World languages

French Numbers to 100 Posters
French display cards from 1-100 (1-20 then counting up in tens from there). Available to download as a PowerPoint to edit, or a PDF version to keep the font. Could also be used as flashcards to help with pronunciation.
Thank you, enjoy!

Parts of Speech Display Posters
Simple parts of speech posters to add to a literacy display or for the children to keep as reminders to aid their comprehension of grammar and writing.
Included: adjective, pronoun, verb, noun, adverb, conjunction. Each slide contains a definition, picture and example of each used in a sentence.
Downloadable as a PowerPoint to edit, or PDF to keep the fonts.
Tag me on Twitter @misscedwards or Instagram @missedwards94 if you use these, I’d love to see them in your classroom!
Thank you, enjoy!

French Classroom Language Posters
Simple classroom language phrases in French to display around the classroom. Downloadable in PowerPoint format to allow editing, or PDF format to keep the font.
Please tag me on Instagram @missedwards94 or Twitter @misscedwards if you use or adapt these for your own classroom, I’d love to see!

French Colours Display
French colours displayed on the appropriate coloured crayon. There is an editable PowerPoint version if you wish to change the font, and a PDF version has been uploaded to keep the font if it is not installed on your computer.
Please tag me on Instagram @missedwards94 or Twitter @misscedwards if you use these, I’d love to see them on display!
Thank you, enjoy!

French Classroom Instruction Posters
Simple classroom language phrases in French to display around the classroom. Downloadable in PowerPoint format to allow editing, or PDF format to keep the font and design (pastel and polka dots to go with my current theme).
Instructions included:
Taisez-vous - keep quiet
Répétez- repeat
Comptez - count
Regardez - look
Dépêchez-vous - be quick
Ecoutez - listen
Asseyez-vous - sit down
Levez-vous - stand up
Essayez - try/have a go
Levez la main - raise your hand
Venez ici - come here
Montrez-moi - show me
Rangez vos affaires - tidy up
Please tag me on Instagram @missedwards94 or Twitter @misscedwards if you use or adapt these for your own classroom, I’d love to see!