
Stationary waves revision lesson for AS Physics 9702
This is a revision lesson on Stationary waves, covering a comparison of stationary waves to standing waves, the formation of nodes/antinodes and standing/stationary waves on a string and in a closed at 1 end tube. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) AS Physics, it is also relevent for other exam boards such as AQA. This includes recent exam questions, both MCQ, with worked soliutions and standard exam questions.

Double slit and diffraction grating for AS Physics 9702
This is a revision lesson on Young Double Slit and diffraction. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) AS Physics, it is also relevent for other exam boards such as AQA. This includes recent exam questions, both MCQ, with worked soliutions and standard exam questions.

Seasons for KS3 Science
This lesson covers why we have seasons, with a variety of tasks and questions, all with solutions. This is a full lesson.
Designed for the new Cambridge checkpoint specification but can also be used with UK and other curriculum.

Day and night for KS3 Science
This lesson covers why we have day and night, with a variety of tasks and questions, all with solutions. This is a full lesson.
Designed for the new Cambridge checkpoint specification but can also be used with UK and other curriculum.

The night sky for KS3 Science
This lesson covers what we can see at night in the sky and how we see them, with a variety of tasks and questions, all with solutions. This is a full lesson.
Designed for the new Cambridge checkpoint specification but can also be used with UK and other curriculum.

The Moon for KS3 Science
This lesson covers phases of the moon, eclipses and tides, with a variety of tasks and questions, inlcuding mini whiteboard questions and a short practical, all with solutions. The starter is a recap of the rest of the Space unit. This is a full lesson.
Designed for the new Cambridge checkpoint specification but can also be used with UK and other curriculum.

Our Solar system for KS3 Science
This lesson covers what is our solar system, with a variety of tasks and questions, all with solutions. It also has criteria for student presentations. With the presentations it will likely take 2 to 3 lessons to complete this, or 1 lesson without the presentations.
Designed for the new Cambridge checkpoint specification but can also be used with UK and other curriculum.

Electric potential for A2 Physics, 9702
This lesson on Electric potential covers defining electric potential, calculating work done on a charged particle in an electrical field and drawing equipotential lines. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, for 2022 onward and 2025 specification.
Learning checks after each of the 3 learning objects are covered. All questions come with solutions.

Coulombs law for Physics 9702 Cambridge
This lesson on Coulombs law covers calculating the force between point charges in air. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, for 2022 onward and 2025 specification.
Learning checks after each of the 3 learning objects are covered. All questions come with solutions.

Drift velocity and charge for AS Physics 9702 Cambridge international
This lesson on charge and drift velocity starts with a recap of charge and current from IGCSE before moving on to the drift velocity. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, for 2022 onward and 2025 specification.
Learning checks after each each learning objective is covered. All questions come with worked solutions.

Electric field strength for A2 Physics 9702 Cambridge international
This lesson on Electric field strength covers electric field lines, calculating electric field strength for point charges and between parallel plates. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, for 2022 onward and 2025 specification.
Learning checks after each of the 3 learning objects are covered. All questions come with solutions.

Point charges, for Physics 9702 Cambridge
This lesson on point charges covers calculating the force acting on a point charge directly between 2 test charges, as well as outside of the 2 test charges, and a comparison between electric fields and gravitational fields. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, for 2022 onward and 2025 specification.
Learning checks after each of the 3 learning objects are covered. All questions come with solutions.

CIE Physics 9702 Electric fields Unit 18 end of unit test
This is a short end of unit test for Unit 18, Electric fields in Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, including mark scheme and PowerPoint presentation going through the answers with the students. I gave the students 20 minutes for the test, and was then able to mark a full class of 7 students work in under 10 minutes. This meant that in 1 lesson the students could sit the test, I was able to mark the test and then go through all the answers with the students.

Polarisation for AS Waves 9702 CIE Unit 7
This lesson on Polarisation covers what is meant by the term polarisation, how polarising filters work, and how intensity varies as a filter is rotanted (Malus’s law). Designed for Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, for 2022 onward and 2025 specification.
All questions come with answers or full worked solutions.

Stationary waves for AS Waves 9702 CIE Unit 8
This lesson on stationary waves compares stationary waves to progressive waves, and describes and explains key features of standing waves. It also explores hormonics on a vibrating string. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, for 2022 onward and 2025 specification.
All questions come with answers or full worked solutions.

X-rays for A2 Medical Physics 9702 Cambridge international
This lesson on X-rays covers how X-rays are produced , how they are used for imaging, calculating attenuation and how CT scans work. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, for 2022 onward and 2025 specification.
Learning checks after each of the 4 learning objects are covered. All questions come with solutions.

Nuclear fission and fusion , for A2 Physics 9702 Cambridge
This is the 3rd lesson as part of unit 23 (Nuclear Physics) for Cambridge (CIE) A2 Physics, on nuclear fission and fusion, as well as binding energy per nucleon. This is a full lesson with past paper exam questions, as well as other questions with solutions, to test learning at each stage of the lesson.

Mass defect and nuclear binding energy, for Physics 9702 Cambridge
This is the 2nd lesson as part of unit 23 (Nuclear Physics) for Cambridge (CIE) A2 Physics. This is a full lesson with past paper exam questions, as well as other shorter questions with solutions, to test learning at each stage of the lesson.

Nuclear decay, for A2 Physics 9702 Cambridge
An introduction lesson for Cambridge (CIE) A-Level Physics (9702) unit 23, Nuclear Physics.
This is mainly a recap of GCSE/IGCSE Nuclear Physics with a little extra added on positron decay. All questions come with full answers

Stellar Radii for A2 Astrophysics 9702 CIE
This lesson on Stellar Radii covers Black body radiation, the relationship between colour and temperature, leading into Wein’s displacement law and Stefan-Boltzmann’s law and using both to estimate the radius of a star. Designed for Cambridge (CIE) unit 9702, for 2022 onward and 2025 specification.
All questions come with worked solutions