World Physical Features By Continents - Fact Cards
The World
Physical Features
The Continents
This pack includes:
World Physical Features By Continents - Fact Cards PDF
Other resources you might be interested in:
Animals By Continents (Fact Cards) Bundle
Animal Continents Differentiated Activity Sheets - 2 levels of difficulty
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
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Help your students master counting to 100 with these differentiated number writing worksheets.
Students will work on counting, number identification and number writing as they fill in the missing numbers on the number charts.
Individual work.
Number identification
Number writing
The resource includes:
Differentiated number writing worksheets (3 levels of difficulty)
**Notes: **
For each level of difficulty, there are charts to fill in up to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
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Halloween - Pack of resources (Early years)
Festivities around the world
The World
Understanding the world
This pack includes:
Zip file including:
Count, cut and paste (up to 5)
My witches’ spell - worksheet
Write-in cards
Beginning sounds (fill-in) cards
Flashcards (2 formats)
Item Count - worksheet (up to 10)
Memory game
Bingo game
Shadow matching game
Sequencing puzzles (up to 10)
Word family and vowel team activity
word families
The pack includes:
Word families templates
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Si a tus estudiantes les encantan las historias de piratas y todo lo relacionado con ellos, seguro que disfrutarán de este pack de recursos sobre los piratas para infantil.
Compación de tamaños
Puzzles de secuencias numéricas
Memory - Juego
Colorea la letra (identificación de letras mayúsculas y minúsculas)
Emparejamiento de sombras - Juego
Flashcards (2 formatos)
Tarjetas de vocabulario para rellenar
Este pack incluye:
Ficha de comparación de tamaños
Puzzles de secuencias numéricas (hasta el 10)
Ficha de conteo de items (hasta el 10)
Tarjetas de conteo (hasta el 10)
Fichas - Colorea la letra
Ficha - Cuenta, recorta y pega (hasta 5)
Tarjetas diferenciales de vocabulario para escribir (tres niveles de dificultad)
Dominó - Juego (2 docs. imagen-imagen / imagen - palabra)
Memory - Juego
Emarejamiento de sombras - Juego
Flashcards (2 formatos)
Este pack de recursos está disopnible también en inglés.
Pirates - Pack of Resources (Early Years)
Ayuda a tus estudiantes a contar hasta 100 con estas tablas de secuencias numéricas (fácil - medio - dificil)
Mediante esta actividad, estudiantes podrán prácticar conteo, identificación y escritura numérica a la vez que copletan las sucesiones numéricas.
Trabajo individual
Identificación numérica
Escritura numérica
El pack incluye
3 PDF con sucesiones numéricas para completar (3 niveles de dificultad). Para cada nivel, los estudiantes podrán completar sucesiones numéricas hasta 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 y 100.
**Notas: **
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
if your students love stories about pirates and anything related to them, they will enjoy this pack of resources about Pirates for early years.
Size comparison
Number-sequencing puzzles
Colour by number
Shadow matching
Beginning sounds
Write-in cards
Colour the letter
This pack includes:
Size comparison worksheet
Number-sequencing puzzles
Item count worksheet (up to 10)
Counting clip cards
Colour by number worksheet
Count, cut and paste worksheet
Beginning sounds (fill-in) cards
Write-in cards (differentiated worksheers (3 levels of difficulty)
Colour the letter (lower case and upper case)
Dominoes (2 docs. picture-picture /picture-word)
Memory Game
Wanted doc. (personalize it with a picture of your naughtiest pirate!)
Shadow Matching game
Flashcards (2 formats)
This pack of resources is also available in Spanish!
Pack de recursos - Los piratas (Infantil)