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Year 4 Numeracy Planning lots of lessons Powerpoints pdfs Notebook files

Year 4 Numeracy Planning lots of lessons Powerpoints pdfs Notebook files

Some great planning you can use throughout the year for year 4 Maths. I’ve divided it into 9 blocks. sample planning : Partition, round and order four-digit whole numbers; use positive and negative numbers in context and position them on a number line; state inequalities using the symbols MA2 L3 How many _ in each number? Children recognise how many Th, H, T & U are there WALT – Order and partition 3 and 4 digit numbers WILF – knowledge of place value Well organised work Pupils to be reminded of place value. Which column to we go to first to see which the bigger number is? What does it mean to partition a number? Children work though a couple of t. led examples. MA – 4 digit number sheet (MT) A – 3 digit number sheet (Indep) LA – partitioning 2 digit numbers. Discuss what each number is made up of - which is the biggest number in a group. Q? What happens if we swap the t & u around? (JH) Prep for Tue – do any children remember the rule for rounding. Discuss in talk partners and report back Partition, round and order four-digit whole numbers; use positive and negative numbers in context and position them on a number line; state inequalities using the symbols How many _ in each number? Children recognise how many Th, H, T & U are there WALT – round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 WILF – rounding numbers accurately Mental addition of 2 digit nos Well organised pencil procedures Remind pupils of the findings from yesterday’s plenary. How do we round to the nearest 10? What about to the nearest hundred. Children put rule to the test using whiteboards to assess understanding. Children will be asked to add two numbers mentally and round the answer. Which mental strategies could we use? Ch discuss best way. MA to use pencil a paper proc with bigger numbers. Differentiated worksheets MA – ind A – MT less able JH Investigation. What is the highest and lowest numbers that will round to 4000. What is the difference? Multiply and divide numbers to 1000 by 10 and then 100 (whole-number answers), understanding the effect Children to use whiteboards – 10 x = Division Q? For MA WALT – multiply divide whole numbers by 10, 100 WILF - Understanding of the process Well organised work Moving onto decimals Mental maths methods What happens to a number when you multiply it by 10? Key points Children will know that add a 0 is not the correct answer. Decimal point stays in the same place. All children start by demonstrating their knowledge of mult by 10 and 100 then dividing by 10 100 MA – working with a mixture of whole and decimal numbers (JH) A – using whole numbers only LA – multiplying by 10 JH Who can explain the rule? Pupils are given 3 minutes to come up with the rule for multiplying by 10 or 100. Feedback to the rest of the class
Independent Reading Tasks learning Aids Lots of Ideas

Independent Reading Tasks learning Aids Lots of Ideas

Gathered together some great ideas for guided reading and Independent reading. Flexible for all years. Get them doing tasks whilst you help different groups. example : During guided reading your teacher and teaching assistant(s) will be listening to different groups read, and work with children to improve reading and comprehension skills. There will often be one or 2 groups that will work independently. This sheet has lots of activities for you to complete if you are working on your own for the lesson. You can do the activities in any order, but you will need to tick them off and fill in the dates when you worked on the activities so your teacher can check them. You will need to keep your sheets in your folder – make sure you number your work with the activity number too! For most of the activities you will need either your current reading book, one you have read recently, or one you know quite well. Write a letter as a character in your book to either another character in your book, a new invented character or a real-life character. Write a letter from yourself to a character in your book. Write a letter to the author of your book – you could say what you like or dislike about the book, or give ideas for what else you would like included in the book. Have a go at drawing a map of one of the places in the story. See how much you can include and how much detail you can add. Pretend you are a travel agent and want people to visit the place in the story. Write a paragraph on what you would tell others. Re-tell an event from the story from another characters point of view. For example, if Jenny is visiting a haunted castle with her wimpy brother Joe, can you change it from Jenny’s point of view to Joe’s? Re-tell an event from the story as if you are a newspaper reporter and you are writing a newspaper article. Imagine you could interview a character in your story – what would you ask them? What would their replies be? Write your interview with your character. Set it out so you use 2 different colours for your questions and your character’s answers. Write the diary entry (or several) for a character in your story after something interesting has happened. Have a go at writing a second diary entry for a different character. Have a go at continuing the story after the end of the book. What might happen next?
Morning Work Sentence Uplevelling Work Literacy Year 5 Pie Corbett

