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I'm a teacher working in a leading secondary school and I have always enjoyed resourcing. I resource many of my lessons and these are always well received by my department so I thought I'd try to bring them to a larger audience. I have a firm belief that worksheets should combine aesthetics with functionality and pride myself on polished, well presented resources that scaffold without leading and encourage critical thinking from students.




I'm a teacher working in a leading secondary school and I have always enjoyed resourcing. I resource many of my lessons and these are always well received by my department so I thought I'd try to bring them to a larger audience. I have a firm belief that worksheets should combine aesthetics with functionality and pride myself on polished, well presented resources that scaffold without leading and encourage critical thinking from students.
Kidneys and Osmoregulation Worksheet for A-level

Kidneys and Osmoregulation Worksheet for A-level

This double-sided worksheet consists of 5 multi-part comprehension and recall questions targeted at the knowledge and understanding required of AQA A level students. With full markscheme it can be used by yourself to assess students or can be peer/self assessed with the markscheme projected on the board, allowing quick afl in your lesson. It can also be used as a revision resource to check recall. It ties in perfectly with my Kidneys PowerPoint and Osmoregulation cut and stick activities also available on here/from my shop and also as part of my Kidneys for A-level bundle (link below).
ADH & Osmoregulation Cut and Stick Activity for A-level.

ADH & Osmoregulation Cut and Stick Activity for A-level.

This resource serves as an excellent summary of how ADH is used to regulate water reabsorption in the kidneys. Included is the template sheet, a sheet of 2 tile-sets to be cut out and a PowerPoint markscheme that can be projected and used to add tiles one at a time as a stimulus. The sheet includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, the action of ADH at the kidney and how this affects reabsorption in the collecting duct. Works equally well as an accompaniment to my PowerPoint on the Kidneys or as a stand-alone activity.
Oxygen Dissociation Curves (Haemoglobin) Worksheet for A-level

Oxygen Dissociation Curves (Haemoglobin) Worksheet for A-level

The resource consists of a double-sided worksheet comprising 6 examples of oxygen dissociation curves that may differ from a ‘standard’ curve for ‘normal’ haemoglobin for various reasons. Students need to read information on the situation in each case and predict, with detailed reasoning, the shape of the curve most likely for that case. This serves as a useful consolidation activity and also encourages a re-examination of students’ understanding of dissociation curves so is equally a useful revision resource. The accompanying mark scheme can be used for self/peer assessment and also to promote discussion in the classroom.
Cracking the Genetic Code (A level) - Worksheet and Markscheme

Cracking the Genetic Code (A level) - Worksheet and Markscheme

The worksheet focuses on student understanding of the experiments carried out by Nirenberg and Khorana to determine which codons/triplets code for which amino acids. The worksheet details their investigations into the genetic code and provides a scaffold for students to draw conclusions from their original data. This is sound practice for questions of this type, which are becoming an increasingly frequent aspect of examinations. It also serves to consolidate on existing knowledge regarding the genetic code and is a useful reflection activity in its own right.
Kidneys PowerPoint for A-Level - Detailed slides on ultrafiltration, reabsorption and osmoregulation

Kidneys PowerPoint for A-Level - Detailed slides on ultrafiltration, reabsorption and osmoregulation

A detailed PowerPoint of 19 slides outlining kidney structure and function. Separate sections focus on ultrafiltration; reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule; water reabsorption in the Loop of Henle; and the role of the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary in releasing anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) and its affect on the permeability of the collecting duct in osmoregulation. Carefully presented diagrams outline the processes and explain in step-by-step annotations how these organs work. Multiple points of the PowerPoint are animated and you can navigate between slides/sections using a centralised menu. Also included is a printable notes sheet with diagrams from the PowerPoint integrated to facilitate student note-taking. Note - the preview function on TES mauls the PowerPoint slides - please be assured they work fine on both PC and Mac - I’ve tested them carefully.
Magnification Calculations Homework (GCSE Microscopes)

Magnification Calculations Homework (GCSE Microscopes)

This 11 mark sheet challenges students to convert units from cm or millimetres into micrometres and to use the magnification formula to complete 3 calculations as well as identify the type of electron microscope used to obtain each image. The included mark-scheme is a PowerPoint file allowing easy feedback and peer or self assessment.
Looking at Cells (GCSE) - Microscopes and Magnification Worksheet with Markscheme.

Looking at Cells (GCSE) - Microscopes and Magnification Worksheet with Markscheme.

