You will need to download the Open Dyslexia font for the older resources, newer (post 2022 resources) are all on a yellow background and with a comic sans font (as advised by the BDA). I am Head of Faculty at a high performing secondary school set in a challenging location, Specialist in Computer Science and Business. P8 scores in the first year using these resources jumped by over 1 whole grade (from -1.17 to +0.51). All revisions lessons have multiple past paper style exam questions.
You will need to download the Open Dyslexia font for the older resources, newer (post 2022 resources) are all on a yellow background and with a comic sans font (as advised by the BDA). I am Head of Faculty at a high performing secondary school set in a challenging location, Specialist in Computer Science and Business. P8 scores in the first year using these resources jumped by over 1 whole grade (from -1.17 to +0.51). All revisions lessons have multiple past paper style exam questions.
This is a full 60 minute lesson complete with technical terms on every slide, objectives, outcomes on every slide and exam questions throughout. Plenty of differentiation, support and challenge for students of all abilities.
This is a full 60 minute lesson complete with technical terms on every slide, objectives, outcomes on every slide and exam questions throughout. Plenty of differentiation, support and challenge for students of all abilities.
Covers compilers and interpreters.
This is a full 60 minute lesson complete with technical terms on every slide, objectives, outcomes on every slide and exam questions throughout. Plenty of differentiation, support and challenge for students of all abilities.
The lesson covers sub-programs, procedures, functions, parameters and arguments, with definitions for each and exam questions on each. Easily adapted to be split over 2 or 3 lessons.
This is a full 60 minute lesson complete with technical terms on every slide, objectives, outcomes on every slide and exam questions throughout. Plenty of differentiation, support and challenge for students of all abilities.
This is a full 60 minute lesson complete with technical terms on every slide, objectives, outcomes on every slide and exam questions throughout. Plenty of differentiation, support and challenge for students of all abilities.
Boundary / Normal / Erroneous covered. Data types for each. Error types = logical / syntax / runtime with great real life examples created by myself. Exam questions throughout.
A full set of lessons for 1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks. Designed to be delivered at pace, but can be stretched over longer periods for students who are struggling. Each lesson contains bell work, objectives/outcomes, teacher content and exam style questions. Some brilliant diagrams in these in PPTs to illustrate networks, if I do say so myself.
A full set of lessons for unit 2.4 Computational Logic for OCR GCSE Computer Science. The lessons cover all aspects of the specification in detail and up to grade 9 standard. All lessons contain bell work, objectives/outcomes, teacher content, exam style questions.
A full set of lessons to complete the 2.2 unit of GCSE Computer Science (OCR). Each lesson has a bell work, objectives/outcomes, teacher content and exam style questions.
A set of revision sheets for students to complete independently with boxes and spaces for the key material from each unit.
Covers 2.1 to 2.5 for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies. 5 PDFs in total.
full set of KS3 assessments designed to be completed at the end of each topic (I currently use these for year 8s). each assessment has the easy marking box at the end to speed up your marking.
in the documents are also a set of criteria for each unit that fits into the new 9-1 grading system for Computing.
full set of year 7 assessments to be completed at the end of each topic. the assessments have the easy marking box at the end of the assessment and are all designed to be hand written.
in this set of documents are also assessment criteria for each unit that fits into the new 9-1 grading. “I can” statements are used to help students understand what grade they are at and why.
62 x 1 hour lessons that cover the entire course! Including some great lessons on tricky topics such as Networks, Logic Gates, Binary/Hex and writing code.
Entire set of lessons planned on PowerPoint for both paper 1 and paper 2 of GCSE OCR Computer Science (will benefit other exam boards as well). This is planned for the new spec J277 released for this coming year.
Each unit has in-depth lessons planned, in font OpenDyslexic, on SEND friendly background, and with clear Bell Works / Objectives & Outcomes / content tasks to learn / exam questions to practice.
There are no logos on any of the PPTs and there are well over 2000 slides of information here.
I planned these during 2018-19 and progress in the subject at my new school went from -0.05 to +0.41 in a year! Predictions for this year were record breaking again at ~+0.8! The attainment was also the highest the school had ever had, and we had a very large mixed ability cohort in both years.
These lessons able you to read over them for 5 minutes then off you go teaching, with only your pointer needed.
Example answers to the questions are given to aid students with effective modelling - showing exactly where the marks are gained.
For the more challenging content recap sessions are in-built for the following lesson.
Note: 1.6 only has 1 lesson on laws - the rest of the lessons on ethics etc are covered in class by a series of videos (not able to include these) and discussions - I have found this more useful when revising the topic in year 11 and students have done similar topics in other subjects (RS etc).
