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The Legal Llama

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An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5. All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?




An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5. All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?
A-Level Law: Duty of Care & Standard of Care Lesson for OCR Syllabus - Paper 2 Tort Law

A-Level Law: Duty of Care & Standard of Care Lesson for OCR Syllabus - Paper 2 Tort Law

Lesson Topic: Duty of Care & Standard of Care Unit: Tort Law Exam Board: OCR Paper: Paper 2 This is a lesson on duty of care and standard of care as part of the negligence element of tort law. This lesson is designed for the OCR syllabus but could be modified to suit other exam boards. This lesson is designed to be taught over one week and split into multiple lessons. Included is both the teacher version (to be displayed) & student version (to be printed & handed to students). The student version has answers removed! The lesson covers the basics of duty of care (Robinson principle) and standard of care (including modified standard of care). It also gives an overview of the paper 2 examination and gives an opportunity for both scenario and evaluation practice. Homework activities for the week are also included Lesson Activities Starters: 3 Main Activities: 7 Challenge Questions: 7 Knowledge Checks: 3 Scenario Practice: 1 Plenaries: 4
A-Level Law: Rylands v Fletcher Evaluation + Model + Plan

A-Level Law: Rylands v Fletcher Evaluation + Model + Plan

Essay Topic: Rylands v Fletcher Specification: Eduqas Marks: 25 This is a 25 mark evaluation style essay on Rylands v Fletcher. This is designed for the Eduqas A-Level Law specification, Perspectives on Substantive Law paper. Included is a model answer that can be handed to students as well as a model plan that is very useful for marking.
A-Level Law: Discharge Scenario + Plan + Model Answer (Eduqas Contract Law)

A-Level Law: Discharge Scenario + Plan + Model Answer (Eduqas Contract Law)

Essay Topic: Discharge Unit: Contract Law Marks: 25 Exam Board: Eduqas This is a discharge scenario style question designed for A-Level Law students. It is designed for the Eduqas exam board but can easily be modified to suit an AQA 30 marker or similar. The discharge scenario focuses on a variety of elements of discharge including frustration. Included is a model plan and a model answer that are designed to help support your marking and also help support students in their DIRT. I recommend giving students 40 minutes in class to answer this question.
A-Level Law: Delegated Legislation Sources of Law Question + Model + Plan

A-Level Law: Delegated Legislation Sources of Law Question + Model + Plan

This is a fun Jack the Ripper themed delegated legislation question. The question is designed for the Eduqas A-Level Law examination, Paper 1, English Legal Systems. This is a sources of law style question that tests AO2 application. This is a small scenario based on Jack the Ripper. Included is a model answer and a model plan which can be used to help with marking and to support students.
A-Level Law: Eduqas ELS 10 Mark Question + Model + Answer - Legal Professionals

A-Level Law: Eduqas ELS 10 Mark Question + Model + Answer - Legal Professionals

Exam Board: Eduqas Marks: 10 Unit: English Legal Systems Topic: Legal Professions This is a 10 mark question for the English Legal Systems paper as part of the A-Level Law exam. Included is a model plan and a model answer that can be used to help support DIRT or marking. This question can be set as homework or under timed conditions. Students should have around 20 minutes to complete the question under timed conditions.
A-Level Law: AQA Law and Society, Contract Law Essay + Model + Plan

A-Level Law: AQA Law and Society, Contract Law Essay + Model + Plan

This is a past paper AQA theory of law style question with a model answer and plan. This question looks at law and society and the connection between the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and freedom of contract. This is a 15 mark Nature of Law style question from the AQA examination. Included is a model answer and plan which can be used to help support marking.
A-Level Law: Vicarious Liability Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law

A-Level Law: Vicarious Liability Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law

