In this second episode of The Life of Muhammad, presenter Rageh Omaar continues to chart the story of The Prophet Muhammad.
Drawing on the expertise and comment from some of the world’s leading academics and commentators on Islam, Omaar assesses and shines a light on key events in Muhammad’s life including the Night Journey to Jerusalem, his life threatening departure from Mecca, through to the establishment of the Constitution of Medina and the eight year war with the Meccan tribes.
In line with Islamic tradition the programme does not depict any images of the face of Muhammad, or feature any dramatic re-constructions of Muhammad’s life.
Written in Publisher and formatted to A3 the worksheet can be saved as a PDF for A4 printing
Canada: A People’s History - Episode 5- A Question of Loyalties - Supporting Worksheet
Worksheet written for enrichment and extension activities as well as flipped learning
BBC Teach - Class Clips History GCSE / National 5: How Britain reacted to the outbreak of war in 1914
How did Britain enter World War One? Jeremy Paxman explores the optimistic national mood at the declaration of war in 1914 after Germany, under Kaiser Wilhelm II, invaded Belgium.
Written in Publisher and formatted to A3 the resource can be saved as a PDF for A4 printing
A one page resource
Introductory/Revision Booklet based around the Pearson Christie & Christie textbook.
The PDF version includes scans of existing free resources available from my shop. Planned to be used as the core course notes for next years teaching and a class based or independent learning resource.
This resource deals with content and knowledge and does not contain any assessment.
Andrew Marr - The Making of Modern Britain - Britannia at Bay - Supporting Worksheet
Written in Publisher, formatted to A3, but can be edited and saved as a PDF to print as A4
The worksheet deals with the evacuation of Dunkirk and the use of the ‘Little Ships’ to facilitate the rescue of Allied troops leading to the Dunkirk myth. It was written to serve as a starter activity. The material covers the first 9 mins of the episode.
Resource written to support the Edexcel A Level: Britain: Losing and Gaining and Empire - 1763-1914
The worksheet is written to provide structured support for Chapter 43—Making the Weather in Ben Wilson's: Empire of the Deep for the teaching of
Theme 2: The changing nature of the Royal Navy
Designed to be printed on A3 it is written in Publisher but can be amended and printed as a PDF
Kate Humble joins a team of geologists on a journey right to the heart of one of the most active volcanoes in the world.
On the island of Tanna in the Vanuatu archipelago lies Yasur - a volcano that erupts constantly, firing out red-hot lava bombs and showering the island in thick black ash. To discover whether another devastating eruption might happen, the team needs to collect a lava bomb the minute it is hurled from the crater.
As they prepare for their death-defying mission, Kate explores the island and discovers how the volcano shapes the lives, traditions and beliefs of everyone who lives in its shadow.
Written in Publisher and formatted to A3, the resource can be saved as a PDF for A4 printing
Worksheet to support the Richard Holmes BBC Documentary Ep1. The American Crisis
This resource has been written to support both the Edexcel 9-1 GCSE British America Empire & revolution as well as independent learning for the gaining and Losing an Empire A Level course
Written in Publisher to an A3 template, the worksheet can be amended and edited to be saved as a PDF for A4 printing
BBC American Voices - Ep3. Hard Times - Supporting Worksheet
Worksheet written to support the BBC documentary. Written to support GCSE teaching, extension/enrichment work and flipped learning.
The episode looks at the testimony of people who lived through Depression hit America
Written in Publisher, formatted to A3, the document can be amended and saved as a PDF for A4 printing.
Other episodes in the series are available from my shop
The Time Traveller’s Guide to Restoration Britain - Health and Hygiene- Supporting Worksheet for the Ian Mortimer book of the same name.
Written as an extension/reading/ independent learning activity for able GCSE 9-1 students studying the history of medicine looking at the Renaissance / Tudor period and changing medical understanding in Britain.
The resource is written as a WORD document for easy access to Google Classroom
Boom & Bust- Worksheet to support J.W. Davidson’s ‘A Little History of the United States’ Chp 37 - Avalanche
Written to support the Boom and Bust A Level as enrichment, independent reading. Written in Publisher for A3 printing but can be amended and saved as a PDF for A4 printing.