This double-sided worksheet introduces students to both light microscopes and both forms of electron microscope. It also challenges them to some magnification calculations. Students will learn to differentiate between images from scanning and transmission electron microscopes and also be challenged in converting measurements in centimetres and millimetres into micrometres. The activity serves as an excellent primer for a microscope practical and should follow a demo where a teacher discusses the roles and names of the parts of a microscope. The sheet is accompanied by a full markscheme.
Light Microscope Practical - Onion Cells (GCSE required practical)

Light Microscope Practical - Onion Cells (GCSE required practical)

Aimed at GCSE this task sheet is intended to guide students through their first attempts at using an optical microscope. At the end of the task students will have focused their microscope at different magnifications, made a scientific drawing of the onion cells, measured a cell using an eyepiece graticule and calculated the magnification of their drawing.
Photosynthesis/Respiration Card Sort & Summary Sheet

Photosynthesis/Respiration Card Sort & Summary Sheet

The card sort resource can be printed off onto card and cut out either before or during lesson time. It can be used as a simple starter/summary activity and is useful to tease out students' understanding of both photosynthesis and respiration and to highlight the relationship between the two processes - that is that one is locking energy into a glucose molecule, whilst the other releases it for use. The one sided worksheet included serves to record students findings and encourages them to reflect on the task. A mark-scheme is also included.
Muscles Presentation - Includes, muscle structure, sarcomere structure and sliding filament theory.

Muscles Presentation - Includes, muscle structure, sarcomere structure and sliding filament theory.

This PowerPoint of 25 slides covers all the content needed on Muscle structure, including the 3 main types of muscle, gross structure, a detailed breakdown of the parts of the sarcomere including a step-by-step run through of sliding filament theory and the difference between fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibres including an explanation of phosphocreatine as an energy source. All of this is illustrated with clear diagrams and pictures and includes some simple animations. A central menu allows easy navigation to different parts of the PowerPoint and numerous slides are accompanied by teacher notes to help you clarify points/stimulate student interest. A note-sheet is included with several diagrams drawn from the PowerPoint to facilitate annotation and note taking.
Succession: Sand Dunes cut and stick (A level resource)

Succession: Sand Dunes cut and stick (A level resource)

This resource summarises the changes that occur during the process of ecological succession at a sand dune ecosystem. An excellent resource that serves to reinforce taught content and as a visual summary of the process, this download includes a page of tiles and a sheet to fix them on and an animated markscheme (PowerPoint) which can be projected to help students with the task and/or used to aid discussion. The finished activity links seral stage to environmental conditions and the sand dune topography so can further be used to fuel discussion regards changes in hostility and biodiversity.
Stimulus to Response - cut and stick activity.

Stimulus to Response - cut and stick activity.

This cut and stick worksheet challenges students to link a stimulus, via its associated receptor and effector with a response. Includes - Worksheet/grid, Tiles to cut out and stick on the grid, Animated PowerPoint which allows marking/stimulus.
Reaction Times Lesson Resources (GCSE Practical) - PowerPoint, Practical Sheet and more.

Reaction Times Lesson Resources (GCSE Practical) - PowerPoint, Practical Sheet and more.

The resource is targeted at a GCSE required practical on the AQA scheme of work. Contents include a PowerPoint of 9 slides, a foundation and higher level practical worksheet (differentiated around drawing the results table), a purpose made excel spreadsheet for recording class data for detailed analysis and a printable template you can stick on a metre rule to measure reaction time. The PowerPoint includes a stimulus activity that recaps the nervous pathway and 3 slides outlining animal reaction times/speeds of response for comparison/stimulation of interest. The practical sheet includes full instructions for students and some summary questions. The excel spreadsheet is locked for editing aside from an area for students to complete in a central location (ie- projected onto the whiteboard) and will draw a graph complete with range bars based on average class data. The graph can be printed after the practical as required to allow more detailed analysis of class results.
Respiration - The Electron Transport Chain (Oxidative Phosphorylation for A-level)

Respiration - The Electron Transport Chain (Oxidative Phosphorylation for A-level)

This double-sided worksheet covers the electron transport chain in detail. The first side is a blank diagram for students to annotate, whilst the second consists of several questions to both test and reinforce understanding. The included PowerPoint serves as a mark-scheme for the sheet but also includes a step-by-step description of the happenings in the electron transport chain and could easily double as a teaching resource. A fully annotated exemplar sheet is also included to act as a handout or crib sheet.