Barclayfox's Shop. Ready to use KS3 & KS4 lessons.
Average Rating4.41
(based on 76 reviews)
No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths
Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities.
All answers are built in.
No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths
Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities.
All answers are built in.
This allows for students to better understand the Radiation topic with a simple activity
Card sort activity comes complete with answers so can be used on mulit level learning.
Great activity to engage and support active independent learning.
This is the worksheet that comes as part of my alpha, beta, gamma radiation lesson which you can find here:
Happy teaching!
This lesson is on Charles’ law for KS4.
It covers temperature, KE, the Kelvin scale, and absolute zero.
Students also learn how to convert between Kelvin and degrees Celsius (centigrade) and vice versa.
It then moves on to the relationship between temperature and volume and calculating temperatures and volumes using Charles’ Law.
Also covers all the key language. Well organised and succinct with clearly made key points and well chosen images.
This lesson explains the material in an easy to understand way.
Provides an excellent ready to use lesson on this topic, or it can easily be adapted if you wish.
UK KS4 and USA grades 9 to 11 (ages 13 to 16).
Happy teaching!
Here are a few more of my lessons that I’m sure you will find helpful:
Cells, tissues and organs (hierarchy of biological organisation) KS3 complete lesson.
Adaptation, habitat and adaptations and inherited variation, survival. KS3 complete lesson.
Genes, DNA, Darwin, evolution, peer review and collaboration. Complete KS3 Biology lesson.
Space, solar system, stars, galaxies, moons, light years and the universe. Complete KS3 lesson.
There are many more high quality lessons I’ve created, then repeatedly used and improved over the last decade+ . Please type “barclayfox” into the resources search box.
Search words:
Charle’s law, Charles’s law, Charles’s law, Charles law, temperature and volume, volume and temperature, T V P, gas law, gas laws, Kelvin, kelvin, absolute zero, temperature scales, Celcius, kelvin, degrees celcius, centigrade, kinetic energy and temperature.
This lesson explains what contraception is and the various methods of contraception. By the end of the lesson your young people will understand the effectiveness and be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of these different methods. This will give them appropriate knowledge to make informed decisions for themselves as they grow up.
This lesson is easily and quickly adaptable. It contains SPaG, uncovers and corrects misconceptions, has a true or false activity, gap fill, picture puzzle, carefully selected NHS Video clip, homework and FAQ’s etc Suitable for both KS3 and KS4.
Please do not buy my other “contraception” lesson if you buy this one, they are very similar, thank you.
Here are a few more of my (many) lessons that I’m sure you’ll find helpful:
Cells, tissues and organs (hierarchy of biological organisation) KS3 complete lesson, forms part of a complete series of lessons for this topic.
Adaptation, habitat and adaptations and inherited variation, survival. KS3 complete lesson.
Genes, DNA, Darwin, evolution, peer review and collaboration. Complete KS3 Biology lesson.
Space, solar system, stars, galaxies, moons, light years and the universe. Complete KS3 lesson AND part of a full series.
There are many more high quality lessons I’ve created, and repeatedly used and improved over the last decade. Please type “barclayfox” into the resources search box.
Happy teaching !
Key words
Contraception, methods of contraception, the pill, rhythm, pregnant, avoiding pregnancy, pregnancy, condom, pill, patch, rhythm method, withdrawal, sheath, ejaculation, fertilisation, IUD, coil, female condom, durex, diaphragm, cap, spermicide, injection, implant, sterilization, boy, girl, sex, sex education, reproduction, PSHE, RSE, fertilization, sex and relationships, health care, STI’s, health, reproduction, sex and science, human reproduction, sex and relationships.
Plenaries - Super easy fun plenaries.
No preparation or planning required.
Simply choose one from those described - or let the class choose by projecting the 1 pager.
Enough so you can use them with the same classes all year long.
Not so many that you or your students get confused or cannot decide which to use.
Save time this week – and every week !
Happy teaching!
Lesson for the first time you ever meet any class in any subject.