Morning Work Sentence Uplevelling Work Literacy Year 5 Pie Corbett

Some easy worksheets to get pupils uplevelling. Good exercise to have on the desk when they arrive in class. Plus some nice VCOP and Pie Corbett stuff. Improving Sentences Checklist: improve the verb add an adjective (WOW word) extend with a connective start with an ly, ed or ing word include a simile or a metaphor add an adverbial Sentence up Levelling There was a volcano There were sparks flying Molten lava streamed down the sides
Teaching Resources worksheets Shapes Maths Triangles Octagons

Teaching Resources worksheets Shapes Maths Triangles Octagons

I have designed 100 worksheets on shapes for primary school children. They have to write the name of the shape on the sheet. An answer sheet is in the picture. A great reinforcement exercise or you can give a sheet to a bright pupil to keep them occupied. You can use your professional judgement to choose the appropriate sheet. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.
Teaching Resources worksheets Area Perimeter  Mathematics

Teaching Resources worksheets Area Perimeter Mathematics

I have designed 100 worksheets on calculating area and perimeter for primary school children. There is a wide variety of difficulty. Some sheets just require area, some perimeter, some a mixture of the two. In some rectangles are used, others have triangles. You can use your professional judgement to choose the appropriate sheet. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.
Kindlekrax Teaching Materials and Planning Back to School Year 5 Literacy

Kindlekrax Teaching Materials and Planning Back to School Year 5 Literacy

Planning and worksheets. Read chapter 3 and 4. Discuss the characters of Ruskin and Elvis. Do you like these characters? Explain. What do they look like? How do they move? Do they have friends/ family? What clothes do they wear? Discuss. Draw up a list of ideas. Task: To compare the characters of Ruskin and Elvis supporting your description with evidence from the text. Children to describe each character and complete an illustration. Children to check over their work and improve it. Discuss the comparisons they have made. Which character is the most interesting? Which do you like? Why? Highlight the WALT. Read p.27 ‘The playground was made of asphalt that sparkled in the sunlight like crushed diamonds on black velvet.’ Describe your school using images like this. The hall was… My classroom was… My teacher is… Task: Write a character description of Ruskin using the three shot camera frame. Model how to write the character description using the frame (use Elvis). Long shot, mid shot, close up and reveal.
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Time Passages KS2 Maths Mathematics

Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Time Passages KS2 Maths Mathematics

I have designed 100 worksheets on time passages for primary school children. They have to draw the time hands on the clocks on the sheets. What time will it be? - There are two clocks . The first clock shows a time, the second clock is blank. A question like "What time will it be in 2 hr and 20 min?" appears below the clocks. The student draws the answer on the second clock. You can use your professional judgement to choose the appropriate sheet. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.
Science Healthy Eating 5 Powerpoints Planning Worksheets Year 5 and 6

Science Healthy Eating 5 Powerpoints Planning Worksheets Year 5 and 6

A great unit on healthy eating. Lovely series of 5 powerpoints plus bits and bobs. sample planning : Keeping healthy In this unit we will learn: · there are many aspects to keeping healthy · about the heart · how heartbeat is affected by exercise · how early ideas about diet & health were tested Enquiry Skill Focus: · repeating measurements · representing data in bar charts and graphs and interpreting these · using results to draw conclusions Begin by discussing ‘science’ with the class. What do they think of the subject? Can they name any important scientific skills? Introduce topic and ask children what they think the word ‘health’ means. Talk with talk partners. Children to find definition in dictionary and write class definition on strips of paper for display wall. Lead into a class discussion on keeping healthy; can the children predict what sorts of topics we might we might be covering? Can the HA children predict what SC1 investigations we might be carrying out? Introduce children to the resources which will be available to help them during this topic; the working wall plus table mats. Explain that each science topic will have a topic page and a glossary. This glossary gives the definitions of important vocabulary which they will come across during the unit. Activity One Children to feed back and complete class prior knowledge map. (Even if facts are not correct, add them on and clear up misconceptions throughout unit.) Children could add to their own map in a different colour any facts they have not got, which their peers suggest.
Year 1 planning Maths and English from Excellent school Back to school

