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Percentage Increase and Decrease Super Sheet
This my attempt to create a sheet that ticks all the boxes.
The sheet includes:
Literacy section with key words and definitions
Write on the sheet starter
Lesson objective
(The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book)
Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome
A set of extension questions
Plenary questions to check understanding
Homework questions (differentiated)
Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life.
Coloured background and step by step instructions to help support SEND pupils.
This sheet is on percentage increase and decrease, originally using the multiplier method but easily adapted.

Percentage Increase and Decrease Sheets
Three simple sheets on percentage increase and decrease. First is a differentiated worksheet, second an extra set of questions which could be used a catch up or cover lesson and finally a homework sheet.

Percentage Increase and Decrease activities
3 activities on finding percentages of amounts, and increasing and decreasing by a percentage. One is a multiple choice sheet, one is a match up sheet and the final is a find the answer sheet.

y=mx+c Sheets
Questions on finding the equation linking two coordinates.
A differentiated worksheet, a homework exercise and extra set of questions (good for cover or one more lesson if needed). Answers included.

Quadratic Sequences Super Sheet
This my attempt to create a sheet that ticks all the boxes.
The sheet includes:
Literacy section with key words and definitions
Write on the sheet starter
Lesson objective
(The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book)
Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome
A set of extension questions
Plenary questions to check understanding
Homework questions (differentiated)
Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life.
Coloured background and step by step instructions to help support SEND pupils.
This sheet is on finding the nth term of quadratic sequences.

Super Transformations PowerPoint
A Collection of Transformations Power Points and worksheets, covers enlargement, translation, reflection and rotation. Has work and instructions for drawing a describing.
Hope you find it useful

Double Brackets Super Sheet
This my attempt to create a sheet that ticks all the boxes.
The sheet includes:
Literacy section with key words and definitions
Write on the sheet starter
Lesson objective
(The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book)
Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome
A set of extension questions
Plenary questions to check understanding
Homework questions (differentiated)
Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life.
Coloured background and step by step instructions to help support SEND pupils.
This sheet is on expanding out double brackets..

2 Step Equations super sheet
This my attempt to create a sheet that ticks all the boxes.
The sheet includes:
Literacy section with key words and definitions
Write on the sheet starter
Lesson objective
(The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book)
Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome
A set of extension questions
Plenary questions to check understanding
Homework questions (differentiated)
Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life.
Coloured background and step by step instructions to help support SEND pupils.
This sheet is on solving 2 step equations, includes decimal and negative answers in the higher question sets.

Collecting like terms Super Sheet
This my attempt to create a sheet that ticks all the boxes.
The sheet includes:
Literacy section with key words and definitions
Write on the sheet starter
Lesson objective
(The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book)
Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome
A set of extension questions
Plenary questions to check understanding
Homework questions (differentiated)
Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life.
Coloured background and step by step instructions to help support SEND pupils.
This sheet is on collecting like terms.

Simultaneous Equations Super Sheet
This my attempt to create a sheet that ticks all the boxes.
The sheet includes:
Literacy section with key words and definitions
Write on the sheet starter
Lesson objective
(The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book)
Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome
A set of extension questions
Plenary questions to check understanding
Homework questions (differentiated)
Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life.
Coloured background and step by step instructions to help support SEND pupils.
This sheet is on solving a pair of linear simultaneous equations using elimination.

Automated Marking Sheet (Beta version)
Do you get bored of writing the same old things over and over when marking just to tick a box? What if you could flip it and just tick a box to write the same thing over and over.
These marking sheets will generate WWW and EBI comments, as well as written feedback in the form of a helpful hint and a question to work on. Once set up the sheets will be personalised for individual pupils, reminding them of their target grade and working at level each time you mark. Currently there are over 100 skills in the topics library but it is fast and easy to add more.
My marking is now quicker and neater, I can do away with target grade stickers in books and can easily show pupils responding to feedback. Homework sheets are also generated based on the skills which you are marking.

Mega Maths PowerPoint (V.3)
The latest version of my mega powerpoint. This time there are about 200 sets of questions with answers on pretty much every maths topic (not including A level). Perfect for an emergency rerooming lesson or a where have my text books gone lesson, or even an oh my gosh can't believe they have forgotten this lesson.
Great for revision

Mega Probability PowerPoint
A collection of probability PowerPoints and quizzes. Contains mutually exclusive events, tree diagrams, sample space diagrams, listing outcomes, and so on and so forth. Lots of multiple choice quizzes and sets of questions with answers, all presented in a (hopefully) good looking presentation.
Hope you find it useful.

Easter Egg Hunt Activities
9 Easter Egg Hunt activities. Pupils have to answer questions in squares and look for certain answers to find the eggs.
Great team competitions for a bit of end of term fun.Includes Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, percentages, gradients and solving equations.

Coordinate Puzzle Generator
This file helps create worksheets where pupils have to look up coordinates to spell words and phrases.
You could use it to ask questions, or spell out jokes.
Very easy to use just type 10 sentences into the sheet, give a title then print off.

Spearmans Rank renewable worksheet
A worksheet in excel which will keep generating sets of spearman's rank questions and answers. Perfect if you intend to review this topic and have already used the sheet once. Or create a second sheet for homework.

Percentage Resource Blast
7 Resources on finding Percentages of amounts.
Differentiated Worksheet
Homework sheet
Extra question set / cover work
Loop cards
Matching cards
Multiple Choice Sheet
Matching sheet
All activities have answers.

Fractions of Amounts Resource Blast
7 Resources on Fractions of Amounts.
Differentiated Worksheet
Homework sheet
Extra question set / cover work
Loop cards
Matching cards
Multiple Choice Sheet
Matching sheet
All activities have answers.

Multiplying Decimals Resource Blast
7 Resources on Multiplying Decimals.
Differentiated Worksheet
Homework sheet
Extra question set / cover work
Loop cards
Matching cards
Multiple Choice Sheet
Matching sheet
All activities have answers.

Negative Numbers Resource Blast
7 Resources on Negative number addition and subtraction.
Differentiated Worksheet
Homework sheet
Extra question set / cover work
Loop cards
Matching cards
Multiple Choice Sheet
Matching sheet
All activities have answers.