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Christmas Planning Year 5 Three weeks worth English Maths

Christmas Planning Year 5 Three weeks worth English Maths

Three weeks of planning. Plus you can use other planning included for free from different years. Example To analyse and create a character and setting description for 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North. I can express verbally what a character may be feeling, thinking or doing I can explain why I think a character may feel, think or do something I can describe a setting using figurative language Starter 5 mins Pen portrait of key characters in 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North: Children mind map/annotate information about the key characters that they know so far around an image of The Adventurer and Professor Erit. They add information about the internal feelings, thoughts and emotions within and the external information such as physical description, or known facts Activity 1 5-10 mins Use key questions and discussion in groups to think about answers to questions such as: When is this story set? Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? Will I be able to find Professor Erit? How will I find him? Emphasise the importance of chn giving evidence to support their opinion when they give a response to these questions. Activity 10 mins Return to image of the Adventurer and Professor Erit. Using a different coloured pencil, chn should add information about these characters Main 20 mins Give chn an image of the setting and ask them to mind-map descriptive words, phrases or sentences they could use to describe the narrative setting. Model using the different kinds of sentence-types to record a setting description, using the vocabulary recorder in the mind-map. Chn use sentences to build suspense if they can.
Year 6 Literacy The Savage David Almond Planning Powerpoint and Worksheets

Year 6 Literacy The Savage David Almond Planning Powerpoint and Worksheets

sample planning Introduce the section of work. Explain that we are going to use a very interesting focus text to complete some narrative writing, art work and drama. Have a photocopy of the front cover and blurb for ‘The Savage’ by David Almond. TTYP and discuss “What are your initial responses?” (Ask children who may have read the book, not to give it away). Come back together and discuss children’s ideas from the blurb and front cover. What sort of story is it going to be? What genre? What age group/gender do you think it may be aimed at? Does anyone know anything about David Almond? His style of writing? His previous work? Share that he was born into a large family in Newcastle; his books are very popular and critically acclaimed (what does this mean?). His books are very philosophical (meaning) and often appeal to both adults and children. Share with children that ‘The Savage’ deals with issues of loss, sadness, bullying and love. Read the first two chapters of the focus text. Come back together and discuss. What does the use of two different fonts tell us? Discuss how this is a story within another story. Why is Blue writing about ‘The Savage’? What is it helping him to do? Might there be something of Blue in ‘The Savage’? Might he be expressing his anger at what has happened to his family?
Planning Year 5 Literacy Imaginary Worlds

Planning Year 5 Literacy Imaginary Worlds

Three notebooks. Two weeks of plans. Some worksheets. Nouns ending in a consonant and y (e.g. party, army) change y to i and add es. Nouns ending with a vowel and y (e.g. day, boy) just add s. Whole Class Shared Reading - Mister Monday Read Chapters 1 - 3 S & L opportunity Pupils will discuss what a fantasy setting is. Most will have seen or read Harry Potter for example. The theme for lots of them is that the central character enters another world but lives in a world we can all relate to. Pupils to give their opinion. What do they think is going to happen? How do they feel about the characters Irregular plurals: goose, man, mouse, woman, tooth, child, person, foot test understanding of different endings during morning work Read chapter 4 WALT: know how an author creates mood and atmosphere. Pupils will focus on a passage of text that creates mood and atmosphere. What does the author do to build tension? How does he make us empathize with the character and be interested enough to want him to be safe. CT to work with MA to encourage deep thinking about language and sentence structure
Spring Year 6 Maths Planning 13 weeks 36 page pdf

Spring Year 6 Maths Planning 13 weeks 36 page pdf

36 page pdf. Maths for each of 13 weeks. sample : LO: To reflect shapes across a horizontal or vertical mirror line. KEY QUESTION: DO I NEED TO USE A MIRROR TO REFLECT A 2D SHAPE? Review the term reflection with the children. How would the children reflect a simple shape like a square across a mirror line? Show the children a more complex shape. How would the children go about reflecting this shape? Explore the use of a mirror using a large version of a shape on the working wall. If you hadn’t got access to a mirror, how would you go reflect the shape? Focus on process of identifying vertices within shapes, counting to the mirror line. DS: Supports Triangles during teaching. AG: Supports Squares during teaching. LO: To draw and reflect a shape across a 45 degree mirror line. Show the children a shape and have them model how to reflect across a vertical and horizontal mirror line. Show them a mirror line that is set at 45 degrees. Discuss possible strategies for carrying out the task of reflecting across the mirror line. Make sure the children stay on the grid lines and follow to the mirror line, then away from the mirror line to make a right angle. MW: target high Focus Children within teaching. Check during lesson. LO: To reflect a shape that crossing a 45˚ mirror line. KEY QUESTION: HOW CAN I REFLECT A SHAPE THAT CROSSES THE MIRROR LINE? Address misconceptions from previous lesson. Give the children an enlarged version of a triangle that crosses a diagonal mirror line. As a class, identify way in which the shape can be reflected across the mirror line. Take each point and reflect across a perpendicular set of gridlines. Model the use of start and end points. Whatever is in the upper part of the mirror line needs to be in the lower, vice versa. DS: Supports triangles during lesson. AG: Supports Circles during lesson.
Reception Short Term Lesson Plans 480 page pdf Year's Planning

