: x2 groups of 6
L.O. To use features of a non-chronological report
I can…
Include a heading
Use subheadings to organize my writing
Talk about the difference between facts and fiction
(All about me) Chn create a 3D profile, including a self-portrait drawing of their head, to be used for display. Chn complete section boxes all about their family, friends, hobbies etc. Cut out the sections and arrange them inside the folded top. Put together the body parts on colored backing card, ready for the head to be attached later. Label with name sticker.
9am: Input: Quickly recap the story for this week and remind ourselves of the main character, how she was feeling and why?
Introduce class bear, explain that he was also feeling very nervous about meeting new chn and starting year 2. Display a page from (bear’s) diary, ask the chn to highlight the adjectives they can see. (perform an action when they hear an adjective word)
T to highlight them in a colour as they read.
Explain the independent challenge is to match up the adjective words to the different emotion cards.
T focus for morning: x2 groups of 6
L.O. To use adjectives
I can…
Use capital letters and full stops
Use first person
Use commas between adjectives
Check my sentences make sense
(Writing it in the present tense) Chn to write a short diary entry about how they were feeling the night before they came back to school, include adjectives to describe how you were feeling.
*Have Monday’s 3D profiles out on a table to finish off.
TA focus for first thing: To assess SPP chn against current targets, make notes and set up folders for works to begin.

Matilda Roald Dahl Literacy Lesson Year 6 plus types of noun powerpoint
nice easy lesson.
TTYP – why do authors use descriptive vocabulary? Take feedback and jot down ideas for the working wall – elicit the idea that, as a writer, it is our job to create an image in the reader’s mind.
Show the part of ‘Matilda’ where the main character approaches Crunchem Hall for the first time. 22 min 30 to 24 min 30.
Take part in ‘Book Talk’ on this visual text:
How did we feel about Matilda when we watched her walk into the school under the arch?
How did we feel about the school buildings and environment?
What impressions have we made about Miss Trunchbull?
How were we made to feel like that?
How did the director manipulate our emotions?
Show the ‘Likes, dislikes, patterns and puzzles’ board and explain the task .
Task 1 11am-11.10am
Engaging with the visual text.
A – Australia group (Level 3a/4c): Children to fill in an individual ‘like/dislikes’ board. Children to focus particularly on the ‘patterns and puzzles’ sections. Working independently. Extension task – children to annotate a still from the film with adjectives to describe the setting.
BA – Brazil group (Level 3b/c): Miss Greenwood to support and extend. Children to fill in an individual ‘like/dislikes’ board.
SEN/BA – Mexico group (Level 2): Working with Miss Noble on a guided like/dislikes board. Extending children to talking about the atmosphere.
Main Teaching 2 10 minutes (11.10am – 11.20am)
Share some ideas from the task and explain that now we are fully immersed in the text, we are going to start to transfer the clip into a written text.
TTYP – what does ‘atmosphere’ mean? Talk and agree that it means: a feeling or mood created by a particular place. I am going to attempt to describe the setting AND the atmosphere to the reader. I am going to write in third person and past tense.
Elicit the use of the senses for a setting description.
Model write with reference to s/c and sentence trick cards.

Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Rewrite Year 6 English Literacy Planning
Couple of weeks planning.
Genre: Narrative Unit 4 ‘Older Literature’
Focus Texts: ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare. (Adapted for children by Andrew Matthews and Tony Ross – Orchard classics).
Begin by introducing the new topic and the learning outcome. We will be studying ‘older’ literature. Explain that older literature is defined as anything written before 1914 but we are going to look at much older than this!
Show a picture of William Shakespeare: children to TTYP –
Who is this man?
What is he famous for?
Can you name any of his works?
Come back together and elicit that William Shakespeare was an author – not of stories but of plays and sonnets (poems). Talk about some of his more famous work and explain that he wrote 38 plays and over 160 sonnets.
Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He produced most of his work between 1589 and 1613 – why do you think he wrote mostly plays rather than stories? Elicit that he was an actor so he loved the stage and he intended his works to be acted out rather than just read and also because of the times. TV and film were not entertainment options and the majority of people couldn’t read so going to the theatre or watching an outside performance was very popular.
Explain that Shakespeare’s plays can be broadly split into tragedies and comedies. TTYP – what does this mean?
Show a list including some of Shakespeare’s most famous comedies and tragedies.
Talk about our recent history topic – who would have been on the throne when Shakespeare was writing (Elizabeth I until 1603 and then James I start of the Stuart dynasty). Talk briefly about the context to Shakespeare’s plays – Elizabeth I ruled over a very successful empire, England was starting to explore and find new shores and arts & culture were becoming more important and sought after. Link to previous unit.
Children to take a whole page in their literacy books to design an advert/poster to be put up around a Tudor town. It should advertise an exciting new play by William Shakespeare (give children a few to choose from).
Talk about the different language used for a comedy or a tragedy.
CN with target group.
CS with JD group. Start to read the children’s adapted version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
Success Criteria:
I recognise William Shakespeare and I know what he did for a living.
I can start to understand what England was like when Shakespeare was writing.

