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AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L2 Economic Changes (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L2 Economic Changes (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 2 of a Distant Place study on Detroit- using the Oxford textbook. There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson looks at the economic changes in Detroit - and how there was a decline in industry and the impact this has had. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the Detroit’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? Introducing Ford Steel Belt to Rust belt background - analysis Q on this. Article on Globalisation and impact on Detroit - Exam Q on this. Research Homework and Documentary Qs PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Exam Q (with answers) - MODELLED WORK
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L4 Changing Character (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L4 Changing Character (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 4 of a Distant Place study on Detroit- using the Oxford textbook. There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson looks at the the decline of Detroit’s big industries and how this has changed the character and altered sense of place. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the Detroit’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? 20 Mark Question - practice and model Introduce De-industrialization Photo analysis of Various parts of Detroit What impact does De-industrialization have on place? Can anything be done to “stop” it? HWK - Census data analysis PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Exam Q - MODELLED WORK
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L6 Rebranding (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L6 Rebranding (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 6 of a Distant Place study on Detroit- using the Oxford textbook. There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson looks at how Detroit has been rebranded and the different regeneration techniques and the impact on the place-making process. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the Detroit’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? Discussion of 1 technique looked at for HWK in the previous lesson various different methods which are local groups, corporate and external forces with Qs. 20 Mark Exam Q with Plan. PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Exam Q - MODELLED WORK
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L5 Representations (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L5 Representations (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 5 of a Distant Place study on Detroit- using the Oxford textbook. There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson looks at how Detroit is represented in both Qualitative and Quantitative sources. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the Detroit’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? Great Migration discussions Various Qualitative and Quantitative sources to analyse (considering provenance). HWK - “Growtown to Motown” video with notes (completed notes) PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Exam Q - MODELLED WORK
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L3 Demographic Changes (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - Detroit Place Study L3 Demographic Changes (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 3 of a Distant Place study on Detroit- using the Oxford textbook. There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson looks at the Demographic changes in Detroit - and how there was a decline in industry and the impact this has had following the great Migration. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the Detroit’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? Exam Q starter Various graphical analysis tasks. Blog Analysis Link between demographic changes and character of place HWK - Research Great Migration PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Exam Q - MODELLED ANSWERS
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - East End London Place Study L1 Intro (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - East End London Place Study L1 Intro (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 1 of a Place study on The East End of London- this could be your distant or home study (depending on location). There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson looks at a brief introduction of the East End, what some sources begin to say about it and the demography/ economics of the region. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the East End’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? Introduce and locate the place study of the East End What are the overall opinions? Sources analysis of choropleths using census data, Shine Census data analysis and Oliver Twist extract. HWK - Timeline of the East end PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - MODELLED WORK
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places- East End London Place Study L5 Changing Character  (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places- East End London Place Study L5 Changing Character (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 4 of a Place study on The East End of London- this could be your distant or home study (depending on location). There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson looks at the East End’s character and factors (Exogenous and Endogenous) and how they have changed and how this has influenced place. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the East End’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? EXAM Q starter from previous lesson + Model Answer work Reacp - Exogenous and endogenous factors. The changes in the Factors in the EE and a Card sort Photo analysis in relation to changes in character of place Research Homework. PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Exam Q - MODELLED WORK
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - East End London Place Study L6 Local - New Era  (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - East End London Place Study L6 Local - New Era (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 6 of a Place study on The East End of London- this could be your distant or home study (depending on location). There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson looks contrasts to the previous and looks at local people and their involvement in the place making process in the East End of London. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the East End’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? Recall Starter from previous lesson Introduce the New Era Estate case study Look at what happpened and whether is worked? Exam Practice - Modelled answer, essay plane. *Review possibility for HWK PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Exam Q - MODELLED WORK
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - East End London Place Study L3 Representations (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - East End London Place Study L3 Representations (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 3 of a Place study on The East End of London- this could be your distant or home study (depending on location). There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson looks at how the East End is represented or has been represented - the influence and opinion this gives to both insiders and outsiders. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the East End’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? Recall starter Various Qualitative and Quantitative sources to analyse (considering provenance). Opinion timeline Exam Question with Mark scheme and modelled answer. HWK - REvision Resource PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Exam Q - MODELLED WORK
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - East End London Place Study L2 Pros and Cons (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - East End London Place Study L2 Pros and Cons (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 2 of a Place study on The East End of London- this could be your distant or home study (depending on location). There are 8 lessons in this Scheme (including assessment). This lesson Looks at the pros and cons of living in the East End and the influence on place. **Key Idea ** How are places constructed - how does this change? What factors have influenced the East End’s history and place making process? How do a range of data sources represent a place (qualitative and quantitative)? Recall Starter from previous lesson How has the East End changed? CARD SORT - Positives and negatives of living there; the located. Population Pyramid Analysis (Analysis help sheet included). Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) HWK - Source collection. PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Exam Q - MODELLED
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L4 - Uneven Development impacts, migration. (Lessons + Resources).

AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L4 - Uneven Development impacts, migration. (Lessons + Resources).

AQA - Changing economic world. This is the 4th lesson on Changing economic world - looking at the consequence of uneven development with a particular focus on migration. Review of last learning Concept mapping starter and photo analysis. keywords and different types of migration. Main point summary of lesson. Exam question - Structure. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos - - Exam question.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L6 - Reducing the Development Gap (Lessons + Resources).

AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L6 - Reducing the Development Gap (Lessons + Resources).

AQA - Changing economic world. This is the 6th lesson on Changing economic world - looking at how efforts have been made around the world have been made to reduce the development gap. Review of last learning looking at - debt relief, tourism, industrial development and investment and how they impact development Homework task on Fair trade research. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Exam question.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L8 - Goat Aid Decision Making Assessment (Lessons + Resources).

AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L8 - Goat Aid Decision Making Assessment (Lessons + Resources).

AQA - Changing economic world. This is the 8th lesson on Changing economic world - this is a Mid unit assessment if you wish or just lesson. Used to gather information on Computer aid and goat aid and which would be better in the long run. Terminology test. References to paper 3 decision making element. Planning table for inf sheets. Model answers to go through and highlight. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Exam question + Model answers - Info sheet.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L9 - India and a NEE Case study (Lessons + Resources).

AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L9 - India and a NEE Case study (Lessons + Resources).

AQA - Changing economic world. This is the 9th lesson on Changing economic world - this is now looking at India (a NEE) and how the gap has developed/being reduced through various efforts. SKill - population graph analysis. Locate task and analysis of industries in India. Unilever - case study as TNC input (Why there? Positives? Negatives? Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos - Info sheet.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L10 - India Aid example Case study (Lessons + Resources).

AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L10 - India Aid example Case study (Lessons + Resources).

AQA - Changing economic world. This is the 9th lesson on Changing economic world - this is now looking at India (a NEE) and methods of Aid used in order to reduce the development gap. Review of last learning. Card sort India development - AO2 Chains of Consequence task. CASE STUDY - Top down and bottom up (bio gas and Narmada Valley scheme). Various websites to IT research task. 9 mark question with exam structure. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos - Info sheets.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L11 - UK HIC Economic Structure (Lessons + Resources).

AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L11 - UK HIC Economic Structure (Lessons + Resources).

AQA - Changing economic world. This is the 11th lesson on Changing economic world - the first lesson looking at the economics of the UK and how it is set up structurally. Graph analysis of industries Keywords and definitions Analysis of economic structural changes and reasons why - Card sort. 6 mark exam question and structure. Homework task - researching science parks Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos -Card Sort.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L7 - Aid (Lessons + Resources).

AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L7 - Aid (Lessons + Resources).

AQA - Changing economic world. This is the 7th lesson on Changing economic world - looking at different types of Aid (short and long term) with reference to Goat aid, Ebola and intermediate technology. Review of last learning Case studies of Goat aid and Ebola - info sheets for case studies included looking at positive and negatives. Ranking task of all efforts to reduce the inequality - AO3 task. 9 mark questions Homework task on keyword terminology of last 7 lessons. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Exam question - Info sheet.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L15 - UK HIC Winder links (Lessons + Resources).

AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L15 - UK HIC Winder links (Lessons + Resources).

AQA - Changing economic world. This is the 14th lesson on Changing economic world - the forth lesson looking at the economics of the UK and the UK’s wider links (international) and the impacts this has on the UK. Review of last lesson’s learning. CARD SORT - Links into political, economic or Cultural. Note taking the different links - e.g. transport and language. The EU mini case study 6 Mark Question and structure. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos -Card Sort
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L14 - UK HIC North and South Divide (Lessons + Resources).

AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L14 - UK HIC North and South Divide (Lessons + Resources).

AQA - Changing economic world. This is the 13th lesson on Changing economic world - the third lesson looking at the economics of the UK and the North/South Divide and how it is trying to be minimized. Concept mapping starter. Maths skill - % calculations. IT TASK - Evidence of the North south divide (modeled answers). 3 methods of reducing the NS divide - HS2, LEPs and Enterprise Zones. Homework - Questions for Revision. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos -Card Sort
AQA GCSE Changing Economic World - UK Scheme.

AQA GCSE Changing Economic World - UK Scheme.

5 Resources
Lessons and resources for the UK part of AQA Paper 2 Challenges to the Human Environment. For 100 minutes lessons but easily adapted. L11 - UK HIC Economic Structure L12 - UK Industries and Sustainability L13 - Growth and Decline of UK areas L14 - North South Divide L15 - UK and Wider Links