9-1 Edexcel History Learning/Topic Placemats for Crime and Punishment in Britain c.1000 to Present
Written in PowerPoint
Topics Covered:
Crime & Punishment GCSE Learning Placemat – Topic 1: c1000-1500 Medieval England
Crime & Punishment GCSE Learning Placemat – Topic 2: c1550—1700 Early Modern England
Crime & Punishment GCSE Learning Placemat – Topic 3: c1700—1900, 18th & 19th Cent
(The reverse side of the placemat remains the same throughout this study unit).
These interactive learning placemats were designed to meet the challenges of the new 9-1 GCSE. They build upon the successful Medicine Through Time Placemats that I previously designed (and which received 5* reviews by all who have purchased them up to the time of launching these new materials – see: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-edexcel-gcse-history-of-medicine-place-mat-question-structure-11627611 ). The new placemats have been identified as best practice during a ‘Challenge Partners’ review as well as being identified as best practice by other History teachers on the Olevi ‘Outstanding Teacher Programme’.
The new design learning placemats support both teachers and students in addressing the:
a) dramatic increase in the curriculum content needed for the different units
b) support the need for increased literacy demands
c) help students become familiar and more confident in recognising the correct response needed for the unprecedented number of different question styles
The placemats are designed to be double sided. One side focuses on the CONTENT: providing an overview of key knowledge and understanding needed (this will change for each topic area within this GCSE unit).
Every placemat across the GCSE range is designed to encourage greater understanding of:
Historical Context - through timelines, picture prompts and key words
Awareness of the ‘big picture’ so students can see how individual lessons fit into the unit and make clearer links between prior and future learning – through ‘Big Picture’ questions.
Better Literacy – through selected ‘language for learning’ vocab box.
Memory prompts to support revision – through the use of carefully selected images.
Increased awareness of metacognition – through PME (Progress, Monitor and Evaluation Time) questions to encourage students to deconstruct their learning and identify key factors (eg. Social, economic, political) or key individuals and make links between features. A pictorial metacognition man with 5 question prompts will support student reflection.
The reverse side contains guidance on EXAM TECHNIQUE through:
Identifying the nature of the question styles for each GCSE Unit and the allocated marks available
Examiners levelled mark schemes
Support writing frames with generic sentence starters
9-1 Edexcel History Learning/Topic Placemats for Weimar and Nazi Germany
The full range of placemats for the Germany course include:
Topic 1: Weimar Germany 1918-29
Topic 2: The Rise of Hitler and the Nazis
Topic 3 Co-ordination and Control
Topic 4: Life in Nazi Germany
(The reverse side of the placemat remains the same throughout this study unit).
These interactive learning placemats were designed to meet the challenges of the new 9-1 GCSE. They build upon the successful Medicine Through Time Placemats that I previously designed (and which received 5* reviews by all who have purchased them up to the time of launching these new materials – see: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-edexcel-gcse-history-of-medicine-place-mat-question-structure-11627611 ). The new placemats have been identified as best practice during a ‘Challenge Partners’ review as well as being identified as best practice by other History teachers on the Olevi ‘Outstanding Teacher Programme’.
The new design learning placemats support both teachers and students in addressing the:
a) dramatic increase in the curriculum content needed for the different units
b) support the need for increased literacy demands
c) help students become familiar and more confident in recognising the correct response needed for the unprecedented number of different question styles
The placemats are designed to be double sided. One side focuses on the CONTENT: providing an overview of key knowledge and understanding needed (this will change for each topic area within this GCSE unit).
Every placemat across the GCSE range is designed to encourage greater understanding of:
1. Historical Context - through timelines, picture prompts and key words
2. Awareness of the ‘big picture’ so students can see how individual lessons fit into the unit and make clearer links between prior and future learning – through ‘Big Picture’ questions.
3. Better Literacy – through selected ‘language for learning’ vocab box.
4. Memory prompts to support revision – through the use of carefully selected images.
5. Increased awareness of metacognition – through PME (Progress, Monitor and Evaluation Time) questions to encourage students to deconstruct their learning and identify key factors (eg. Social, economic, political) or key individuals and make links between features. A pictorial metacognition man with 5 question prompts will support student reflection.
6. A confidence thermometer is also included as a prompt to identify student confidence in the topic.
The reverse side contains guidance on EXAM TECHNIQUE through:
1. Identifying the nature of the question styles for each GCSE Unit and the allocated marks available
2. Examiners levelled mark schemes
3. Support writing frames with generic sentence starters
These resources provides students with a 'TOPIC ON A PAGE’ summary for the component units for Paper 1 of the Medicine in Britain, c1250–present and the Environmental Study on the Trenches Unit. They fully cover the syllabus content for each topic and can be used by students and teachers to:
a) consolidate knowledge and understanding to encourage student mastery (embedding academic language and concepts)after students have completed a topic in class or as a homework task, helping them identify areas of strengths and weaknesses
b) as a quick starter activity to review prior learning or weeks/months later as a spaced retrieval practice task. I regularly take sections from the placemats and use them to support spiralled learning.
c) to encourage relevant exam responses - specifically targeting the themes of explaining the cause of illness, methods of prevention, treatments, care of the sick, public health, important individuals and factors effecting change.
d) the question squares can be completed and then cut up into cards to form KAGAN Quiz/Quiz Trade Question and Answer Cards
e) as a useful revision aid before the final exam. (Many of my Year 11 students rely on these sheets in the final weeks and days of revision and have commented that they have helped make factual recall of the huge volume of the syllabus content more achievable.
