We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
These Year 2 Euro 2024 and football themed maths questions are split into 3 differentiated levels. Each level contains 30 problems with answers. The questions cover all areas of the curriculum and are perfect for celebrating Euro 2024 with your class!
The higher level (Super Super Challenge) contains questions covering the Year 2 curriculum and some questions from the Year 3 curriculum.
The intermediate level (Super Challenge) contains questions covering the Year 2 curriculum.
The lower level (Challenge) contains questions covering the Year 1 curriculum.
A colour and black & white version of each booklet is included.
All of the booklets are in the zip file.
PDF file format.
No further preparation required.
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Year 2 Euro 2024 Footballers Comprehension
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We also have
Year 1 Euro 2024 Football Maths Booklet
Year 3 Euro 2024 Football Maths : All Topics
This year 2 comprehension booklet is about Europe’s top footballers! It would be perfect for celebrating Euro 2024 with your class.
The booklet includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘where,’ ‘who,’ ‘which’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is laid out in a booklet form, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-4 questions per page.
There is a colour and black & white version of each booklet. Answers are also included.
All of the booklets are in the zip file.
PDF file format.
No further preparation required.
You might also be interested in our
Year 2 Euro 2024 Football Maths
We also have
Year 1 Euro 2024 Football Maths Booklet
Year 3 Euro 2024 Football Maths : All Topics
These Year 3 Euro 2024 and football themed maths questions are split into 3 differentiated levels. Each level contains 30 problems with answers. The questions cover all areas of the curriculum and are perfect for celebrating Euro 2024 with your class!
The higher level (Super Super Challenge) contains questions covering the Year 3 curriculum and some questions from the Year 4 curriculum.
The intermediate level (Super Challenge) contains questions covering the Year 3 curriculum.
The lower level (Challenge) contains questions covering the Year 2 curriculum.
A colour and black & white version of each booklet is included.
All of the booklets are in the zip file.
PDF file format.
No further preparation required.
You might also be interested in our
Year 3 Summer Olympics Maths : All Topics
End of term Summer themed Year 3 Maths - all topics
We also have:
Year 2 Euro 2024 Football Maths
Year 2 Euro 2024 Footballers Comprehension
This bundle contains 10 Italian lessons for beginners, perfect for using with KS2.
The Lessons are:
Lesson 1 - Greetings
Lesson 2 - Emotions and Feelings
Lesson 3 - Greetings for different times of day
Lesson 4 - Introducing Yourself
Lesson 5 - Where you live
Lesson 6 - Numbers
Lesson 7 - How old are you?
Lesson 8 - Colours
Lesson 9 - What do I look like? (eye and hair colour)
Lesson 10 - Describing myself (height and size)
The plans (pdfs) all give details of a starter, how to teach the new vocabulary, followed by a combination of listening activities, speaking activities, reading/writing activities and a plenary. Each lesson is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lessons are included in the price. This includes a PowerPoint for each containing the new vocabulary. The PowerPoint presentations are not editable. Click the ‘Read Only’ button to open them. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoints are played as slideshows with the animations.
In total there are 44 pages of lesson plans (pdfs), 146 slides of animated PowerPoints and 75 pages of games and worksheets (pdfs). All of the lessons are in zip files.
No further preparation needed.
(These lessons are also available as individual lessons or as smaller units.)
This is a 5 lesson Italian unit for beginners, perfect for using with KS2. It teaches children numbers, how to say their age, colours, how to describe their eyes and hair and how to describe their height and size. The lessons are highly interactive and allow children to practise a range of language skills.
Lesson 1 - Numbers 1-10
This lesson teaches children numbers up to 10.
The lesson plan gives details of a whole class starter game, how to teach the ‘numbers’ vocabulary, a paired game, a reading game, written activity and plenary activity.
All the resources needed for the lesson are in the zip file. These are:
4 page PDF Lesson Plan
23 slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click the ‘Read Only’ button to open.)