Literacy Ideas Talk For Writing Wolves Emily Gavett
Nice powerpoint and notebook files and great grammar word document that you can use for display.

Year 3 Literacy Planning The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith
Planning for this interesting book.
Show chn the front cover of The Hodgeheg and say that we will be working on this book. Read blurb on back then ask chn what type of story they think this is? Establish that it is a Quest or Adventure story with a problem, journey and resolution. Ask chn what else the blurb tells us and note their ideas for Working Display notes. (E.g. the main character is Max who is a hedgehog, he has a family and he wants to cross the road…). Explain that today we are going to be Sentence Detectives as we read the story. We are looking for sentences which have adverbs in them. Revise the fact that an adverb modifies a verb, telling us how something was done: She went happily to see her granny. Develop this to talk about fronted adverbials, phrases at the start of a sentence which act like an adverb, telling us how, where or when something is done or happened, e.g. In total silence, the girls tiptoed along the corridor. Comprehension 1/ Grammar 1 Display extract from Hodgeheg (see resources). Read it out loud together. Briefly revise the rules for writing dialogue: (1) Speech marks around direct speech; (2) new speaker = new line;
(3) Punctuation (question marks, exclamation marks, commas, full stops) that goes within the speech marks.
Point out that if the dialogue finishes but it’s not the end of a sentence, then a comma goes at the end of the dialogue within the speech marks. See resources for marked up example. Then make-up physical signs for each type of punctuation, e.g. speech marks = hands held up, 2 fingers on each hand bent; comma = one finger drawing it in the air; full stop = pointing gesture, etc. Draw a map of the passage together, (look at the example map resource to guide you). Ask chn for suggestions for each element. Spoken language 1

Dramatic Conventions three weeks Year 5 Literacy Planning TV Script
Three weeks planning.
Dramatic conventions.
Pupils write a news report and tv script.
Chn to complete new KWL and explain that we are starting a new unit called dramatic conventions.
What do you think this means? (Dramatic conventions may be categorized into groups, such as rehearsal, technical or theatrical. Rehearsal conventions can include hot seating, role on the wall and still images. Technical conventions can include lighting, dialogue, monologue, set, costuming and entrances/exits. Theatrical conventions may include split focus, flashback/flashforward, narration, soliloquy and spoken thought)
Explain that we will be focusing on the technical conventions side especially the dialogue/script
As a class watch part of this news round clip:
How do they know what to say? How do they know what to do? How would this be scripted? What do you think it would be like?
Discuss how this would have to be scripted just like in the news etc without being a play – explain that this can sometimes look similar to a play script but not always as they will see tomorrow.
What do you think you would need to include in script writing?

Year 5 Literacy Persuasion Lesson Persuasive Writing
Great little lesson or short set of lessons for persuasive writing. Couple of nice powerpoints.
Endangered Pandas
Pandas are rare today and are protected by law in China. In 1963, the first panda was exhibited in a zoo outside of China. Today, there are more than a dozen pandas in most zoos. Pandas can be seen in zoos in Washington D.C, Mexico City, London, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, and Berlin. All pandas in zoos are given double names; this is a Chinese custom, which indicates affection. Scientists study the zoo pandas in hope to learn how to save wild pandas from extinction. There are only about 700 to 1000 pandas alive in the world today.
Imagine you are one of the scientists that are researching pandas and a philanthropist has come to you and offered you a substantial research grant if you can persuade him that your research deserves. He asks you, “What makes a Panda so special that it should be saved?”…. your response is crucial!!!
In both short and extended texts, I can use appropriate punctuation, vary my sentence structures and divide my work into paragraphs in a way that makes sense to my reader.
LIT 2-22a
Throughout the writing process, I can check that my writing makes sense and meets its purpose.
LIT 2-23a
I am learning to use language and style in a way which engages and / or influences my reader.
Creating Texts
ENG 2-27a
Learning Intention ~ I can use personal research to create a persuasive piece of writing.
Success Criteria – have you… (Tick as you have achieved) ???
I have used emotive and descriptive language to engage the reader’s emotion
I have punctuated accurately
I have used paragraphs effectively to organise my ideas
I have proof read and self-corrected using a variety of resources

