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Resources for Post 16 A-level and IB students
Ecology: x4 Narrated PowerPoint shows/WMV films on this A-level and IB topic

Ecology: x4 Narrated PowerPoint shows/WMV films on this A-level and IB topic

Ecology: x4 Narrated PowerPoint shows/WMV films on this A-level and IB topic to help with distance/online learning. Ecological Definitions: Terms such as: Ecosystem, Niche Community, Succession pioneer species etc. Ecological Techniques, Plants: *Terms such as Quadrat, Species diversity, line and belt transect * Ecological techniques: Animals: Terms such as : Mark release recapture, Kick sampling and Pooters Ecosystems, Energy and Productivity: Terms such as: Gross and Net productivity and Food pyramids. Terms  Abiotic  Belt transect  Biosphere  Biotic  Chemotrophic  Climax community  Commensalism  Community  Deforestation  Detrivore  Ecological stability  Ecosystem  Environment  Fauna  Flora  Food chain  Fossil fuels  Fungi  Gross primary productivity, GPP  Habitat  Indicator species  Light intensity  Line transect  Mark release recapture  Monoculture  Mutualistic  Nett primary productivity, NPP  Niche  Phototroph  Pioneer species  Plagioclimax  Plankton  Population  Primary consumer  Primary succession  Producer  Pyramid of biomass  Pyramid of energy  Pyramid of numbers  Quadrat  Random sampling  Saprotroph/Saprophyte  Secondary succession  Seral stage  Sere  Species diversity  Species richness  Succession  Trophic level
Conservation: PowerPoint show/film, worksheet & notes for distance learning

Conservation: PowerPoint show/film, worksheet & notes for distance learning

A narrated Film and Power Point of 41 minutes duration and WMV format file that can be used for online distance learning explaining the reasons for conservation including 1. Genetic Resource , Agriculture, 2. Genetic Resource: Medicine, 3. Ecological, 4. Tourism, 5. Symbolic, 6. Moral and Religious, 7. Aesthetic. Reasons why species are not always conserved is also included. The film is accompanied by a short worksheet on which the student can write notes. There are also seperate notes as a word document with arguments for and against conservation including: For: Ecological, Genetic resource, Indicator species, Tourism, Industrial, Symbolic, Moral and Religious and Aesthetic. Against Exotic species, Disease and Economic need. The lesson is suitable for Suitable for Biology, Geography and Environmental Science. A-level and IB level.
8. Ecology Crossword: Text Document and Webpages

8. Ecology Crossword: Text Document and Webpages

A large crossword & two interactive webpages covering keyword definitions e.g. Abiotic, Belt transect, Biomass, Climax Community, Ecosystem, Heterotroph, Net primary production, Niche , Pioneer species, Succession, Zonation. The Crossword has **38 questions **for this A-level and IB topic. The text document is in PDF and word format. a. Page 1 is the crossword. b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues. c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in. d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic The webpages can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. This enables the crossword to be done on a laptop. The webpages come in two forms: a. The crossword, with a time limit and no hints. b. The crossword, untimed and with a hints button I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results. Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons when students are working at a different pace.