4 PDF pages of resources for the reading game (Colour and Black & White sheets)
5 PDF pages for the written activity (Colour and Black & White sheets and an answer sheet)
Lesson 2 - How old are you?
This lesson teaches children to talk about how old they are.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the ‘ages’ vocabulary, a whole class game, a speaking activity, written activity and plenary.
All resources needed for the lesson are in the zip file. These are:
5 page PDF Lesson Plan
A 20 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
2 PDF pages of resources for speaking activity
6 PDF pages for the written activity (Colour and Black & White worksheets and answers)
Lesson 3 - Colours
This lesson teaches children the vocabulary for eight different colours in Italian.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the ‘colours’ vocabulary, a whole class listening activity, a game, reading activity and plenary game.
All resources needed for the lesson are in the zip file. These are:
4 page PDF Lesson Plan
A 12 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
2 PDF pages of resources for the game
2 PDF pages for the written activity (a worksheet and answers)
Lesson 4 - What do I look like?
This lesson teaches children the vocabulary for describing eyes and hair in Italian.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the eyes and hair vocabulary, a whole class listening activity, a game, written activity and plenary.
All resources needed for the lesson are in the zip file. These are:
5 page PDF Lesson Plan
A 14 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
1 PDF page for the speaking activity
1 PDF page for the Written activity
Lesson 5 - Describing Myself
This lesson teaches children the vocabulary for describing their height and size in Italian.
The plan gives details of a whole class starter, how to teach the descriptive vocabulary, a whole class speaking and listening activity, a group sorting activity, reading activity and plenary.
All resources needed for the lesson are in the zip file. These are:
5 PDF page Lesson Plan
A 7 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
12 PDF pages of resources for the speaking activity (colour and black & white versions)
8 PDF pages of resources for the sorting activity (colour and black & white versions)
5 PDF pages for the written activity (colour and black & white versions and answers)
No further preparation needed.
This is unit 2 Italian designed by Blossomingminds.
This unit could be combined with the ‘greetings and introductions’ unit (unit 1), also created by ‘Blossoming Minds.’:
You might be interested in Units 1 and 2 together:
This is a plan and resources for a beginner’s Italian lesson to use with KS2. It involves children learning the vocabulary for describing their height and size in Italian. The plan could be used for an individual lesson, or as part of an ‘All About Me’ unit.
The plan gives details of a whole class starter, how to teach the descriptive vocabulary, a whole class speaking and listening activity, a group sorting activity, reading activity and plenary. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in the zip file. These are:
5 PDF page Lesson Plan
A 7 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
12 PDF pages of resources for the speaking activity (colour and black & white versions)
8 PDF pages of resources for the sorting activity (colour and black & white versions)
5 PDF pages for the written activity (colour and black & white versions and answers)
No further preparation needed.
This is lesson 5 of Unit 2 Italian designed by Blossomingminds.
You might be interested in Unit 1:
Unit 2 is available here:
This is a plan and resources for a beginner’s Italian lesson to use with KS2. It involves children learning the vocabulary for describing eyes and hair in Italian. The plan could be used for an individual lesson, but would work well if children have learnt some colours in Italian first.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the eyes and hair vocabulary, a whole class listening activity, a game, written activity and plenary. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in the zip file. These are:
5 page PDF Lesson Plan
A 14 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
1 PDF page for the speaking activity
1 PDF page for the Written activity
No further preparation needed.
(This is the fourth lesson in Unit 2 designed by Blossoming Minds.)
You might also be interested in our first Italian Unit:
Unit 2 is available here:
This is an interactive powerpoint quiz with 50 questions on books and authors to use with KS1.
Use as a starter, an assembly, a filler or a main activity. All questions are multiple choice and focus on picture books, traditional tales and early reader stories. After you have chosen an answer for each question, click again and the correct answer changes colour.
Example questions include:
Where is Hairy Maclary from? Donaldson’s Prairie, Donaldson’s Dairy, Nottingham
What is Flat Stanley’s surname? Porkchop, Nutroast, Lambchop,
What does Goldilocks eat? Porridge, Cornflakes, Soup
The PowerPoint is not editable. Click on the ‘Read Only’ button to open the PowerPoint. Some of the images only appear when the Slideshow is run with the animations.