Year 1 planning Maths and English from Excellent school Back to school

Planning for year one I’ve gathered from my log career. Mainly Maths and English but other stuff too. Zip has loads. I’ve put a sample in general download. Read the story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ Talk about the main events and make a list of the characters on the IWB. Introduce the term setting and discuss what a setting is. Identify all the different settings in the story and make a list on the IWB. Make links with the children’s own experiences eg who has walked through long grass? Diamond/ Ruby H/A (Ind) Children to complete worksheet identifying main characters, setting and event (HA sheet) Children to complete worksheet drawing favourite setting, identifying main characters, and explaining what happened. (SD to support) Children to complete worksheet drawing favourite setting, identifying main characters, and explaining what happened. (BM to support)
P.E. Physical education Lessons Planning Years 1 to 6

P.E. Physical education Lessons Planning Years 1 to 6

Taught P.E. for ages at Primary school. Gathered together all my lesson plans. Especially useful for non experts. People are often assigned P/E. to fill in their timetable. example planning : W/B: 5th January (Hares) 12th January (Badgers) Session 1 – Netball LO: To explore a variety of netball passes • I can talk about the game of netball • I can name 3 types of netball pass • I can pass and catch accurately (using a W) • I can apply my passing skills to a game of “piggy in the middle” Key Skills: catching, passing, footwork. Resources: Video clip, Netballs (WILL NEED BLOWING UP), Bibs marker cones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzj00otJCKA Show the children this netball clip in the classroom. What do you notice? • Can players move with the ball? (no) • Can they turn when they have got the ball? (pivot on the ball of your foot) • What types of passing do you notice? • How do players get the ball? How many players are there on a netball team? 7 – centre, wing attack, wing defence, goal attack, goal defence, goal shooter, goal keeper. Draw a sketch of the court – only those with a “g” in their name can entre the semi circles at their respective ends. Why do we need to warm up? (talk to a partner, then share) Warm up – Stuck in the Mud. Emphasise the importance of stopping still when you’re tagged as when you catch the ball in netball you cannot move. Teacher demonstrates chest pass. Children should have wide hands to grip the ball. They hold the ball close to their chest and push the ball using power from their arms to their partner’s chest. Children to get into 3s. 2 children to pass, the 3rd to coach/support then swap around. Ext: Ask pairs to move further away. Support: Get pairs to move closer together. Teacher to stop children where they are. Explain that when we want to catch the ball we should show a ‘W’ target with our hands. Children to practise passing again, but also focussing on catching technique. Teach children bounce pass. Explain to the children that the bounce pass comes from the stomach and gets passed to their partner’s stomach. The ball should bounce just slightly over half way between pairs, slightly towards the person receiving the ball. Children given time to practise the bounce pass in their 3s. Teach children shoulder pass. Emphasise that this is NOT a football pass, it comes from the shoulder and as the arm is extended the ball is pushed over the opponent. Children given time to practise this as well as the other passes they have been taught. Passing practice 1: In pairs, children place a cone where they are standing and another cone approximately 1m either side. Now the other child passes the ball to one of the outside cones. Children start on the original cone but have to move to receive the ball (don’t know which way they are moving until their partner passes the
Iron Man Ted Hughes 4 Planning Sheets Year 6 Literacy

Iron Man Ted Hughes 4 Planning Sheets Year 6 Literacy

4 planning sheets. Plenty of ideas. Year 6. Literacy. Sample : Set up plenary clip at beginning of lesson to be played in plenary Imagination starter: display front cover of the Iron man on IWB – Tell pupils that we have a new topic surrounding the novel The Iron Man, and tell them we will find out more about the author and the story as the unit continues. Round Robin: Can you write down describing words about the character you see? Place pupils into A/B and give 2 minutes to write down ideas on wipeboards in pairs. Feedback with lollypop sticks to follow. Draw out discussion as to what genre the book might be/ if the character is good/evil. Read the first two pages to the class: Hands up: Does the opening make them want to read on? Why? Collect ideas on IWB- What is the effect of opening the story with questions? Explain that the author Ted Hughes was primarily a poet rather than author-so he plays with his words/sentence length a lot more. Note any important features of the text, which build up atmosphere and note on IWB. Choose an OPENERS card and set the class a challenge. As core, but once they have completed highlighting, pupils are to label similes, metaphors, alliteration, repetition, rhetorical questions, short sentences… Can I analyse the features of a good story opening and find poetic devices? Children are given a copy of the first 2 pages of The Iron Man to annotate. They highlight what parts of the text build up the atmosphere to make a good opening –and how this contributes to he overall style. Can I analyse the features of a good story opening? Support lower going over each section of the text together. Read through again if necessary. Can I analyse the features of a good story opening, with support?