This is an amazing pack for those studying about whales or reading a book about whales such as: ‘The Snail and the Whale’ or ‘The Storm Whale’ etc.
This pack includes differentiated templates to accompany work on the causes of whales beaching itself. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
Whale beaching fact sheet/ information report
simplified whale beaching fact sheet/ information report
Word Mat
Sentence Starters
Differentiated Writing Templates x4 with extension writing sheets
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Beaming Literature
This pack is on the book ‘The Strom Whale’ by Benji Davis. It is differentiated and includes: Writing examples, sentence starters, student’s marked work and writing checklist.
This is an amazing pack for those teaching, studying and learning about the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. This pack includes all the resources needed to teach writing an acrostic poem about the humpback whale or the snail. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
Humpback whale fact file for children to get ideas to write their poem. They could also see a video of whale online.
Planning template x2 differentiated
Learning Objective and sucess criteria
Acrostic poem template x3 differentiated
Describing sheet x3
Planning Example
Other poem writing example
Acrostic poem writing examples x5
Questions to think about-snail and the whale
Writing sentences about the whale or the snail
Other whale poetry writing templates x6- snail and the whale
Humpback whale word mat
Snail word mat
Acrostic poem writing checklist
Student writing example
Teaching Powerpoint Presentation (ppt)
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Beaming Literature
This is an amazing pack for those teaching, studying and learning about the book ‘The Storm Whale’ by Benji Davies. This pack includes all the resources needed to teach writing an acrostic poem about the baby blue whale. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
Blue whale fact file for children to get ideas to write their poem. They could also see a video of whale online.
Planning template x2 differentiated
Acrostic poem template x3 differentiated
Describing the Whale x2
Other poem writing example
Acrostic poem writing examples x4
Questions to think about
Writing sentences about the whale
Other whale poetry writing templates x3
Blue whale word mat
Acrostic poem writing checklist
Teaching Powerpoint Presentation (ppt)
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Beaming Literature
This is an amazing pack for those studying about whales or reading a book about whales such as: ‘The Snail and the Whale’ etc. This pack includes various differentiated templates to accompany work on creating a fact file about the Snails. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
Writing Example of a non-chronological/ fact file report about snails
Planning example
Information sheet to understand and learn about snails in the form of a non-chronological report/ fact file and to learn about the features of a fact file/ non chronological report differentiated x3 for different abilities.
Sentence Starters
Word mat on snails
Writing checklist
Writing 3 facts about snails
Labeling a snail
Differentiated Writing Templates x10 with extension writing sheets
Teaching Powerpoint Presentation
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Beaming Literature
This is an amazing pack for those studying/ teaching the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson or those that are studying/teaching speech, dialogue and speech marks.
Scene 1: Whale meeting the snail for the first time
Scene 2: Whale getting beached
Scene 3: Whale getting rescued
This pack includes:
Lesson presentation for teaching purposes
Lots of differentiated speech writing templates with and without speech bobbles
Word mat
Editable story pictures
Planning sheets for each scene x3
Writing examples for each scene x3
What could be written in each scene x3- for children who need the extra support
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I have added lots of resources on the same book. Please do check it out. i am am sure you will like it.
Beaming Literature
This is an amazing pack for those teaching, studying and learning about the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. This pack includes all the resources needed to teach writing a diary entry in role as the snail or the whale. Educators have the choice of what scene the diary entry should be of. There are diary entry, writing frames of the snail and whale’s trip. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
• Story word mat
• Ordered story pictures for recalling
•What a diary entry needs to have poster
Writing checklist
Diary entry planning sheet x3 differentiated
Diary entry sentence starters
One blank book template
Snail diary entry x2 differentiated
Whale diary entry x2 differentiated
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Beaming Literature
This pack will support children to write a persuasive letter. Children could write a persuasive letter just before reading the chapter when the Roly-Poly Bird comes. This is to give the Twits a chance to improve.
To extend this writing the Twits could reply. What would they say? All the resources are attached including sentence starters and writing points etc.
Please see the preview of the resources as all the resources are there to view.
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Beaming Literature
This is an amazing pack for those teaching the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. This pack contains all the resources needed to teach writing a letter in role as the snail to a friend. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
Ordered story picture to recall what happened and where the snail and the whale went.
Story word mat
Planning the letter x2
What does the snail see? word mat
Writing checklist
Writing the letter frame/ template x4 differentiated
Sentence starters and word bank for informal letter writing
Ordered story pictures for recalling the events
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Beaming Literature
This is an amazing pack for those studying about whales or reading a book about whales such as: ‘The Snail and the Whale’ or ‘The Storm Whale’ etc. This pack includes various differentiated templates to accompany work on creating a fact file/ non-chronological repport about humpback whales. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
Writing Example
Information sheet to understand and learn about a humpback whale and to learn about the features of a fact file/ non chronological report.
