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btmmadstuff's Shop

Average Rating3.57
(based on 85 reviews)

A dedication to all those who are involved in the arduous yet rewarding education and teaching of English Language and Literature. My shop contains a number of resources which I believe are creative, innovative and original as a result of endless hours of hard work, research and utter commitment to the progress and successful achievement of all my students over the years. It's a privilege to share my resources and be a part of the global community of educators. Your feedback is most welcome!




A dedication to all those who are involved in the arduous yet rewarding education and teaching of English Language and Literature. My shop contains a number of resources which I believe are creative, innovative and original as a result of endless hours of hard work, research and utter commitment to the progress and successful achievement of all my students over the years. It's a privilege to share my resources and be a part of the global community of educators. Your feedback is most welcome!
NARRATIVE STYLES - Creative Writing and Poetry

NARRATIVE STYLES - Creative Writing and Poetry

A Key Stage 3 Lesson/Presentation based on DIFFERENT NARRATIVE STYLES with close focus on the theme of ‘Adventure’. Includes a related SPAG task plus an activity based on the FUNCTIONS of FIRST, SECOND and THIRD PERSON NARRATIVES. Students are introduced to the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ (Thomas Hardy) and focus on re-writing selected stanzas using different NARRATIVE STYLES.
Exploring the SENSES in Poetry

Exploring the SENSES in Poetry

Particular focus on using THE SENSES in POETRY (KS3) with reference to the theme 'Love Through the Ages' and the poem ‘Sonnet 130’ (William Shakespeare). Includes a SPAG activity, exploring the SENSES in given IMAGERY and creating PEE Paragraphs using evidence from the poem.


A detailed PowerPoint Presentation/Lesson focusing on UNDERSTANDING and RECOGNISING EXTENDED METAPHORS in POETRY. Particular focus on the theme of ‘Love Through the Ages’ (KS3 Level). Includes a SPAG TASK and reference to the well-known poem ‘Valentine’ by Carol Ann Duffy (a perfect example of an EXTENDED METAPHOR). Students reflect on the different layers of meaning presented in the poem and complete a table based on selecting EVIDENCE, describing MEANING and considering the EFFECT of given IMAGERY. A great resource in preparation for a Reading Assessment too.


Another useful PowerPoint Presentation/Lesson focusing on RECOGNISING and USING PERSONIFICATION in CREATIVE WRITING. Includes a SPAG TASK, an ACTIVITY based on creating sentences using PERSONIFICATION and finally selecting EXAMPLES and describing their EFFECT with reference to the poem ‘Cape Town Morning’ by Ingrid de Kok. Particular focus on the theme ‘Around the World’ at KS3 Level.
Understanding and Recognising AUXILLIARY VERBS in Creative Writing

Understanding and Recognising AUXILLIARY VERBS in Creative Writing

A PowerPoint Presentation/Lesson (KS3) based on UNDERSTANDING and RECOGNISING the DIFFERENCE between AUXILLIARY VERBS and MAIN VERBS. Particular focus on the theme of 'Outcasts and Outsiders'. Tasks include creating relevant sentences and recognising these important Parts of Speech in the well-known poem ‘Give’ by Simon Armitage.
SOUND DEVICES - Onomatopoeia, Alliteration and Sibilance

SOUND DEVICES - Onomatopoeia, Alliteration and Sibilance

A PowerPoint Presentation/Lesson (KS3) based on UNDERSTANDING and RECOGNISING various SOUND DEVICES including ALLITERATION, ONOMATOPOEIA and SIBILANCE in relation to the theme ‘Around the World’. Particular focus on SPAG, creating SENTENCES using these devices and recognising and EXPLAINING their EFFECT in the poem ‘Blessing’ (Imtiaz Dharkar).
ADVERBS based on 'All the World's a Stage' (KS3)

ADVERBS based on 'All the World's a Stage' (KS3)

A great KS3 PowerPoint resource based on understanding and recognising ADVERBS in relation to the theme of ‘All the World’s a Stage’. Particular focus on a related SPAG task, a lesson based on where ADVERBS are usually positioned in given sentences; recognising them in the poem ‘The Acrobat’ by Melanie Henderson and finally producing poems using ADVERBS based on a hobby or personal experience.
Adjectives based on the theme of HEROES KS3

Adjectives based on the theme of HEROES KS3

A PowerPoint Presentation/Lesson based on the THEME of HEROES (Year 7). Particular focus on the Learning Objective: Identifying ADJECTIVES and their importance in CREATIVE WRITING and POETRY. Activities include correcting common SPAG errors, identifying ADJECTIVES in given sentences and a THESAURUS ACTIVITY with reference to the poem ‘The Poet as a Hero’ by Siegfried Sassoon.
Question 2 iGCSE Cambridge English Language Paper 2 Extended Tier