A separate answer sheet is also included.
No further preparation needed.
You might also be interested in:
KS2 Book Quiz : 62 questions
This is a plan and resources for a beginner’s Italian lesson to use with KS2. It involves children learning the vocabulary for eight different colours in Italian. The lesson could be used as an individual lesson or as part of a unit.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the ‘colours’ vocabulary, a whole class listening activity, a game, reading activity and plenary game. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in the zip file. These are:
4 page PDF Lesson Plan
A 12 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
2 PDF pages of resources for the game
2 PDF pages for the written activity (a worksheet and answers)
No further preparation needed.
This is lesson 3 from Unit 2 Italian designed by Blossomingminds.
Unit 1 is available here:
Unit 2 is available here:
This is a pack of four RE plans, perfect for using during the Christmas season.
The lessons are aimed at KS2 and are all highly interactive, using a range of enjoyable activities to teach the Christmas story and its messages. The themes that are covered include trust, refugees, spreading the word of God and similarities and differences.
Each lesson includes a detailed PDF lesson plan with learning objectives, as well as a PowerPoint presentation telling the story. The PowerPoints are not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoints are played as slideshows with the animations.
The Christmas story is split into the following lessons:
Angel Gabriel visits Mary
The birth of Jesus
The shepherds visit Jesus
The Wise Men visit Jesus
In total there are 28 pages of lesson plans, games and worksheets (pdfs) and 97 slides of animated PowerPoints. All of the lessons are in zip files.
No further preparation needed.
Versions of the PowerPoints are also available separately:
Christmas Story Presentation Pack
You might also be interested in our KS1 lessons on the Christmas story:
KS1 Christmas RE Unit - 4 lessons
This is a plan and resources for a beginner’s Italian lesson to use with KS2. It involves children talking about how old they are and could be used after children have learnt numbers to 10.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the ‘ages’ vocabulary, a whole class game, a speaking activity, written activity and plenary. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in the zip file. These are:
5 page PDF Lesson Plan
A 20 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
2 PDF pages of resources for speaking activity
6 PDF pages for the written activity (Colour and Black & White worksheets and answers)
No further preparation needed.
This is the second lesson in Unit 2 designed by Blossoming Minds.
Unit 1 is available on Blossoming Minds’ shop on the TES:
Unit 2 is available here:
This is a lesson plan and resources for a beginner’s German lesson to use with KS2. It would be perfect to use as a first German lesson, as it involves children learning the most basic vocabulary.
The lesson plan gives details of a group starter, how to teach the ‘greetings’ vocabulary, a whole class game, a speaking and listening activity, a simple reading activity and a whole class plenary. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in the zip file. These are:
4 page pdf Lesson Plan
9 slide animated PowerPoint presentation. This is not editable. (Click read only to open. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
Starter activity (1 pdf page)
Speaking activity labels (1 pdf page)
Reading activity. (2 pdf pages) A colour and black & white version of this worksheet is included.
No further preparation is needed.
You might also be interested in our second German lesson:
German lesson and resources : Emotions and Feelings
A collection of three RE lesson plans focussing on three of Jesus’ miracles.
The miracles covered in these plans are:
Jesus heals a sick man - the centurion’s servant
Jesus feeds the 5000
Jesus heals a blind man
The lessons are suitable for using with KS2 and are highly interactive. Each plan has lesson objectives and cross-curricular links. The plans give details of starters, drama activities, written activities and plenaries.
All resources are included in the price. This includes PowerPoint presentations of the three miracles. These are not editable. Please click ‘Read Only’ to open them. Some of the images are only revealed when the presentations are played as slideshows with the animations.
In total there are 15 pages of lesson plans (PDFs), 77 animated PowerPoint slides and 9 pages of resources for the activities (PDFs).
