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Book Scrutiny Summary Template – Adapted from The Key & Customised

Book Scrutiny Summary Template – Adapted from The Key & Customised

This template was adapted from The Key and amended To be used in conjunction with the “Book Scrutiny Subject Template” You can use it to summarise findings from 5 subjects at a time. Some of the focus questions have been removed, others amended slightly and new questions added to help evaluate the effectiveness of curriculum implementation.
Independent School Standards Compliance Audit Tool

Independent School Standards Compliance Audit Tool

An audit tool for use by school leaders to accurately evaluate the extent to which their schools meet the requirements of the Independent School Standards (2014). This tool was created with reference to DfE and Ofsted guidance: It is written in plain English. Not all of the wording of the standards is included on this document. Instead, for each standard, there is a set of questions that require a yes/no response to determine if your school meets the requirements of the standard. This audit tool comes in a word and pdf version. Feedback from Dan Tipp: Director of Belong Learning “We used your independent school standards audit tool recently - very helpful” Version 9(a) - September 2023 All updates made in September 2023 are highlighted – some changes are related to updates in the relevant guidance while others have been made to make requirements clearer, to make distinctions between policy and implementation and to hopefully make it easier to use. It also has this additional line under paragraph 32 *Information about your school’s remote education provision – get a template here (and there’s a hyperlink)
Appropriate RSE Template

Appropriate RSE Template

The DfE guidance about relationship, sex and health education states that “…schools should ensure that their teaching is sensitive, age-appropriate, developmentally appropriate and delivered with reference to the law.” The guidance outlines what pupils should know by the end of primary and secondary school. We have developed these templates to help schools record what’s developmentally appropriate and what should be taught with sensitivity. This will be useful in developing a customised provision for pupils who have SEND or whose backgrounds make specific topics highly sensitive or even inappropriate. Schools should consider advice from relevant professionals when making these decisions.
Self-evaluation Package

Self-evaluation Package

This package is for the leaders of non-association independent schools. This package includes: guidance about coordinating the self-evaluation process a self-evaluation template Ofsted’s grading criteria a grading sheet It helps you evaluate your school’s provision against the latest Ofsted evaluation criteria, your school’s own vision/mission/values statement and additional criteria that you might like to add. It comes in word version.
Progress Tracker

Progress Tracker

This template is to be used to track pupils small steps in progress towards gaining the knowledge and skills outlined in the learning objectives of a specific subject. It is meant to provide an overview of the extent to which all pupils in a group are grasping what is being taught. The information gathered on this template can then be used to identify: ● topics that need to be revisited ● content which needs to be consolidated ● individuals who need targeted intervention