Reception Short Term Lesson Plans 480 page pdf Year's Planning

480 page pdf. Lots of little ideas for lessons. Saves a load of planning. sample : Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall. [L&A] Join in with repeated refrains and anticipate key events and phrases in rhymes and stories. [L&A] Listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. [L&A] Read and understand simple sentences. [R] Remind chn about traditional tales: these were not written in books, they were TOLD. People remembered them and parents told them to their chn. Show/tell chn the story of The Gingerbread Man (see resources). Encourage chn to join in with repeating line, ‘Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man.’ At the end of the story, write these sentences on f/c and then read them through together, matching words pointed to and said. Join in with repeated refrains and anticipate key events and phrases in rhymes and stories. [L&A] Listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. [L&A] Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations. [S] Express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ needs. [S] Have pictures of the characters in The Gingerbread Man (see resources). Choose diff chn to be the diff characters in the story as you act it out from start to finish. Note 3 stages of the story: Start: Mum makes gingerbread man & he runs away Middle: Mum/dad/cow/horse chase gingerbread man to river End: Fox carries gingerbread man over river and tricks him! Remind chn of the repeating phrase ‘Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man.’ Use this phrase as you act out the story.
Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Planning Powerpoint Year 5

Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Planning Powerpoint Year 5

Planning to teach Shakespeare’s play. Great powerpoints. Sample planning : Begin by introducing the new topic and the learning outcome. We will be studying ‘older’ literature. Explain that older literature is defined as anything written before 1914 but we are going to look at much older than this! Show a picture of William Shakespeare: children to TTYP – Who is this man? What is he famous for? Can you name any of his works? Come back together and elicit that William Shakespeare was an author – not of stories but of plays and sonnets (poems). Talk about some of his more famous work and explain that he wrote 38 plays and over 160 sonnets. Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He produced most of his work between 1589 and 1613 – why do you think he wrote mostly plays rather than stories? Elicit that he was an actor so he loved the stage and he intended his works to be acted out rather than just read and also because of the times. TV and film were not entertainment options and the majority of people couldn’t read so going to the theatre or watching an outside performance was very popular. List the main characters on the board, to include: The Capulets Juliet Lady Capulet (Juliet’s mother) Lord Capulet (Juliet’s father and head of the family) Tybalt (Juliet’s cousin and enemy of Romeo) Nurse (Juliet’s nanny) Paris (wants to marry Juliet) The Montagues Romeo
Christmas assembly Script Ten Pages

Christmas assembly Script Ten Pages

ten page script. Nice piece you can perform in class or to an assemlbly. sample : Narrator: Welcome to our Christmas celebration! Narrator Welcome to INSERT TOWN, where our journey begins! Narrator: Picture our winter scene… Narrator: The air is filled with excitement, the faint hum of an inflatable Santa, blinding Christmas lights line the streets, illuminating the December skies. Narrator: Our story begins in a beautifu; house not too far away from here… Narrator: It is a tale of sadness, humour and love. If you are young or old, our story is one you will love! Narrator : Oh no it isn’t! Narrator: Oh yes it is! So sit back and enjoy the show, a magical tale of a young girl called Cinderella. Narrator: It’s December 23rd. A bitterly cold winter’s eve. Across the globe people were making last minute plans for Christmas festivities. Narrator: People running frantically from shop to shop to get their last minute presents. DANCE: SHOPPING BAGS AND PRESENTS (Christmas Wrapping) Narrator: Cinderella was busy vacuuming, cooking the dinner, ironing (funny mime of Cinderella doing different jobs all at once!) and washing,…… when something caught her eye…
Teaching Resources worksheets Money Shopping cd KS2 Mathematics Coins

