Whole school

Random Name Selector
Enter up to 6 classes and then randomly select a pupil from the class of your choice, You must click on ENABLE MACROS for this to work, Click on ENTER CLASSES then enter class name (short form) into D1, E1, F1 etc Enter class lists…

Effort League Table
Pupils are awarded effort grade for each lesson. a - 3 points, b - 2 points and c - 1 point. This is then assembled into a league table similar to the premiership league table.
Note: you will need to enable macros in order for this to work

Connect 4
Use to play connect 4 with your class, ask them questions to assess their learning and allow them to select a counter if they get an answer correct

Block Busters - interactive
Proforma for playing block-busters (you can change the letters to suit your questions)

Team Quiz Scoring using Football
A five a-side pitch with two teams is set out. If the team gets a question correct then they move the ball to each player until they score. First to 3 goals. You need to make up the questions so it could be used for any subject.

Multiple Choice Generator
All you need to make your own multiple choice quiz. Print out the cards back to back, laminate, cut and fold. Each child should have one. Edit the multichoice quiz for your own subject, only change the yellow cells.

Random Pupil Selector using Fidget Spinner
Use a "confiscated" fidget spinner to randomly select a pupil or group for a task or question