Question 2 iGCSE Cambridge English Language Paper 2 Extended Tier

A valuable PowerPoint tutorial based on how to approach Question 2 of the iGCSE Cambridge English Language Paper 2 (Extended Tier). Includes Examiners’ Comments, the Marking Criteria, suggested Planning Techniques, a Writing Frame, Useful Phrases and Vocabulary to describe the EFFECT of Language, Sentence Starters and a final Example Response to a Past Paper Question.
Different types of NOUNS in Poetry

Different types of NOUNS in Poetry

A handy resource and lesson based on understanding and recognising NOUNS (COMMON, PROPER and ABSTRACT) and the theme of ‘Schools in Literature’ at KS3 Level. Particular focus on SPAG, various differentiated tasks with reference to the poem ‘Dunce’ by Robert William Service.
'A View From a Bridge' Various Resources

'A View From a Bridge' Various Resources

4 Resources
Various resources based on the play with particular focus on the AQA iGCSE Literature Syllabus, (both Foundation and Higher Tiers) together with detailed TUTORIALS based on CHARACTERS, THEMES and STRUCTURE within the play.
Useful SPAG Resources

Useful SPAG Resources

3 Resources
SPAG resources/PowerPoint tutorials including activities based on Commonly Misused Words, the Active and Passive Voice and Prepositions.
Debatable Topics (Discuss, Persuade and Argue).

Debatable Topics (Discuss, Persuade and Argue).

4 Resources
Particular focus on NON-FICTION texts which are based on WRITING to DISCUSS, ARGUE and PERSUADE. Includes PowerPoint lessons/tutorials based on current CONTROVERSIAL topics (The Death Penalty, Corporal Punishment in Schools and Social Networking) together with MODEL example texts and USEFUL CONNECTIVES (for students at both KS3 and KS4 Levels) to structure their responses and opinions in a more SOPHISTICATED, MEANINGFUL way.
Eduqas GCSE English Literature,  Component 1:  Section B – Poetry (Part A and B) PEER ASSESSMENT

Eduqas GCSE English Literature, Component 1: Section B – Poetry (Part A and B) PEER ASSESSMENT

An easy-to-follow LESSON/POWERPOINT based on the NEW GCSE Eduqas English Literature Syllabus (Poetry Anthology) Section B. Particular focus on the poem ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ (Part A and B) and the relevant ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES. Students review their partner’s FIRST DRAFTS based on Part A using a PEER ASSESSMENT TABLE and TARGETS are set accordingly in order to IMPROVE their partner’s current response. MODEL EXAMPLE QUESTIONS and RESPONSES for PART A and PART B are included based on ‘The Manhunt’ (Simon Armitage) compared to ‘Mametz Wood’ (Owen Shears). COMPARATIVE LANGUAGE, CONNECTIVES and POETIC/ LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES are included to aid a successful response to any given question.


3 Resources
Particular focus on USEFUL CONNECTIVES, WORDS and PHRASES to STRUCTURE a piece of WRITING in a more SOPHISTICATED, BELIEVABLE way. Can be used in any assignment in response to any particular LANGUAGE and LITERATURE READING TEXT or any assignment based on DISCUSSION, ARGUMENT and PERSUASION.
'Blood Brothers' Revision Booklet

'Blood Brothers' Revision Booklet

A detailed REVISION BOOKLET based on the play ‘Blood Brothers’ by Willy Russell with reference to the new EDUQAS GCSE Literature Syllabus, Component 2 – Post 1914 Prose/Drama - Section A. This includes detailed SUMMARY NOTES on both ACT 1 and ACT 2, the MAIN THEMES, the MAIN CHARACTERS, the NARRATOR’S ROLE, EXAM TIPS and a SAMPLE QUESTION together with a number of related ACTIVITIES to test students’ UNDERSTANDING of the play as a whole.
How to Respond to Unseen Poetry - Eduqas GCSE English Literature Component 2 – Section C

How to Respond to Unseen Poetry - Eduqas GCSE English Literature Component 2 – Section C

Great revision resources in preparation for the Eduqas GCSE English Literature (Component 2, Section C - Unseen Poetry) Examination. Particular focus on the poems: ‘The Explosion’ by P. Larkin and ‘The Manhunt’ by S. Armitage. Resources include a detailed and user-friendly step-by-step Power Point presentation together with REVISION worksheets based on a SAMPLE QUESTION and an ideal STRUCTURE in response to both PARTS A and B of the examination. Includes a suggested PLAN, MODEL EXAMPLES/RESPONSES, useful COMPARATIVE/CONNECTIVE PHRASES and POETIC LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES needed for students to provide SOPHISTICATED, INSIGHTFUL and SUCCESSFUL written responses which fulfil the ASSESSMENT CRITERIA and OBJECTIVES of the examination.