Teaching Resources worksheets Money Shopping cd KS2 Mathematics Coins

I have designed 100 worksheets on Money and Shopping for primary school children. I have used a variety of items, a variety of difficulty and a variety of numbers of questions per sheet. Pupils write on the sheets the total cost. e.g. a milkshake costs £2.90 a hot dog £1.65 How much would 2 milkshakes and 3 hotdogs cost? There is plenty there to reinforce the work done in the classroom. Good for extra homework or additional work for the bright ones. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.
Back to School Year 4 Maths Planning Autumn Term

Back to School Year 4 Maths Planning Autumn Term

Weekly plans for the dreaded back to school Autumn term. Cut and paste and adapt for your own personal use. I hated those Sundays ruined by planning. example Today we are learning about decimals to two decimal places. First ask what are decimals? Establish that decimals show us part of the number that is not a whole. Display a number line with 0-1 with 9 unlabelled divisions. In between 0 and 1 we have intervals that represent tenths (not tens). Decimals are like fractions the number line is divided into ten parts so each one is one tenth. Tenths are decimals to one place as there is only one digit after the decimal point. Give children magnified glass and ruler using the ruler ask children to look at the tenths in-between each cm. When we write tenths as a decimals we write 0.1, 0.2… allow children to continue this asking them to stop when they get to the next whole number. What is the decimal point for? To separate the whole from its decimals. In between the tenths there are hundredths (not hundreds) display 0.4 to 0.5 with unmarked intervals in between. Ask can anyone tell me what these intervals will be labelled? 0.41, 0.42… Establish that 3.7 is bigger then 3.56. Ask why might I think 3.56 is bigger? Why is 3.7 bigger? When do we use decimals in real life? Place objects on a each table for the group to feel. Which one is heavier? Lighter? Get children to order them in order of weight. Give each table some scales, ask them to see if they were right and also to write the weights that they can read and make a note of them. Select some children to attempt to read the weights. Who has ever cooked or baked? What units of measurement would you use? What units of measurements have we used here to way our objects? How many grams are there in a kilogram? Give children some examples and ask them to convert the weights. Model how to use scales weigh different objects ask class to read the scale. Read scales and convert from grams to kilograms and vice-versa. L/A TA support To weigh objects and read on a scale. EXT: Order objects in order of weight using estimation skills
Year 5 Poetry Planning  Poetic Style – Valerie Bloom/Pie Corbett

Year 5 Poetry Planning Poetic Style – Valerie Bloom/Pie Corbett

Nice planning : sample : Read 3/4 Pie Corbett poems (see list below this plan or plan resources) – NOT Wings. Discuss the poems read eg which one did you like best and why? Is anything similar about the poems? Focus their attention onto things that are typical of Pie Corbett. Use 3 headings: Subject matter/Style of poem/Language. Discuss each of these (subject matter is what the poem is about eg nature, travelling, observations etc). Style is free verse or strict rhythm/regular or irregular rhyming patterns, use of speech or dialogue etc. Language refers to the vocabulary – the use of adjectives and descriptions, metaphors or similes eg ”I heard the paving slabs groan as they muscled for space.” (See plan resources.) Start looking at poems of Pie Corbett under these 3 headings. Give chn time to talk in pairs/small groups about each heading and take feedback. Ask chn to come up and scribe some ideas under each heading. Explain that we will now be exploring some of these headings in more detail. Easy Give chn a selection of Pie Corbett poems. Model reading a couple to the chn. Discuss what was similar or different in terms of the subject matter. Chn to then read some more poems in pairs and start to sort them into groups that are similar and why. Stick the similar poems onto A3 paper and make rough jottings about why they are similar. TD Medium/Hard Work in pairs or 3s. Take turns to pick a Pie Corbett poem and read it out loud to rest of group. Repeat this until lots of poems have been read. Provide highlighting pens & poetry checklist (plan resources) to guide their discussion. Ask chn to go back over each poem carefully & highlight any language that makes the poem interesting eg adjectives & descriptions. Give chn the metaphor & simile example sheet (plan resources) to refer to and see if they can highlight any of these in another colour. Make sure chn annotate their highlighting with their own comments. Is there anything linking these Pie Corbett poems together? Does he repeat any language techniques? Finally they look at the style of the poems. Is there a regular rhythm in the poems? Do they use speech?
Classic Narrative Poems Noyes Maggie and the Dinosaur Dave Ward The Works