Complete lesson, ready to use, you only need to spend 2 minutes personalising the ‘who am I’ PPT slide provided.
All Key Stages: KS2 to KS5.
ALL subjects: yes, really, all subjects and you can use it with your tutor group too !
12 new classes this week ? Easy, no effort, no pressure, no stress, great lesson, give this lesson 12 times this week ! Best £5 you’ll spend this year !
The first lesson with a new class is the most important lesson you will ever teach. You need to give this lesson to each of your new classes. Assuming you have 12 classes this year and your teaching career lasts 20 years that is a lot of classes, and all so easy! I’ve lost count of the number of times I have delivered this lesson, this truly critical lesson. It has been used and improved a huge number of times over many years.
During the lesson you will accomplish all these important things:
Sort out the seating plan during the lesson.
Learn names.
Introduce yourself to the students.
Get to know each student.
Set and agree class rules.
Rewards - find out which rewards they care enough about to try and get.
Set expectations of behaviour and ensure students recognise your authority as the teacher.
Help learners understand why work ethic is so important.
Learn about individual learners needs.
Learn about their individual likes (helps build relationships)
Learn about their individual dislikes (helps build relationships)
Start to build those all important relationships.
Start to coach / motivate the students about learning.
Happy teaching !
Key words:
back to school, first lesson, ice breaker, first time meet, complete first lesson, first secondary lesson, first maths lesson, first English lesson, first science lesson, first French lesson, first history lesson, first geography lesson, first tutor group lesson, first lesson in, introduction, classroom expectations, setting standards, start up lesson, new class introduction, meeting your new class for the first time, new teacher, new class, back to school, meet the teacher, B4L, behaviour for learning, behavior for learning, behaviour management, behavior management, setting expectations, class rules.
Temperature versus volume relationship (Charles’ law). T vs V relationship. 20 slide PPT lesson on Charles’ law. It covers: temperature, KE, the Kelvin scale, absolute zero, how to convert between Kelvin and degrees Celsius (centigrade) and vice versa. It then moves on to the relationship between temperature and volume and calculating temperatures and volumes using Charles’ Law. Also covers all the key language. Well organised and succinct with clearly made key points and well chosen images. This lesson explains the material in an easy to understand way. Provides an excellent ready to use lesson on this topic, or it can easily be adapted if you wish.
UK KS4 and USA grades 9 to 11 (ages 13 to 16).
If you bought my “Charles’ law" lesson, please note that is very similar to this lesson, please do not buy both.
Happy teaching!
Here are a few more of my (many) lessons that I’m sure you will find helpful:
cells, tissues and organs (hierarchy of biological organisation) KS3 complete lesson.
Adaptation, habitat and adaptations and inherited variation, survival. KS3 complete lesson.
Genes, DNA, Darwin, evolution, peer review and collaboration. Complete KS3 Biology lesson.
Space, solar system, stars, galaxies, moons, light years and the universe. Complete KS3 lesson.
There are many more high quality lessons I’ve created, used and improved over the last decade. Please type “barclayfox” into the resources search box.
Search words:
Charle’s law, Charles’s law, Charles’s law, Charles law, Charles’ law, temperature and volume, gas law, gas laws, Kelvin, kelvin, absolute zero, temperature scales, centigrade, degrees centigrade, degrees Celsius, celsius, Celsius, Celsius, kelvin, degrees celcius, temperature scales, kelvin, lord kelvin, buoyancy, upthrust.
Gas Laws worksheet with answers
Initially it teaches by providing some hints on using the gas laws of Boyles, Charles and Guy-Lussac
Then the students do the questions.
Answers included.
8 small questions, plus,
4 larger calculation questions covering:
2 x Boyle’s,
1 x Charles’,
1 x Guy-Lussac.
Happy teaching,
End of year quiz (which doesn’t mention Christmas). Powerpoint no preparation work required, project and go.
70+ slides.
Round 1: Observation (video round)
Round 2: Pop Music
Round 3: Bingo
Round 4: A to Z alphabet knowledge quiz (Maths, English, Science, Geography, History).
