Business and finance

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – C1: Human Resources
1 x presentation
1 x ‘cartoon strip’ type activity (best done as one sheet per student) - can be used also as wall display afterwards.
1 x HW instructions (based on Revision Book - but w/s can be put on Google Classroom… or printed off for hard copy)
Sufficient for at least one lesson

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – D4: Performance appraisal (inc LA: D practice assessment tasks)
1 x presentation
1 x HW instructions (based on Revision Book - but w/s can be put on Google Classroom… or printed off for hard copy)
The additional resources (11a…) are for the Learning Aim D practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – F4: Importance & benefit of quality management
1 x presentation
1 x worksheet
1 x homework sheet with instructions based on Revision Book - but w/s can be put on Google Classroom… or printed off for hard copy
The additional resources (16a…) are for the Learning Aim F practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – F3: Techniques and tools of quality management
1 x presentation
3 x worksheets
1 x HW sheet with instructions based on Revision Book - but w/s can be put on Google Classroom… or printed off for hard copy

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 - A3: Business Culture (inc LA: A practice assessment tasks)
1 x lesson presentation
3 x worksheets / activity cards
The additional resources (3a…) are for the Learning Aim A practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.
All in all, sufficient for more than one lesson.

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – B2 Management leadership skills (inc LA: B assessment tasks)
1 x lesson presentation
1 x pair presentation task (to work as shared doc on Google Classroom, but could be an individual task)
1 x worksheet (enlarge to A3 if using as pair task)
The additional resources (5a…) are for the Learning Aim B practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.
All in all, sufficient for more than one lesson.

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – C2: Human Resource Planning
1 x presentation
1 x worksheet
The additional resources (7a…) are for the Learning Aim C practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.
Sufficient for at least 2 lessons.

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – E1: Managing change (inc LA: E practice assessment tasks)
1 x presentation
2 x worksheets
The additional resources (12a…) are for the Learning Aim E practice assessment lesson and are based on the textbook, but are presented here in an easy to use/display format and suitable for addition to Google Classroom.

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – F1: Quality standards
1 x presentation
1 x A5 starter sheet (prints 2 to a sheet)
1 x worksheet
1 x homework sheet (based on Revision Book - but w/s can be put on Google Classroom… or printed off for hard copy)
More than sufficient for a whole lesson.

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 – F2: Developing a quality culture
1 x presentation
1 x HW sheet with instructions (based on Revision Book - but w/s can be put on Google Classroom… or printed off for hard copy)

Mission Statements and Aims
Mission Statements and Aims from 12 organisations with the intention that pupils conduct research to find the objectives set by each organisation that help meet the Aims and fulfil the Mission. (two on a page - cut to A5).
Preceded by blanks in case you want to start by getting pupils to guess what Mission Statements and Aims are as a starter.
Could print back-to-back (blank & non-blank) with different organisations on either side so that pupils can share correct answers with each other after initial activity.
PLEASE NOTE: This document was created in 2010 and whilst it still has relevance as an activity, the 12 organisations have surely made some changes in their missions & aims??!!
As this has been my most downloaded activity, with people downloading it in large numbers right up to summer 2019, I will make it one of my jobs to make an updated version before the end of 2019.

Break Even Key Word Starter/Plenary Activity
Do it with or without the PowerPoint - up to you!
It’s a kinda flexible activity - there are some suggestions at the top of the pdf document.
When you see it, you’ll probably know how YOU want to use it.

Cashflow Forecasting intro/summary
It’s all common sense, but if you have it, it works well with pages 83 - 91 of this text book - ISBN 9781846906206, which is what the resource was created for back in the day.

Aims & Objectives ~ definitions & SMART targets
Worksheet suitable for starting off this topic.
(and it’s Time constrained - in case anyone is baffled ~ I couldn’t decide between timed, time bound, time constrained, etc !)

BTEC National - Business - Unit 6 - A1: Definitions of management and leadership
Resources for the whole of A1:
worksheets x 3
Sufficient for more than one lesson.

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 15: After-sales service & Linking products to customers
Here are the presentation and worksheets for the 15th lesson in this series - After-sales service & Linking products to customers.
The worksheet is editable because a part of it makes reference to businesses local to our school, so that you can change them to businesses that are nearer, or more relevant to your school.

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 16: Qualitative & quantitative market research
The 16th lesson in this series - Qualitative & quantitative market research.
Attached are the presentation and a number of other documents for a lesson that refers to data relevant to our borough (Islington).
I will add it to the series in any case, as you can either use it as it is, the theory is just the same after all, or you could amend the documents to make them relevant to your borough/county.
And lucky for you if you’re in Islington : )

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 17 & 18: Primary research
These resources are for TWO lessons: lessons 17 and 18 in the series.
Primary research - questionnaires and observations
Primry research - interviews, focus groups and surveys
For each there are presentations and worksheets.
Lesson 18 makes reference to a pizza restaurant local to our school, so I have uploaded editable documents so that you can change the business to one that is near YOUR school. If you have a pizza restaurant, all the better, but it could be any SME really.
The adjustments needed are only minor, if you feel you’d like to change the business.