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btmmadstuff's Shop

Average Rating3.57
(based on 85 reviews)

A dedication to all those who are involved in the arduous yet rewarding education and teaching of English Language and Literature. My shop contains a number of resources which I believe are creative, innovative and original as a result of endless hours of hard work, research and utter commitment to the progress and successful achievement of all my students over the years. It's a privilege to share my resources and be a part of the global community of educators. Your feedback is most welcome!




A dedication to all those who are involved in the arduous yet rewarding education and teaching of English Language and Literature. My shop contains a number of resources which I believe are creative, innovative and original as a result of endless hours of hard work, research and utter commitment to the progress and successful achievement of all my students over the years. It's a privilege to share my resources and be a part of the global community of educators. Your feedback is most welcome!
‘The Manhunt’ Poem (Simon Armitage) Comprehension Questions

‘The Manhunt’ Poem (Simon Armitage) Comprehension Questions

A series of COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS based on the poem ‘The Manhunt’. Useful to check students’ understanding after annotating the poem in class. Includes relevant questions based on HISTORICAL/CONTEXTUAL detail, MEANING, POETIC LANGUAGE, STRUCTURAL TECHNIQUES and the EFFECT on the reader.
‘A Christmas Carol’ (Charles Dickens) GCSE Literature Revision Booklet

‘A Christmas Carol’ (Charles Dickens) GCSE Literature Revision Booklet

A detailed REVISION BOOKLET based on the novella ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. This includes detailed SUMMARY NOTES and REVISION ACTIVITIES based on the 5 staves, the MAIN THEMES, CHARACTERS, STRUCTURE, LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES, SYMBOLISM, EXAM TIPS and a SAMPLE QUESTION together with a number of related REVISION ACTIVITIES to test students’ UNDERSTANDING of the NOVELLA as a whole. Particular reference to the EDUQAS GCSE Literature Syllabus, Component 2, (Prose/Drama - Section B) but can be used and adapted to suit any GCSE Literature Syllabus based on the novella.
AQA iGCSE Literature (Foundation Tier) Set Texts 'A View From a Bridge'

AQA iGCSE Literature (Foundation Tier) Set Texts 'A View From a Bridge'

Based on the play ‘A View From a Bridge’, Section B of the AQA iGCSE Foundation Tier Examination. A handy REVISION AID with particular focus on the ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES, what the EXAMINERS say, LANGUAGE and STRUCTURAL techniques, creating PEELE paragraphs, an EXAMPLE and how to PLAN and STRUCTURE a successful response to any given question.
AQA GCSE English Lang Exam Higher + Foundation

AQA GCSE English Lang Exam Higher + Foundation

Focus on all the questions in Sections A and B for both Higher and Foundation Tiers. A handy revision guide including Assessment Objectives, past examiners’ reports, structuring answers, language techniques, useful connectives and phrases and comparative language.
‘Abomination’ – Reading Assessment

‘Abomination’ – Reading Assessment

FANTASTIC, EASY-TO-FOLLOW resources for KS3 students in preparation for a READING ASSESSMENT based on the novel ‘Abomination’ by Robert Swindells. Particular focus on the question: ‘How does Swindells reveal sympathy for Martha in the novel?’ This includes an outline of the MAIN THEMES, an EXAMPLE of a PEEZER Paragraph, useful VOCABULARY and a suitable READING ASSESSMENT PLAN to STRUCTURE students’ RESPONSES successfully.
Eduqas GCSE English Language Component 1 Practice Examination Paper (20th Century Literature Reading

Eduqas GCSE English Language Component 1 Practice Examination Paper (20th Century Literature Reading

Another new Eduqas GCSE English Language, Component 1 Practice Examination Paper. Section A focuses on an extract based on the novel ‘Through the Tunnel’ by Doris Lessing. Both Sections A and B contain typical examination questions based on the requirements and assessment of A01, A02, A04, A05 and A06 in accordance with the expected Eduqas English Language Component 1 examination criteria.
‘Of Mice and Men’ Diary Writing Features and Language Techniques