These lessons are also available as part of a larger bundle of lessons on Jesus’ Miracles:
The PowerPoints are also available separately:
This is a lesson plan and resources for a beginners Italian lesson to use with KS2. It involves children learning numbers up to 10 and could be used as an individual lesson or following a few lessons on basic vocabulary.
The lesson plan gives details of a whole class starter game, how to teach the ‘numbers’ vocabulary, a paired game, a reading game, written activity and plenary activity. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All the resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in the zip file. These are:
4 page PDF Lesson Plan
23 slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click the ‘Read Only’ button to open.)
4 PDF pages of resources for the reading game (Colour and Black & White sheets)
5 PDF pages for the written activity (Colour and Black & White sheets and an answer sheet)
This is the first lesson in Unit 2 designed by Blossoming Minds.
Unit 1 is available on Blossoming Minds’ shop on the TES:
Unit 2 is available here:
This interactive PowerPoint quiz is perfect for using in the 2020 Australian CBCA Book Week. It contains 25 questions on The Secrets of Magnolia Moon by Edwina Wyatt. The Secrets of Magnolia Moon is in the CBCA 2020 short list for ages 7-12.
You can use this as a starter, an assembly, a filler or a main activity. All questions are multiple choice. After you have chosen an answer for each question, click again and the correct answer changes colour. The PowerPoint is not editable. Please click the ‘read only’ button to open. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations. The quiz is in the zip file.
Example questions include:
What is Mama Moon’s job? She teaches oboe, She teaches piano or She teaches painting
Which flowers remind Magnolia and Mama Moon of Daddy Moon? Buttercups, Snowdrops or Daisies
(There are no illustrations from the book included because these are copyrighted.)
You might be interested in our longer 67 question quiz:
You might also be interested in our two quizzes on The Glimme by Emily Rodda:
This animated PowerPoint quiz is perfect for using in the 2020 Australian CBCA Book Week. It contains 67 questions on The Secrets of Magnolia Moon by Edwina Wyatt. The Secrets of Magnolia Moon is in the CBCA 2020 short list for ages 7-12.
You can use this as a starter, an assembly, a filler or a main activity. There are several questions for each of the 10 chapters. You can use the links to jump to different chapters or back to the main menu. All questions are multiple choice. After you have chosen an answer for each question, click again and the correct answer changes colour. The PowerPoint is not editable. Please click the ‘read only’ button to open it. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations. The quiz is in a zip file.
Example questions include:
Where is Imogen May moving to? Barrow, Thistledown or Crocus Town
What is Mama Moon’s job? She teaches oboe, She teaches piano or She teaches painting
Which flowers remind Magnolia and Mama Moon of Daddy Moon? Buttercups, Snowdrops or Daisies
What pets does Grandma Moon have? A blackbird, cats and a pig, A canary, cats and a goose or A blackbird, dogs and a pig
(There are no illustrations from the book included because these are copyrighted.)
You might also be interested in our shorter 25 question quiz:
You might also be interested in our two quizzes on The Glimme by Emily Rodda:
This is a plan and resources for a beginner’s Spanish lesson to use with KS2. It would be perfect to use as a second Spanish lesson, after children have learnt to say hello. The focus in this lesson is how to ask ‘how are you’ and reply.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the ‘feelings’ vocabulary, a speaking and listening activity, paired game, reading/writing activity and plenary discussion. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All the resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in a zip file. These are:
The 4 page PDF Lesson plan
A 21 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click the ‘Read Only’ button in the centre of the page to open it. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow.)
5 PDF pages of resources for the speaking activity
2 PDF pages for the paired game
3 PDF pages for the Reading/Writing activity. There is a colour and black & white version of the worksheet and an answers sheet.
No further preparation needed.
This is lesson 2 of Unit 1 Spanish designed by Blossoming Minds.
Unit 1 Spanish Greetings and Introductions Bundle is available here:
Unit 2 Spanish All About Me 5 lesson bundle is available here:
Units 1 and 2 are available here:
This is a 5 lesson Italian unit for total beginners to use with KS2. It teaches children greetings, feelings, how to say their name and how to talk about where they live.
