This is a PowerPoint Resource which is to be used as a walking talking mock for Unit 1 Travel and Tourism.
The resource has been developed to be used with the January 2018 exam paper - the exam paper and mark scheme (and examiners report if needed) will need to be downloaded from the Edexcel Website using the following link:
The PowerPoint resource is used to talk students through how to answer and structure exam question responses - which they write in a blank paper so they understand how to approach exam questions. It includes model answers for students.
This lesson is specifically for Unit 1 (Exam) and examines the different types of organisation (private/public/voluntary) and their interrelationships (common ownership and commercial partnerships), including their advantages and disadvantages.
Topic B.3 (Types of Organisation - private, public and voluntary) and B.4 (Interrelationships - common ownership, commercial partnerships and their advantages and disadvantages )
This resource includes ALL of the following:
Teacher PowerPoint
Student worksheet with typical exam questions that relate to this topic area (including answers)
Student activity (with answers)
Further Exam Questions (with answers)
Third lesson for Unit 1 (Exam) which provides an overview of sustainable tourism.
Topic A.3 (Principles of sustainable tourism)
This resources includes ALL of the following (6 resources in total):
Teacher PowerPoint
Student worksheet with typical exam questions that relate to this topic area (and answers)
Further Exam questions and answers that relate to this topic area
A PowerPoint resource which teaches students about global entry requirements - including assignment preparation.
Specifically developed for the L2 BTEC Travel and Tourism Unit 5 (relating to P4 assessment criteria).
There are key terms/notes for students, along with lesson activities relating to this topic area and assessment preparation.
This is resource for the L2 BTEC Travel and Tourism exam (Unit 1). This includes a revision checklist for students to self-assess their knowledge and a revision PowerPoint that students can use to fill their knowledge gaps based on their self assessment.
This resource contains a PowerPoint, lesson activities and fact sheets to help students complete part of Unit 4 P3 - Natural Features that contribute to the appeal of a destination for two different types of visitor.
The resource examines different types of natural features, climate and temperatures followed by a research activity to enable students to collect the information required to help them achieve P3.
Could also be used for a Geography lesson or adapted to meet the requirements of Unit 2 P4 for Level 2 Travel and Tourism.