Classic Narrative Poems Noyes Maggie and the Dinosaur Dave Ward The Works

Sample planning : Genre: Poetry Unit 2 – Classic/Narrative poems. Focus Texts: ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. ‘Maggie and the Dinosaur’ by Dave Ward.‘The Works’ (poetry anthology) by Paul Cookson. ‘The Puffin book of utterly brilliant poetry’ (Anthology) edited by Brian Patten. Prepare to share a narrative poem from an anthology: Maggie & the Dinosaur, p463 in The Works by Paul Cookson. Explain that an Anthology is a collection of poems specially chosen by a person: an anthologist. Highlight that Narrative poems are poems which tell a story. Point out that not all narrative poems have the same structure although each poem will probably have its own! They often have many verses just like a song, with each verse telling the next part of the story. Ask the children to respond to the narrative poem we shared. Which parts, lines & words did they enjoy the most? Did they like the way that the poem was read? Narrative poems are often long so they need to be read in a way that keeps the audience interested from start to finish. Just like a good story reader would make a story sound interesting. Children to be split into mixed ability groups of four and given copies of two poems: ‘Dave Dirt’s Christmas presents’ and ‘GreedyGuts’ both by Kit Wright. Ask the question: how can you be sure that you are looking at a narrative poem? They should decide which they would like to share with the class. How are they going to read it? Altogether, in pairs, individually on rotation? Allow each group time & space to practice for presentation. Groups to present their poems. Other groups to offer constructive feedback. Success Criteria: I know that a narrative poem is one which tells a story. I can contribute to a group activity, taking turns where necessary.
Back to School The Piano by Aidan Gibbons Year 6 Literacy Planning

Back to School The Piano by Aidan Gibbons Year 6 Literacy Planning

Great planning and powerpoints on this fascinating topic. sample : Speaking • Tell a story using notes designed to cue techniques such as repetition, recap and humour Drama • Reflect on how working in role helps to explore complex issues Understanding and interpreting texts • Infer writers’ perspectives from what is written and from what is implied • Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured Creating and shaping texts • Reflect independently and critically on their own writing and edit and improve it • Experiment with different narrative forms and styles to write their own stories Sentence structure and punctuation • Adapt sentence construction to different text-types, purposes and readers • Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes Understand, analyse and compare several ‘visual texts’. Comment on the technical parts of a visual text. Write a review using correct format and language. Whole Class Shared Learning Guided and Independent Activities: Start to understand what is meant by a ‘visual text’. What do we know so far about narrative writing? Create a list of facts to add to working wall including: fictional, dialogue, opening etc. Explain to the children briefly, that they are going to watch a short, animated film, entitled ‘The Piano.’ Explain also that there is no dialogue or narration; it will be up to the children to decide what the film is about, to answer simple questions, raise some of their own and provide their own explanations for what they see. Tell the children that they’re going to watch the film, quietly and without comment at first. Then, watch ‘The Piano’ by Aidan Gibbons. Model completing thinking feeling and speech shapes linked to the narrative.
Flashback Story Planning Year 6 Late Again For School Powerpoints Worksheets

Flashback Story Planning Year 6 Late Again For School Powerpoints Worksheets

Great planning. sample : Key Questions Teaching Show the children the PowerPoint ® about different sentence types. Ask the children to give some examples of sentence types that we use in own writing. Remind the children of the BOYS and 2A sentences. Write suggestions down. Ask could we extend these sentences, giving more detail? Model how we might come up with a simple sentence – ‘I walked into school’ – and add another simple sentence to give more detail. Tell pupils this week we will be focusing on flashback stories. Ask children what does it mean to flashback? Ask pupils if they can recall the main stages of a narrative. Put up mixed words on board. Can pupils recall the order? Opening Build up Dilemma Events Resolution End Tell pupils effective flashback stories often open in the middle of action. This week we will focus on how to write an effective flash back opening. First we are going to explore a possible story plot. Today’s lesson we are going to look at a picture still and pupils are going to work in pairs to work out what is happening / happened. What does it mean to flashback? How should a narrative be structured? Why is this a good structure? Tell pupils there are two ways to start an effective flashback story opening. We can use a 3-ed sentence or an If… If… If… sentence. This week we are going to explore 3-ed sentences. The technique we are going to use is called the Cliff hanger 3-ed sentence. First part of our lesson we are going to look at just the 3- ed sentence. Explain to the pupils, -ed sentences describe a characters emotion/feelings. The sentence starts with 3 adjectives which end in –ed. Eg. Frightened, confused, amused. Show another still picture from ‘Holes’. (see slide 2 of PPT). Ask children to write as many adjectives ending in ‘ed’ as they can think of to describe the scene. Together, use these adjective and come up with a 3-ed sentences to describe this scene. E.g. Disgusted, puzzled, repulsed, he held the shoes away from his nose. Children now to generate their own using the words. Now show slide 3. Children to generate 3-ed sentences. Which words best describe the image? Why? Which sentence is the most effective? Why? Would changing the order of the adjectives make it sound better/worse? Why?