Still teaching but with a fun element added to bring the year to a close.
Happy Teaching
Rocket building activity using straws and balloons, great fun.
Fully scaffolded PowerPoint so no work required other than to find the straws and balloons.
Enjoyment while learning.
Worksheet with answers that I made for my A level students to assist with possible exam questions .
There are 13 questions in all plus a challenge mission.
A level Physics.
Christmas science quiz - Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Ready to use - no prep required.
5 rounds:
Chemistry - game.
Pop music - activity.
Christmas Physics.
Christmas Biology.
World Tour.
Flexible duration - use the rounds you prefer.
Full Powerpoint is over 100 slides .
Suitable for year 7 to year 11 inclusive.
Best wishes,
Many students get confused over Bonding and Properties
So to help I have created this one single page in excel - which can be used as a handout to the class.
The 1 pager covers:
Metallic bonds, ionic bonds, covalent bonds, melting point, boiling point, conductivity, solubility.
Happy Teaching
Ready to use - no prep, just load up and go.
PowerPoint self navigates - just keep pressing return. Or better still let a student do it for you !
Christmas quizzes and activities:
plus biology too - who was expecting that ? :-)
Happy Christmas,
Full lesson, no work required, fully scaffolded in the PowerPoint - just get your lolly sticks ready!
Fun activity - building a catapult. The PowerPopint is Christmas themed throughout and the activity is based around saving Christmas from an invasion of Zombie Santas.
It can be part of a team building lesson or just some fun.
No prep required. Instant quiz for secondary schools, year group 7 to 11
Self navigating powerpoint - just press return - or let a learner do it for you !
Christmas English quiz & activities.
4 Rounds:
Maths - who saw that coming ? ;-)
Surprise Round !
Happy Christmas.
Powerpoint guiding you through giving a lesson on conservation of mass in chemistry.
Choice of two practicals (both explained and with kit lists to give to your technicians)
Lots of Questions with Answers throughout this presentation for a complete understanding of the subject.
No preparation required.
Very easy to use.
Best wishes,
Use this for all your new classes.
Use it over and over again during the first week of the new school year.
Use it again next year.
Use it no matter what subject you teach.
This complete lesson will give you and the class you have never met before a positive, fun and very useful first lesson together.
Complete No-Prep lesson with exam quality questions, activities and answers on Gravity, Weight and Mass.
Written for KS3. However it covers GCSE content too and would be useful with lower ability GCSE classes.
High quality no-prep lessons so that busy teachers like you can teach excellent lessons without spending hours preparing and planning.
This high quality lesson delivered using PowerPoint includes explanations, different types of in-lesson activities and assessments (all with answers) and unique exam questions.
My lessons are ideal for both Physicists and non-Physicists – the lesson takes learners on a journey that carefully builds up their understanding step by step using literacy as one key element, while still going into the appropriate depth.
What’s Included:
• Teaching notes
• Starter / settling Activity
• Explanation slides in “chunked” sections.
• Worked examples of calculations / questions.
• Mnemonic.
• Gap fill & literacy activities.
• Unique Worksheet - with all answers.
• Exam-style questions covering the whole lesson content at the end of the lesson - these are unique, based on real exam questions not simply copied from exam boards.
• All easily editable to adapt to your teaching or to use in existing lessons.
The lesson is applicable to AQA, Edexcel and OCR exam specifications.
Happy Teaching
Target setting. Scorecard. Get organised. New Years resolutions.
This is a 30+ slide powerpoint navigated lesson that leads students to consider what they want to improve and then gives them a simple but magical tool to do it in the form of a scorecard.
Particularly useful for tutor time, or for Target Setting or New Years Resolutions or for any reflection or goal setting.
It can be focused on school targets and be used to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and achieving progress.
It’s useful to you directly too !
Useful for students and also for teacher’s - I’m much more organised and self disciplined now I use my scorecard ! :-)
Could even be used as an active assembly - each student would simply need a scorecard and a pen to participate.
Both the Powerpoint and the Excel file are fully editable so you can adapt them if you wish.
Happy teaching!