This is a vicarious liability lesson designed for the Eduqas A-Level specification. This lesson would also suit other exam boards such as AQA although evaluation points would need removing. Contains more recent updates from Muhammad v Morrisons and Barclay’s Bank The lesson is designed to be taught over several lessons (it should cover at least a week of content) It is designed to fit after psychiatric injury in your scheme of work, if you have taught something differently in the previous week you will need to update the first starter activity. There are two practice questions (one scenario & one evaluation) each with an essay plan on the next slide. Note: The beaver indicates cases that students must know for their exam! Starter Activities £100 Word Challenge Unscramble the words Wordsearch Plenaries Write a question for the person sitting next to you Write your introduction Main Activities Split into employer/employee jobs Mini scenarios x2 Read the extract & answer questions (statutory interpretation revision point) Advantages/Disadvantages Table Practice Essay Questions Scenario Question x1 Essay Question x1 (balance between social interest & burden on employers) Challenge Points What’s the point? Are Uber drivers employed or self-employed? Should the police be vicariously liable for the murder of Sarah Everard?
A-Level Law: Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law (OLA)

A-Level Law: Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law (OLA)

Topic: Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 (OLA 1957) Unit: Tort Law Exam Board: Eduqas This is a full lesson on occupier’s liability. This is part of the tort law unit of A-Level Law. This lesson is designed to be taught across several lessons and has appropriate starters and plenaries throughout. This is designed for the Eduqas exam board but will suit other exam boards as well. Includes several practice questions with plans to help support. There are also homework tasks included. Lesson Activities Starters: 3 Main Activities: 4 Challenge Points: 6 Knowledge Checks: 2 Practice Essays: 1 Plenaries: 3
A-Level Law: Contract Law Starter Scenario + Model + Plan (Offer and Acceptance, Formation)

A-Level Law: Contract Law Starter Scenario + Model + Plan (Offer and Acceptance, Formation)

Essay Topic: Formation Essay Style: Scenario Marks: 25 This is a starter essay to help students who are just starting to learn contract law. It is a very simple offer and acceptance scenario that can be set early into studying contract law. This is a scenario style question on offer and acceptance (contract formation). This is designed for the Eduqas Paper 2, Substantive Law in Practice exam. This question can easily be adpated for AQA 30 mark questions.
A-Level Law: Vicarious Liability Scenario Essay + Model + Plan

A-Level Law: Vicarious Liability Scenario Essay + Model + Plan

Essay Topic: Vicarious Liability (Negligence) Specification: Eduqas Marks: 25 This is a 25 mark scenario style essay on vicarious liability. This is designed for the Eduqas A-Level Law specification, Substantive Law in Practice paper. Included is a model answer that can be handed to students as well as a model plan that is very useful for marking. This question can easily be adapted to an AQA 30 Marker Scenario Question Updated February 2023 to include decisions in Barclays, Christian Brothers and Mohamud
A-Level Law: Contract Law Scenario Question Bundle (Eduqas)

A-Level Law: Contract Law Scenario Question Bundle (Eduqas)

This bundle contains a selection of scenario and problem questions for Eduqas A-Level Law. These are the 25 mark questions from Paper 2 (Substantive Law in Practice). They would also suit other exam boards such as AQA 30 mark questions with a small amount of modification. There is a broad variety of scenarios, including at least one on each topic as well as some more mixed scenarios. No essay plans or model answers are included. The essay topics included are: Mixed Question Formation Implied Terms Economic Duress Offer & Acceptance Intention to Create Legal Relations Consideration Privity & Discharge Remedies & Formation Misrepresentation Express Terms Exclusion Clauses
A-Level Law: Occupiers' Liability Act 1984 Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law (OLA 1984)

A-Level Law: Occupiers' Liability Act 1984 Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law (OLA 1984)

Topic: Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984 Unit: Tort Law Exam Board: Eduqas This is a full lesson on occupier’s liability. This is part of the tort law unit of A-Level Law. This lesson is designed to be taught across several lessons and has appropriate starters and plenaries throughout. This is designed for the Eduqas exam board but will suit other exam boards as well. Includes several practice questions with plans to help support. There are also homework tasks included. Lesson Activities Starters: 2 Main Activities: 7 Challenge Points: 2 Knowledge Checks: 2 Practice Essays: 2 Plenaries: 2
A-Level Law: Ultimate Eduqas Revision Guide: Tort Law