Back to school year 5 Literacy Design a Chocolate bar Month's worth planning
A great month of planning.
lots of powerpoints.
Pupils have to use persuasive language to make a chocolate bar.
Adverts will be up on the board. Introduce topic by asking what it is… (5mins)Asked to identify the aim of the advert (using mini whiteboards). Teacher leads discussion through the answers e.g. “what made you think it was that purpose?” (10mins)
Then asked to go to tables and work in mixed ability groups to identify the aims of adverts on their tables – recording this info(15mins). Extension work – to write the features as to how they knew it was that purpose.
class discussion as to the aims of the adverts – questioning how they know that(5mins)etc
Discussion to lead onto ‘who is the intended audience’, again using mini whiteboards at first(5mins), then back to groups to identify the audience of the adverts they had seen before – recording this information(10mins).
Discuss the audience – recap with new adverts asking pupils to identify both purpose and audience as plenary. (10mins)
Starter – to recap on purpose and audience of adverts quickly on the board, using adverts seen yesterday then new advertisements that weren’t seen yesterday (5mins).
Put cadburys cream egg advert on board and ask the children to point out some of its features. Ask questions like ‘what makes this advert stand out’ talk about the colour, the slogan, the brand, the image. Put up some other advertisements and ask them to point out the slogan, talk about how slogans rhyme, have a play on words, are short, use alliteration etc (10mins).
Go back to their tables where there will be some recognisable products (coca-cola, mars bar, bouncy ball, yazoo milkshake), where children have to come up with a slogan for each. Extension work – come up with more than one slogan and they have to pick their favourite. (15mins)
Children then share their slogans with the rest of the class. Table points for the best.
Point out that slogans are in big bold fonts and match the phrase e.g. the Cadbury one is ‘gooey’,
Children draw out their favourite slogan on A4 paper – to colour in too (20mins).
Children asked to explain why they used certain colours or style of writing for their slogans for that product. (5mins).
Homework – find 5 slogans from ads.

Poetry year 4 Two Weeks of Planning Magic Box Kit wright Material
Two weeks Planning. the powerpoint is a sample. There’s other files in the planning
Great powerpoint on the work of Kit Wright.
The magic box really inspires kids.
Sampl planning Ask children to remind you about what a simile is and discuss why it is effective to use when writing. Explain that today we will be creating some poems of our own by creating some similes. Write ‘as thin as’ on the board and ask everyone to think of very thin things. Push children to think harder past the more obvious objects. Prompt them if necessary ‘what part of an animal is very thin?’ and so on. Write other prompts such as ‘as tall as, as large as, as hot as’. Draw some circles on the board and write a prompt above them ‘The sun is like…’ See how many other things they can think of that are round like the Sun. Turn the circles into objects they suggest. Now encourage children to extend their ideas further.
Explain that today children will be making some simile poems of their own about a monster. List some features of a monster and some adjectives that describe a monster.
HA work alone to create a simile poem about a monster.
MA supported by KB, use a writing skeleton for their poem which has some features already listed.
LA supported by AS, use a writing skeleton for their poem which has the features already listed, make a list of adjectives that might describe a monster.
Read through some of children’s poems together. Discuss what similes they have used and the effect it has on their writing, why is it more effective?
Can children compare objects?
Can they use adjectives?
Can they extend their own ideas and thinking?
Can they choose effective similes?

1000 Questions Advanced Addition Maths Mathematics KS2
1000 questions on advanced addition.
Pupils write the answers directly on the sheets. There are different numbers of digits that they can add up.
Answers all provided.

Year 4 English Maths planning kr Short and Medium
Collected together my year 4 lesson planning from outstanding academy.
Mainly English and Maths.
Tuesday 31.01.12
LO: To understand how the use of expressive and descriptive language can create effects or generate emotional responses.
Read a descriptive/emotive poem ( Poems Not To Missed)
JBA & JP to model how to express how the poem made us feel and what impact the vocabulary choices had on us and why?
Read two poems that are expressive and descriptive.
Ask chn What was your immediate reaction? Which vocabulary choices were effective and had impact? Why? What emotions do you get from the poems? What images did you get from the poems?
Wednesday 01.02.12LO: To plan an ICT-based poetry presentation that involves each member of the group
Recap leaning - What are they learning? What have they learnt about poetry texts? Why is learning about poetry important? How could you use what you have learnt about performing poetry?
Inform chn that they are going to plan a poetry presentation. Discuss What is a poetry presentation? What is the purpose of a poetry presentation? How are poetry presentation put together?
Explain that they are going to promote a poem using key language/emotions from the poem.
In talk partners discuss what makes ‘good’ poetry? JP/JBA to scribe chn ideas on ‘working wall’
Using visual Literacy watch clips from poetry readings that the chn have watched previously. Ask:
What makes the poem a ‘good’ poem and why? Can you identify key language/emotions/rhythm in the poem that would entice others to read the poem and why? How would you go about putting the key language/emotions together to create a poetry presentation? JP/JBA to scribe chn ideas on ‘working wall’
JBA & JP model how we plan to put together a poetry presentation for a poem we have read. Explain that a presentation is to demonstrate the understanding of a poems’ key message.
Show what we are thinking when planning a poetry presentation. Which parts of the poems’ language was effective? What was the most emotional verses and why? Which verse has rhythm? How could we present this poem through drama? Thought shower ideas on working wall.