Simplified information sheet to understand and learn about a humpback whale and to learn about the features of a fact file/ non chronological report .
Sentence Starters
Word mat on humpback whales
Planning Sheet
Differentiated Writing Templates x8 with extension writing sheets
Labeling the whale
writing 3 facts about the whale
Teaching Powerpoint Presentation
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Beaming Literature
This amazing package on the book: Leaf, includes everything you need to teach wonderful lessons on persuasive writing. Please check the preview for all the documents attached. It is full … mats and differentiated work, student work and presentations etc…
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Beaming Literature
I am very excited to present this pack! This pack includes a variety of writing templates to accompany the book: The Day that the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. It contains 3 WAYS crayons could be made. Children would be able to write instructions on how crayons are made. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
It contains:
Instructions writing template x4
Sentence starters
Pictures of how crayons are made-in the factory and two ways at home
Information sheets on how crayons are made -in the factory and two ways at home x3
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Beaming Literature
This fun-filled pack could be used to do inference work on the book: ‘The Diary of a Killer Cat’ by Anne Fine, with the children. Also, children could write their own blurb for a sequal book and then check with the original blurb of the book.
All resources are included and could be viewed in the preview section.
Thank you for coming to my page. I hop you find something you like. There are loads of resources around the same book in my shop begum99. Please have a look.
Beaming Literature
This pack will help children understand more about rabbits and how to clean them. This pack could to be used for the Easter/ Spring etc themed teaching
Children would write instructions on how to clean a rabbit using the resources provided in this pack. All resources are ready to view in the preview.
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Beaming Literature
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Children will make inferences on the book cover and blurb. They will find and discuss different things that could help them predict what might happen in the story.
Please see other resources in my shop. There will bound to be something you like.
Beaming Literature
This is an amazing pack for those teaching the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. This pack includes contains all the resources needed to teach writing of a character description. Children would be able to write a description of the snail, whale or a new character in preparation to write their own story. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
Story pictures to help aide recalling the story and to get ideas on what to write x2
Story word mat
Character description examples by top authors x3
Character pictures to write sentences on the character by cutting and sticking it in the book
Writing sentences on a character
Writing frame of a character description
Differentiated character description templates x5
Character analysis of the snail, whale or the new character
Writing adjectives about a character -the snail, whale or the new character
Character word mat and sentence openers
Possible new characters sheet
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Beaming Literature
This is an amazing pack for those teaching, studying and learning about the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. This pack includes all the resources needed to teach writing a postcard in role as the snail. Some of the resources could be used to write a postcard in role as the whale too. This pack contains all the preparations children will need to write their own persuasive letter. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
• Story word mat
• Ordered story pictures for recalling
• Snail and whale sentence writing sheets x4 with clips of the snail and whale to stick in the book and write sentences.
Postcard pictures x3
Designing a postcard picture
Postcard plan example x2 differentiated
Postcard plan x4 differentiated
Postcard writing template x3
Story pictures x2
Where did the snail visit differentiated x2
Writing where did the snail go x2 differentiated
Where did the snail go word mat
• Postcard writing sentence openers
• Features of a postcard
• Writing example
Student Writing
• Writing checklist x2
Powerpoint presentation (ppt) for teaching purposes.
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Beaming Literature
This is an amazing pack for those teaching, studying and learning about the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. This pack includes all the resources needed to teach writing a story. The children will be able to plan, write and publish the story in the writing frames provided. Educators could teach writing a new story by changing a character from the story or teach writing the original story by recalling. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
Story word mat
Ordered story pictures for recalling x2 one with numbers and one without
Story pictures x2 This could be used for story planning/sequencing and mapping
Where did the snail and the whale visit? picture drawing and ordering x2 differentiated
Story mapping, sequencing and planning sheets-differentiated x11 sheets
New story character list
Story Publishing Frames x4 with picture drawing space
Story book template-could be printed and made into a real book
Story pictures in word-could be edited
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Beaming Literature
I am very excited to present this pack! This pack includes writing templates to accompany the book: The Storm Whale by Benji Davies. Children would be able to confidently write a diary entry on Noi finding the Whale and what he does with it. This pack will enable children to see the features, plan and then write a diary entry. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for document protection. It will not be on the ones you download.
Included in this pack are:
Diary entry differentiated x2
Diary entry plan
Pictures of Noi helping the whale
Sentence starter mat
Writing example/ model
Describing words mat
Powerpoint Presentation for teaching
PDF file for he presentation
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Beaming Literature