Lesson 1 - Greetings
In this lesson children learn to say ’hello’ and ‘goodbye.’
The lesson plan gives details of a group starter, how to teach the ‘greetings’ vocabulary, a whole class game, a speaking and listening activity, simple reading/writing activity and plenary. It is highly interactive and allows the children to practise a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. The resources include:
a 4 page PDF lesson plan;
a 10 slide animated PowerPoint presentation containing the vocabulary to act as a visual aid (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open.);
a sheet for the starter; and
colour and black & white versions of the reading activity.
Lesson 2 - Feelings and emotions
The focus in this lesson is on how to ask 'how are you’ and reply.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the ‘feelings’ vocabulary, a speaking and listening activity, paired game, reading/writing activity and plenary discussion. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in a zip file. These are:
The 4 page PDF Lesson plan
A 21 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click the ‘Read Only’ button to open it. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow.)
5 PDF pages of resources for the speaking activity
2 PDF pages for the paired game
3 PDF pages for the Reading/Writing activity. There is a colour and black & white version of the worksheet and an answers sheet.
Lesson 3 - Greetings for different times of day
The focus in this lesson is on how to greet people at different times of the day.
The plan gives details of a starter whole class game, how to teach the ‘greetings’ vocabulary, a whole class game, a speaking and listening activity, reading/writing activity and plenary whole class discussion. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All the resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in a zip file. These are:
The 5 page PDF lesson plan
A 15 slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open it. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow.)
3 PDF pages for the game
3 PDF pages for the Reading/Writing activity. There is a colour and black & white version of the worksheet and an answers sheet.
Lesson 4 - Introducing yourself/Saying your name
The focus in this lesson is how to ask someone their name and to reply.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the ‘name’ vocabulary, a whole class game, a speaking and listening activity, reading/writing activity and plenary discussion. It is highly interactive and allows children to practise a range of language skills.
All the resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in a zip file. These are:
The 4 page PDF lesson plan
A 10 slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is run as a slideshow.)
1 PDF sheet for the speaking/listening activity
2 PDF pages for the Reading/Writing activity ( a worksheet and answers sheet)
All you need to take with you is a ball or beanbag for the whole class game.
Lesson 5 - Where you live
The focus in this lesson is how to ask someone where they live and reply.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the ‘countries’ vocabulary, a whole class listening activity, a speaking activity, writing activity and plenary. It is highly interactive and allows children to practice a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in a zip file. These are:
The 4 page PDF lesson plan
A 14 slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open.)
3 PDF sheets for the speaking activity
2 PDF pages for the writing activity (A worksheet and answers)
This is Unit 1 Italian designed by Blossomingminds.
Unit 2 is available here:
You might be interested in Units 1 and 2 together:
This is a lesson plan and resources for a beginner’s Italian lesson to use with KS2. It would be perfect to use as a fourth or fifth Italian lesson, after children have learnt to say hello and talk about how they are feeling.
The focus in this lesson is how to ask someone where they live and reply.
The plan gives details of a starter, how to teach the ‘countries’ vocabulary, a whole class listening activity, a speaking activity, writing activity and plenary. It is highly interactive and allows children to practice a range of language skills.
All resources needed for the lesson are included in the price. They are in a zip file. These are:
The 4 page PDF lesson plan
A 14 slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open.)
3 PDF sheets for the speaking activity
2 PDF pages for the writing activity (A worksheet and answers)
This is lesson 5 of Unit 1 Italian designed by Blossomingminds.
Unit 1 is available here:
Unit 2 is available here:
A 20 page booklet for EYFS or KS1 on the theme of ‘All About Me.’ It is perfect for using in the transition process into years 1 or 2, either before children move to their new class, to send home over the summer holidays or to use with your new class.
Children have the opportunity to draw and write about their interests, home, friends and school life throughout the booklet.
PDF file format.
If you are looking for a booklet for transition into years 3 or 4 we have created this one:
All About Me Transition Booklet - Lower Key Stage Two