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Area and Volume - working backwards
Find the area and volume and then working back from area/volume to find a measurement.
Caution, be aware that some of these calculations have been rounded.
Telling the Time
Converting between 12hr, 24hr and worded time.
Blue buttons allow you to set the time intervals the clocks are set at. ie 60 - always on the hour, 30 - on the hour and half past etc.
Coordinate Battleships (differentiated)
Play battleships with your class, two grids; 0 to 10 and -5 to +5. Game can be played with the whole class using both grids simultaneously.
Substitution Practice
Practice at substituting into linear and quadratic expressions with positive and negative values (answers included)
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Converting between Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Lattice Multiplcation
Random Question generator, several levels including integers and decimals
Place Value and Number Properties
Chance to test pupils ability to generate odd, even, big small numbers etc given 3 or 4 random digits.
Numeracy DO IT NOW starters
A range of self explanatory activities to settle your classes and ensure some basic core skills are regularly practised. These are ideal for mini-whiteboards.
Tour de France
Set of Maths problems relating the to Tour de France
Trigonometry, Pythagoras and Football
Students use Pythagoras and/or Trigonometry to compete in three stages of a world cup. Differentiated across two levels (Preimership/Champions League)
Youtube examples:
Takeaway Maths Homework
Take away homework. probably about a half terms worth of activities if taken seriously!
Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 &1000 (and also 0.1, 0.01 & 0.001)
Interactive random question generator for multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 &1000 (and also 0.1, 0.01 & 0.001)
Interactive Multiple Choice Times Tables
Worksheet and Random question generator for times tables.
Number Bonds
Random question generator for number bonds to 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.
Fraction of a whole number
Interactive, randomly generated questions, two levels of difficulty and accompanying worksheets
Number Bonds to 100
Strategies for finding number bonds to 100, eg 37 + ___ = 100
Sequences and nth term
Finding nth term, using nth term to find a term or terms in a sequence
Estimating using rounding
round to one significant figure and calculate an estimate
Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and whole number
Interactive differentiated worksheet/activity to check pupil understanding and ability with rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and whole number.
Pythagoras on a Graph
Pythagoras on a graph, differentiated across two levels