The resource includes prompt pictures to appeal to visual learners and can be used as a standalone resource or in conjunction with the Edexcel Pearson Revision Guide, where all of the answers can be found. This resource can also be used in conjunction with the topic placemats that I have produced to support students in lessons. The first box contains the same summary picture for the whole topic. In particular, I have successfully used the TOPIC ON A PAGE summaries with the ‘EXAM TECHNIQUE’ side of the placemats so when students are given exam questions, they can quickly find relevant supporting knowledge to use in a response. I have used this resource successfully with students targeted Levels 4 - 9. It could be easily adapted for students working on or below L3. The ‘fill in the gaps’ prompts can be removed for higher ability students.
All the revision / overview booklets for each of the units of the Edexcel Gaining and Losing an Empire: 1763-1914 Nearly loosing an Empire A Level Course.
The booklets are based upon wider reading to enhance the understanding of students and enrich their learning beyond the core text.
This resources deals with content and knowledge and do not contain any assessment.
9-1 Edexcel History Learning/Topic Placemats for the Medicine Through Time course
The full range of placemats for the Medicine Through Time course include:
Topic 1: Medieval Medicine
Topic 2: Renaissance Medicine
Topic 3 1750-1900
Topic 4: Twentieth Century onwards
(The reverse side of the placemat remains the same throughout this study unit).
These interactive learning placemats were designed to meet the challenges of the new 9-1 GCSE. They build upon the successful Medicine Through Time Placemats that I previously designed (and which received 5* reviews by all who have purchased them up to the time of launching these new materials – see: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-edexcel-gcse-history-of-medicine-place-mat-question-structure-11627611 ). The new placemats have been identified as best practice during a ‘Challenge Partners’ review as well as being identified as best practice by other History teachers on the Olevi ‘Outstanding Teacher Programme’.
The new design learning placemats support both teachers and students in addressing the:
a) dramatic increase in the curriculum content needed for the different units
b) support the need for increased literacy demands
c) help students become familiar and more confident in recognising the correct response needed for the unprecedented number of different question styles
The placemats are designed to be double sided. One side focuses on the CONTENT: providing an overview of key knowledge and understanding needed (this will change for each topic area within this GCSE unit).
Every placemat across the GCSE range is designed to encourage greater understanding of:
1. Historical Context - through timelines, picture prompts and key words
2. Awareness of the ‘big picture’ so students can see how individual lessons fit into the unit and make clearer links between prior and future learning – through ‘Big Picture’ questions.
3. Better Literacy – through selected ‘language for learning’ vocab box.
4. Memory prompts to support revision – through the use of carefully selected images.
5. Increased awareness of metacognition – through PME (Progress, Monitor and Evaluation Time) questions to encourage students to deconstruct their learning and identify key factors (eg. Social, economic, political) or key individuals and make links between features. A pictorial metacognition man with 5 question prompts will support student reflection.
6. A confidence thermometer is also included as a prompt to identify student confidence in the topic.
The reverse side contains guidance on EXAM TECHNIQUE through:
1. Identifying the nature of the question styles for each GCSE Unit and the allocated marks available
2. Examiners levelled mark schemes
3. Support writing frames with generic sentence starters
Worksheets to support the Documentary series:
Programme 1 ‘Feud Glorious Feud’ - takes a journey back to the Dark Ages, before laws were written down and trials involved harsh physical ordeals with boiling water and red hot pokers. But by the end of this period, the Saxons had created the very first sophisticated legal systems of courts and juries some 200 years before they were formally introduced.
Programme 2 ‘Guilty as Charred’ - studies the period up to and after the Norman invasion was perhaps the most turbulent in the history of law. But in the 150 years from 1066, the legal system was transformed. This period saw the signing of Magna Carta and the establishment of the three major planks of a modern legal system: independent judges, trial by jury, and English common law.
Programme 3 ‘New King on the Block’ - looks at he battle over freedom of speech and how the monarch finally lost its power, and its head. As crucial as Magna Carta, the introduction of the Bill of Rights in 1688 saw Parliament and politicians now assume complete domination over the monarchy for good.
Programme 4 ‘Have I got Noose for You’ - examines the huge escalation in the amount of law-making with the rise of industrialised society in the eighteenth century. And with thinkers such as Voltaire, Locke and especially Jeremy Bentham, the modern ideas of prison, reform and rehabilitation for offenders begin to emerge.
All worksheets are written in Publisher and formatted to A3. The resources can be saved as PDF files for A4 printing
BBC - Twentieth Century Battlefields - Peter and Dan Snow
Historian Peter Snow tells the story of the most important battles of the 20th Century. Armed with his mapcase which presents digital illustrations of his presentations, Snow tells the big picture of these clashes and their impact. Meanwhile, his son, Dan, goes into the field to explore the details of these battles and the part they played in the grand context of history