English language arts

Tar Beach Play Script Planning
Set of 13 lessons for a unit of planning aimed at year 4 / 5 children based on Tar Beach. Incldues grammar lessons, WAGOLL and teaching slides.

Beowulf Character Description unit planning
12 lessons with powerpoint slides based on creating a character description for Beowulf based on Micheal Morpurgo’s Beowulf. Includes lessons on parenthesis, personification, similes, metaphors and concise noun phrases.

Meramid of Zennor Legend Story Writing
This is a 16 session unit based on creating a legend story using the Mermaid of Zennor. Children are encoruaged to create their own mythical sea creature that they use for a legend story. The unit includes all teaching slides, including slides for grammar to be used in the story.

KS2 Narrative Writing Planning
This is a 5 week Narrative unit aimed at year 4 children. The focus within the unit is punctuating direct speech and using fronted adverbials. The lessons are adaptable and eventually lead to writing a Narrative based on a running race inspired by ‘Leg’s Race’