The content is as follows:
- 1.1 - 4 lesson PPTs
- 1.2 - 13 lesson PPTs
- 1.3 - 13 lesson PPTs
- 1.4 - 3 lesson PPTs
- 1.5 - 3 lesson PPTs
- 1.6 - 1 lesson PPT
- 2.1 - 9 lesson PPTs
- 2.2 - 8 lesson PPTs
- 2.3 - 3 lesson PPTs
- 2.4 - 3 lesson PPTs
- 2.5 - 2 lesson PPTs
All are very clearly labelled and numbered to keep them in order.
You will not be disappointed!
But you will save a huge amount of time!!!
Set of lessons that cover the entire content of unit 1.5 Networks of the GCSE OCR GCSE Computer Science course.
L1 - Star and Mesh Topologies
L2 - WIFI and Ethernet
L3 - MAC and IP Addresses
L4 - 7 Protocols
L5 - Layering and Packet Switching
Lessons include a bell work, objectives/outcomes, content to be learnt, exam question practice.
5 pages of exam style questions (these have been created by myself in the format of OCR exam questions), with the answers (and examples) written on the following sheet. If printed back to back it provides students with exam question practice, in a booklet format, with answers for KS4 students to peer/self-assess the answers.
This is a brilliant revision resource for a topic that covered 19 out of 80 marks on last years paper! Can be given to students as a homework/revision resource or used as part of a lesson (or 2 or 3) for writing pseudocode.
This revision guide covers:
IF statements
This could be used as a revision guide for year 11, assessment points throughout the year, or a weekly homework booklet for the duration of the course.
64 page booklet with contents page, sets of exam style questions for each unit (1.1 to 2.6, in order) for OCR GCSE Computer Science. Created in a style so that students can spend around 10 minutes on a particular unit of questions then mark their own work using the internet/revision guides for help.
Each unit has a revise/re-read/expert box at the end so students can log how they feel for each unit and revise those that are priority to them.
Throughout are small, inspirational quotes to help motivate students.
Absolutely brilliant resources, particularly for those students who “don’t know how to revise” or “don’t know what to revise” or “don’t know what to do to revise”. This has been great for those “hard to engage” students.
Relatively cheap to print (cost me £1.08 per booklet to print - this will depend on your own school’s printing costs).
A set of 11 mini assessments that cover all topics from paper 2 of OCR GCSE Computer Science. These are exam based questions with easy-feedback on each sheet that allows rapid progress.
These are designed to be completed during the lesson and should be completed in around 10 minutes (great starter or plenary!).
The sheets are designed to be printed on one single sheet of A4 paper (2 sides), making them easy to organise and mark.
The feedback method allows you to provide brilliant and effective feedback to students easily.
A class set of 30 takes around 20 minutes to complete.
These can be added together to create a larger assessment.
GCSE Computer Science Unit 2.6 full lesson set. Created for OCR, but the content may be suitable for other exam boards.
L1 - Binary and Denary
L2 - Adding Binary, Hex and Denary
L3 - Binary and Hex
L4 - Check Digits
L5 - Binary Shift and ASCII
L6 - Binary Images
L7 - Binary Sound
L8 - Compression
L9 - Recap on Binary/Hex/Denary
All of the lessons have a bell work, recap of key content, key content to be taught, in-depth explanations and exam question practice (with exam style answers).
Structured to aid students understanding of a tricky topic.
GCSE Computer Science Paper 1 Revision Bundle. 5 PPTs for at least 5 lessons in total (over 100 slides).
Includes a range of revision activities in each PPT, from quick quizzes to retrieval questions. Content includes animated demos for some key content. Answers are provided via animations on each of the slides.
Content is aimed at OCR GCSE Computer Science but could be used for some other specs (please cross check the specifications you are using).
Aimed at year 11 revision for the lessons leading upto the exam/mock exam.
25 Lessons covering all of the paper 2 content for the new GCSE OCR Computer Science Spec (J277). This also fits in with the older spec but does not contain 2.6.
Covers tricky content such as how to write algorithms, programming concepts, IDEs and Logic Gates.
You will not be disappointed.
Buy yourself some time and save on mass planning, or use these lessons and improve them even further to suit your classes.
P8 scores from my last year (co2019 - pre-covid19) were +0.41 - up from -1.17 previously before I started the school.
All lessons are designed to be written into books by students. All are clearly labelled and sequenced to follow from the previous lesson, building in recaps and stretch/challenge exercises.
Over 1000 slides worth of work. A bargain.