A-Level Law: Ultimate Eduqas Revision Guide: Tort Law

UPDATED DECEMBER 2024 Our ultimate revision booklets contain all the cases and statutes students need to excel in their exams along with revision activities and practice questions. Topics included: Negligence Res Ipsa Loquitur Psychiatric Injury Economic Loss Vicarious Liability Occupiers’ Liability Trespass to Land Nuisance Rylands v Fletcher Defences Remedies Each Topic Includes: Tier 1 Case & Legislation List Tier 2 Case & Legislation List Tier 3 Case & Legislation List Problem Question Flow Chart Scenario Practice Question Advantages & Disadvantages Table Evaluation Practice Question Additional Activities This booklet is nearly 300 pages long and so is not suitable for printing in full. I provide a digital copy to students. Some choose to print certain parts but most work with the digital copy. Full colour throughout with beautiful presentation and pictures. Additional Activity Information Case and Legislation Lists These are split into Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Tier one cases are the cases students must know. Tier two are the cases they really should know. Tier three cases will help them enhance their essays. I tell students that if you do everything else perfectly and learn all tier one cases you should get a D. If you do everything perfectly and learn all tier two you will get a B. Then the more tier three you learn the more you will move up into A/A*. This helps students target their revision and makes the case and legislation load feel less overwhelming. Case lists include: Case Name Facts Legal Principle (for ELS this is often why it is important or what it is an example of) Picture Legislation lists include: Statute name Section Legal principle Practice Questions There are 25 mark scenario and evaluation questions for students to practice with. There is space to answer each question within the booklet. I encourage students to send me answers for marking as well as self-marking. Advantages/Disadvantages Table These tables will help to give students evaluation points for their Paper 3 answers. Question Structure Flow Charts There is a flow chart for each individual tort/defence which heps them structure their work. Additional Activities Additional activities are included throughout. These include quizzes, match activities, mini scenarios and much more.
A-Level Law: Tort Law Defences - Eduqas

A-Level Law: Tort Law Defences - Eduqas

This crib sheet is designed to support students whilst they are studying defences under tort law. This can be used in class to help with note making, as a homework activity or as a revision task. It looks great printed in colour but also prints fine in black and white. Includes boxes for: Contributory Negligence Volenti non fit injuria Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
A-Level Law: OCR Criminal Appeals Essay - 8 Mark English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: OCR Criminal Appeals Essay - 8 Mark English Legal Systems

Topic: Criminal Appeals Paper: Paper 1 Marks: 8 Marks Exam Board: OCR This is a practice exam question based on the 8 mark style knowledge questions from Paper 1. This is designed for the OCR exam board. Included is a model answer and a model plan that can be used to help with marking/DIRT work. The essay is designed to be given to students a week in advance to then sit in class. I give students 10 minutes to complete this answer (15 can be used if it is their first essay but in the real exam they should spend no more than 12 minutes on an 8 mark answer).
A-Level Law: Tort Law Defences and Remedies Case Sheet - Eduqas

A-Level Law: Tort Law Defences and Remedies Case Sheet - Eduqas

Topic: Defences and Remedies Unit: Tort Law Exam Board: Eduqas Papers: Paper 2 & Paper 3 This case table is a great revision resource for A-Level law students. It contains gaps to fill in the facts and legal principle for the key cases for defences and remedies under tort law. These cases are the ‘tier 1’ cases and sections. These are cases that will appear in every problem question answer for defences and remedies. Cases included: Jones v Livox Quarries (1952) Morris v Murray (1991) Stapley v Gypsum Mines Ltd (1953) Pilkington v Wood (1953) Legislation Included: Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945, s 1(1) How I Use This Resource I give the sheet to students and give them five minutes to complete as much as they can by themselves without notes. I then give them a further five minutes to work as a group. They can then complete the table with notes if there are still gaps. I usually have the table on the board and fill it in throughout if students as me for clarity or shout out any answers! By the end of about 15 minutes every students should have a completed sheet.
A-Level Law: Legal Professionals Crib Sheet

A-Level Law: Legal Professionals Crib Sheet

This sheet allows students to organise their knowledge on legal professionals for A-Level law. The sheet has various spaces for them to fill in and is a great task for in class lessons but can also be used as a homework or revision task. Boxes to complete: Solicitors Barristers Legal Executives Should the legal professions be merged? Arguments for and against The sheet looks great printed in colour but also works perfectly well printed in black and white. It can also be completed digitally.