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Vehicle Nets - KS2 / KS3 - Shape & Measure
In this activity students look at nets on the IWB or printed out as worksheets for a pickup, van and tow-truck. Good for recognising shapes and understanding nets of 3D shapes.

Estimate Pie & Bar Charts -Data - KS2 and KS3
An excel document that gives randomized pie charts with questions and solutions as percentages. A great exercise for KS2 and KS3 students to revise percentages and pie charts.

Spiral Addition - Excel Document Worksheet
This is a suitable starter for the KS3 sequences topic. It is in excel format and can be printed as a worksheet to give out to students.

multiplication and division using place value
KS3/KS4 Maths Activity: Excel Sheet Using and understanding place value Multiplication and division given that......Problems of the type 'Given that 2 * 4 = 8 what does 20 * 0.4 = ' and similar.

Coordinate Battleships (differentiated)
Play battleships with your class, two grids; 0 to 10 and -5 to +5. Game can be played with the whole class using both grids simultaneously.

Angle Sums Starter - game.
practice number bonds to 90 and 180
Excel document presenting examples of sums useful to work out angles in a triangle.

Area and Perimeter of Triangles
Randomly generated questions on area and perimeter of triangles.
Macros must be enable for this to work

Solving Equations with Letters on both Sides
This is an excel document that can be used on the IWB to generate random questions with answers on solving equations with letters on both sides. Ideal to be taught at KS3/ GCSE.

Numeracy DO IT NOW starters
A range of self explanatory activities to settle your classes and ensure some basic core skills are regularly practised. These are ideal for mini-whiteboards.

Takeaway Maths Homework
Take away homework. probably about a half terms worth of activities if taken seriously!

Area and Volume - working backwards
Find the area and volume and then working back from area/volume to find a measurement.
Caution, be aware that some of these calculations have been rounded.

BIDMAS - add missing signs or brackets
Pupils need to work out the missing signs or if and where brackets are needed. Automatically generates new questions and gives you answers!

Volume of Surface Area of a Cuboid
Practice at finding the surface area and volume of a cuboid
Macros must be enable for this to work