‘Of Mice and Men’ Diary Writing Features and Language Techniques

Another easy-to-follow, fantastic Powerpoint Presentation based on TYPICAL FEATURES and LANGUAGE/STRUCTURAL TECHNIQUES used in Diary Writing. This was created for my lower ability Year 9 class. Includes an EXAMPLE of a DIARY ENTRY written by George (sharing his thoughts and feelings about Lennie after they ran away from Weed and arrived in Soledad) and students are given the opportunity to ANALYSE, IDENTIFY and SELECT the MAIN FEATURES and LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES used in Diary Writing. Students finally create their own IMAGINATIVE diary writing imagining they are Lennie using the FEATURES and TECHNIQUES they have learnt so far.
KS3 Reading Assessment – Interview  ‘Dynasties Chimpanzee’

KS3 Reading Assessment – Interview ‘Dynasties Chimpanzee’

Detailed resources and a SOW based on the DOCUMENTARY ’Dynasties – Chimpanzee’ (Series 1, Episode 1) with particular focus on the question ‘How does Rosie Thomas reveal the difficulties the crew faced when they filmed the chimpanzees in Africa?’ Includes an INTERVIEW with Rosie Thomas (the Producer and Director of the documentary) together with COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS, various activities identifying PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES, using NEW VOCABULARY, a MODEL PEEZER paragraph, DIFFERENTIATED resources and a final PEER ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY. Suitable for all KS3 students and can be adapted to suit all abilities.
How to Respond to Unseen Poetry - Eduqas GCSE English Literature Component 2 – Section C

How to Respond to Unseen Poetry - Eduqas GCSE English Literature Component 2 – Section C

Great revision resources in preparation for the Eduqas GCSE English Literature (Component 2, Section C - Unseen Poetry) Examination. Particular focus on the poems: ‘The Explosion’ by P. Larkin and ‘The Manhunt’ by S. Armitage. Resources include a detailed and user-friendly step-by-step Power Point presentation together with REVISION worksheets based on a SAMPLE QUESTION and an ideal STRUCTURE in response to both PARTS A and B of the examination. Includes a suggested PLAN, MODEL EXAMPLES/RESPONSES, useful COMPARATIVE/CONNECTIVE PHRASES and POETIC LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES needed for students to provide SOPHISTICATED, INSIGHTFUL and SUCCESSFUL written responses which fulfil the ASSESSMENT CRITERIA and OBJECTIVES of the examination.
‘Macbeth’ – Creating an ADVERTISEMENT based on THE WITCHES

‘Macbeth’ – Creating an ADVERTISEMENT based on THE WITCHES

A detailed, step-by-step KS3 PowerPoint resource outlining DEFINITIONS and EXAMPLES of relevant PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES used in ADVERTISING together with SUGGESTED PRODUCTS based on THE WITCHES in ‘Macbeth’. Also includes a TEMPLATE for students to produce their own ADVERTISEMENTS based on the play, either by hand in class, or can be uploaded as an ICT activity. This has proven most useful for my lower ability Year 8 class studying Shakespeare for the first time.
Eduqas iGCSE English Literature - Component 2, Section C, Unseen Poetry

Eduqas iGCSE English Literature - Component 2, Section C, Unseen Poetry

Includes an easy to follow, step-by-step PPT and Medium-Term Plan consisting of 8 COMPLETE LESSONS based on the EDUQAS iGCSE ENGLISH LITERATURE COMPONENT 2, SECTION C, UNSEEN POETRY). Particular focus on the COMPARISON of the poems ‘Yesterday’ by Patricia Pogson and ‘Those Winter Sundays’ by Robert Hayden. Includes the ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES for both Parts A and B, STEP-BY-STEP PLANNING, suggested ways to COMPARE poems, USEFUL VOCABULARY and SENTENCE STARTERS, identifying and analysing the EFFECT of STRUCTURAL and POETIC LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES together with various TASKS to help create SUCCESSFUL and SOPHISTICATED PRACTICE RESPONSES to UNSEEN POETRY.