![Hero image](https://www.tes.com/cdn/app-resource-store/5d51d34/img/hero.jpg)
What is a fraction?
The powerpoint used to create a near pod presentation. Couldn't share the NPP because of TES rules.
Interior Angles
A PPT file support the discovery of interior angle properties of polygon. This is a follow on lesson based around a table with the number of side, number of triangles and interior angle sum columns.
A number of tasks at the end extend the ideas beyond the previous lesson.
Percentages Game Board
Students create their own percentage questions at grades B and C with bonus questions being made at grade A. Students create as opposed to answer ensuring they develop a generality as to the question types and can better identify the processes required.
Histograms Activities
A couple of activities to support lessons involving histograms. One a learner bingo and the other a True or False activity.
Probability Games
A series of probability scenarios to consider the outcomes for, identify successes and then calculate the probability for.
Engaging Ideas
Here is a little bit of a crib sheet with lots of useful ideas.
I've been reading 101 Classroom Games, written from a PE perspective and been looking at how to use it in a maths context.
The problem being the context in which answers are given etc. Well worth a read but here is a selection of some of the ideas it has inspired and a crib sheet to keep them in mind and begin using them.
Hexagons; promote discussion, learning links
These hexagons promote the discussion over length, area and volume for B to A* candidates.
The idea comes from a English observation mentioned on the website linked and has been put into a mathematical context.
Place like dominos explaining the decision for the tiles placement in its given location thus revealing the deeper understanding of the student.
12 days of Construction
Involves groups of students developing their own skills in construction using independent learning. The team challenge is to produce the final piece of presentation work over a series of lessons.
During these lessons the teacher or more able students provide demonstrations of construction techniques that assist in the completion of the task.
Due to the repetition students consolidate their understanding of key elements and focus on supporting others.
The task is linked to the 12 days of Christmas.
Inequalities Mini-Guide
A self contained document originally designed for varying tasks per table completed on a rotation basis. There are information sheets and questions sheets.
It has however since been used to create a mini booklet for individual work.
Area Problems
Three problems designed to get students learning by pursuing answers to big problems, consolidating understanding as they go.
Angle Problems
Solve angle problems.
Print on paper, cut up, students place their answer on the back, replace in the pile, another student answers and peer assesses the other answers on the back of the question.
Expanding Brackets
Graduating/Differentiated worksheets on expanding brackets designed originally for a year 7 group. S
They are scaffolded to use the 'Santa's Hat' method of expanding a bracket.
KS3 Maths Solving Equations Booklet
Designed for the Level 5 algebra: linear equations objective. The document graduates in difficulty, (differentiated for level 5a, 5b, 5c) and provides an example per level. The document emphasises the idea of balancing and use of inverse.
KS3 Maths algebra solving equation cards
'I Think of A Number Cards' Designed to be 4 distinct sets of questions cards this resource is developed as an introduction to solving equations. It original design is to go alongside a lesson developing the idea of inverse to then be taken on to the solution of formal algebra.
Set 1-Addition and Subtraction (1 Stage)
Set 2 -Multiplication and Division (1 Stage)
Set 3 - Multiplication then Addition/Subtraction (2 Stage)
Set 4 - All 4 in any order (2 Stage)
Second version doesn't provide answers.
Area Formulae - Revision Sheet - KS4
Designed as a revision exercise for year 11s but equally applicable within KS4 and higher attaining KS3.
Matching description, formaule, diagram and answer(given diagrams dimensions). Designed to recap finding area of a variety of shapes including circles.
Find the Fib - KS3 Angle Problems Worksheet
In this word document worksheet find the two mistakes hidden in 3 questions regarding angles around a point, a line and a triangle.