Literacy for early years

VCOP differentiated table mats
VCOP on pencils, presented by level. Coloured to support SEN and Dyslexia friendly.

Ways to make spellings memorable
A powerpoint, which can be printed and used as posters, or as I did - print into a small flick book, to give suggestions for ways to learn spellings. Supports different learning styles and all ages.

Warm fuzzies PSHE Circle time game
A pshe/circle time activity which encourages everyone to leave the classroom with a 'warm' and 'fuzzy' feeling inside. Comes with ideas for activities and a set of cards to cut and use. Cards contain positive sentences on hot water bottle pictures.
This has been used with Year 1 and Year 5 successfully in different ways. There are many more possibilities for this resource, but here are ways that have worked well in the past.
Year 5
Sit in a circle. Hand out the shuffled cards, one per pupil. They have some quiet time to think about what their card says and who is the most suitable person to give it to. Taking it in turns, they read out what their card says and places it in front of their chosen person.
Year 1
As above but as they are handed out to the pupils, the teacher reads out the card, opening discussion as to what it means if necessary. Once they’ve used these a few times, they no longer ask for the meanings.
To avoid any children feeling disappointed from not receiving a card, you could produce extra and hand these out yourself or give rules that pupils can’t hand their card to someone that already has one.