Btec Sport Level 3
Unit 1
Complete PowerPoint
C1 The structure of the respiratory system
C2 Function of the respiratory system
C3 Lung volumes
C4 Control of breathing
C5 Responses of the respiratory system to a single sport or exercise session
C6 Adaptations of the respiratory system to training
C7 Additional factors affecting the respiratory system
GCSE PE Edexcel
Powerpoints that covers the following topics from Component 2
The use of goal setting and SMART targets to improve and optimise performance
Guidance and feedback on performance
Mental preparation for performance
These compliment the component 2 revision and homework booklets
BTEC Level 2 First in Sport
Practical Performance in Sport
Unit 2 Revision Guide
Covers the criteria for learning aims A B and C (except the demonstration of skills)
A - Understand the rules, regulations and scoring systems for selected sports
B - Practically demonstrate skills, techniques and tactics in selected sports
C - Be able to review sports performance
This revision guide helps you complete the assignment and can be used alongside the work booklet
Video to explain the difference between sportsmanship, gamesmanship & deviance
Has sporting examples of each
Gives the characteristics of each
Reasons/consequences of deviance
What is being done to prevent deviance
Edexcel GCSE PE
Component 2
Classification of skills video
Open and closed skills
A video which shows the difference between open and closed skills
Include the characteristics of open and closed skills
Give specific examples from sports with ans explanation
Last about 14 minutes
GCSE PE Edexcel
PowerPoint that covers all the following topics from Component 1
• Skeletal system
• Muscular system
• Cardiovascular system
• Respiratory system
GCSE PE Edexcel
PowerPoint that covers all the following topics from Component 1
• Aerobic & anaerobic exercise
• Short term effects of exercise
• Lever systems
• Planes and axes of movement
GCSE PE Edexcel
PowerPoint that covers all the following topics from Component 1
• Health and fitness
• Principles of training
• Long term effects of training
• How to optimise training and prevent injury
• Effective use of warm-up and cool-down
• Use of data
Knowledge organiser/revision mat for GCSE PE AQA Paper 1
A handy revision tool that can be used in a variety of ways
It should be enlarged onto A3 and laminated so they can be used over and over again
An additional PDF file is included to the original to avoid any formatting issues
Knowledge organiser/revision mat for GCSE PE AQA Paper 1
A handy revision tool that can be used in a variety of ways
It should be enlarged onto A3 and laminated so they can be used over and over again
An additional PDF file is included to the original to avoid any formatting issues
GCSE PE - Edexcel
Component 1
part 1
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
37 page Revision Booklet
Great for revision
Tick list on each topic to reinforce understanding & learning
Revision notes that are concise and easy to understand
80 mark end of unit test at the end to measure understanding
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Conemporary Issues In Sport (R184)
Complete Student Work Booklet
Includes a work booklet to complete notes that are concise on all the topics. Also includes subject content taken from the syllabus. This is a handy tool to revise for the exam
Topic 1 - Issues which affect participation in sport
Topic 2 - The role of sport in promoting values
Topic 3 - Implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country
Topic 4 - : The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport
Topic 5 - The use of technology in sport
Ideally this should be used along side the student revision guide or powerPoint
Component 1
Homework booklet part 3
cover the following topics:
• Health and fitness
• Principles of training
• Long term effects of training
• How to optimise training and prevent injury
• Effective use of warm-up and cool-down
• Use of data
Contains work to be filled in theta follows the syllabus
Apply your knowledge section after each topic
Revision tick list to monitor progress/learning
can be used along side the revision booklets
Homework/Work booklet
Part 3
covers the following topics:
• Planes and axes of movement
• The relationship between health and fitness
• Components of fitness
• Principles of training
• How to optimise training and prevent injury
• Effective use of warm-up and cool-down
• Use of Data
35 page Homework booklet
Great for pupils to work on the booklet at home reinforcing learning in class
Revision ticklist of all the topics and descriptions
tasks to be completed that follows the scheme of work
After each topic there is an apply your knowledge section to reinforce learning
Homework book part 3
covers the topics:
• Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activity and sport
• Commercialisation of Physical activity and sport
• Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
• Use of data
Include tasks on all areas covered in the curriculum
Lots of exam type questions on each section
Tick sheet on all topics to help with revision
Can be used with the revision booklet
Revision booklet
Part 2
covers the following topics:
• The relationship between health and fitness
• Components of fitness
• Principles of training
• How to optimise training and prevent injury
• Effective use of warm-up and cool-down
• Use of Data
42-page booklet
Revision notes that are concise and easy to understand
End of topic test
Tick lists of all the areas covered to monitor progress
Self-assessment task
This booklet can be used alongside student homework/work booklets
Bundle of structure strips on the energy systems:
BTEC Level 3
Unit 1
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from BTEC mark scheme
Include L1 L2 L3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Component 1 Part 3 Revision Booklet
Contains the following topics:
• Health and fitness
• Principles of training
• Long term effects of training
• How to optimise training and prevent injury
• Effective use of warm-up and cool-down
• Use of data
Easy to understand notes
Revision tick list
End of unit test at the back (100 marks)
can use it with Homework booklets
GCSE PE - Edexcel
Revision Booklet Part 2
Covers the topics :
• Classification of skills
• The use of goal setting and SMART targets
• Guidance and feedback on performance
• Mental preparation for performance
Include a 27 page booklet
Concise revision notes that are easy to understand and revise
Exam type answers using the notes from the revision booklet
Revision tick list of all the topics covered
75 mark end of topic test