Other chapters are available from my shop:
9-1- Worksheet to support J.W. Davidson’s ‘A Little History of the United States’ Chapter 35 - The End of The World
Written as a reading/enrichment/flipped activity for GCSE, it, like earlier chapters available can be used for A level teaching and learning:
Written in Publisher formatted to A3 the document can be amended and saved as a PDF for A4 printing
Boom & Bust- Worksheet to support J.W. Davidson’s ‘A Little History of the United States’ Chp 36
Written to support the Boom and Bust A Level as enrichment, independent reading. Written in Publisher for A3 printing but can be amended and saved as a PDF for A4 printing.
Other chapters are available from my shop:
Worksheets to support the BBC Documentary History File Episode
Suitable for the new 9-1 History GCSE as lesson support, revision or flipped learning. Also appropriate for the legacy GCSE
Cold War (TV Series) Ep.24 - Conclusion - Supporting Worksheet for the BBC / CNN co-production, narrated by Kenneth Brannagh - Written as a extension and enrichment task for GCSE, it would also be appropriate for A Level studies.
Gorbachev and Bush meet at Malta in December 1989 to consider the recent dramatic events. Only the previous week the Communist government resigned in Czechoslovakia; and shortly Nicolae Ceaușescu would be deposed and executed in the bloody Romanian Revolution. Gorbachev permits German reunification and removes Soviet troops from Europe, but fails to secure financial support from the West. As the Soviet economy collapses, Gorbachev faces opposition from both reformers and hardliners. Sharing their abhorence of Soviet disintegration, Gorbachev brings in hardliners to his government and cracks down on the Lithuanian independence movement. However they later turn on Gorbachev and stage a coup. Boris Yeltsin is instrumental in rallying the public and military to defeat the coup. Sidelining Gorbachev, Yeltsin sets the course for Russia to leave the Soviet Union by establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States. The Soviet Union ends on 25 December 1991, and in his Christmas Day address Bush announces the Cold War is over. The cost of the Cold War is considered in retrospect. Interviewees include Mircea Dinescu, Alexander Rutskoy and Condoleezza Rice. The pre-credits scene features Bush and Gorbachev explaining how uncertain the world had suddenly become.
9-1 GCSE History - Cold War - The Space Race - Supporting Worksheet for Ted Ed Video
Written in Publishers and formatted for A3, this document can be edited and saved as a PDF for A4 printing
9-1 OCR History B, SHP History Learning/Topic Placemats for The People’s Health: 1250 to present day
Written in PowerPoint
Topic Covered:
The People’s Health GCSE Learning Placemat – Topic 4: Modern Britain - 1900 onwards
(The reverse side of the placemat remains the same throughout this study unit).
These interactive learning placemats were designed to meet the challenges of the new 9-1 GCSE. They build upon the successful ‘Edexcel Medicine Through Time’ Placemats that I previously designed (and which received 5* reviews by all who have purchased them up to the time of launching these new materials – see: ). My learning placemats have been identified as best practice during a ‘Challenge Partners’ review as well as being identified as best practice by other History teachers on the Olevi ‘Outstanding Teacher Programme’. These OCR Placemats are produced to the same quality and have been used by GCSE Students within my MAT.
The new design learning placemats support both teachers and students in addressing the:
a) dramatic increase in the curriculum content needed for the different units
b) support the need for increased literacy demands through a language for learning section
c) help students become familiar and more confident in recognising the correct response needed for the unprecedented number of different question styles
The placemats are designed to be double sided. One side focuses on the CONTENT: providing an overview of key knowledge and understanding needed (this will change for each topic area within this GCSE unit).
Every placemat across the GCSE range is designed to encourage greater understanding of:
Historical Context - through timelines, picture prompts and key words
Awareness of the ‘big picture’ so students can see how individual lessons fit into the unit and make clearer links between prior and future learning – through ‘Big Picture’ questions. (Identified as good practice by leading practitioner such as Hattie and Morrison-McGill).
Better Literacy – through selected ‘language for learning’ vocab box.
Memory prompts to support revision – through the use of carefully selected images - all categorised under themes that underline each period.
Increased awareness of metacognition – through PME (Progress, Monitor and Evaluation Time) questions to encourage students to deconstruct their learning and identify key factors (eg. Ideas, attitudes & beliefs, wealth & poverty, urbanisation, science and technology and the role of local and national government) and make links between features. A pictorial metacognition man with 5 question prompts will support student reflection.
The reverse side contains guidance on EXAM TECHNIQUE through:
Identifying the nature of the question styles for each GCSE Unit and the allocated marks available.
Examiners levelled mark schemes
Support writing frames with generic sentence starters