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The Legal Llama

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An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5. All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?




An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5. All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?
A-Level RE: The Great RE Christmas Quiz! Eduqas Exam Board - Christianity and Ethics

A-Level RE: The Great RE Christmas Quiz! Eduqas Exam Board - Christianity and Ethics

This is a great way to end term one for students who are studying Religious Studies at A-Level. The quiz presupposes knowledge of the first few topics from Christianity and Ethics but these can easily be changed to suit your scheme of work. There are three fun rounds and three rounds based on what students have learned for their A-Level. Quiz Format Team quiz with students in small Teams Each question is multiple choice and has a one minute timer bar on the slide There are six rounds Each round has ten questions (60 questions total) It should take around an hour to complete (rounds can be removed or added to suit) The Rounds Round 1 - Divine Command Theory Round 2 - Christmas This round tests general knowledge of Christmas with some fun and slightly obscure questions! Round 3 - Bible as a Source of Wisdom Round 4 - Who’s that philosopher? This is a picture round - students have to pick from four possible philosophers for each photo Round 5 - Virtue Theory Round 6 - The Holiday Season Students are given a date and four possible festivals that are celebrated on that date. All the festivals are celebrated in the month of December Answers are included at the end of each round
A-Level Study Skills: How to Prep for In Class Timed Essays

A-Level Study Skills: How to Prep for In Class Timed Essays

This PowerPoint is a great general resource for all A-Level subjects that are essay based. It was originally designed for A-Level Law but I have also used it for A-Level Religious Studies. You may want to edit it slightly for your own subject but it is vague enough in its terminology that it can be used for almost anything without editing! The short PowerPoint goes through the ten steps necessary to prep for an in class essay, breaking each step down. This is great for Year 12 students who do not yet have the skills to prepare for essays effectively. Steps included are: Compile Information Create a Rough Plan Create Your Final Plan First Timed Practice Revise Plan Write Without Notes & Mark Revise Plan Timed Practice Without Notes & Mark Revise Final Essay I recommend adding some modeling into the lesson which focuses on your specific subject.
KS3 RE: What is philosophy? - Full Lesson (Religious Education)

KS3 RE: What is philosophy? - Full Lesson (Religious Education)

Lesson Title: What is philosophy? Intended Unit: Philosophy Age: Key Stage 3 This lesson gives a brief introduction to philosophy and philosophical questions. It is designed to start off a unit looking at philosophy and different philosophical questions. It is designed for Key Stage 3 Religious Education Activities Starter: 60 Second Thoughts Main Activities: Copy definition of philosophy List philosophical questions ‘A Dog’s Life’ Comprehension (link provided) Challenge Tasks: Other Greek words with same roots Write an answer to questions If we can never know the truth of the question, what is the point in philosophy? Plenary: Outline what is meant by a philosophical question
A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam - Paper 1 - English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam - Paper 1 - English Legal Systems

This mock exam is designed to replicate Paper 1 for the Eduqas A-Level Law syllabus. It is suitable for Year 12 or Year 13 mock exams. Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas Paper Length: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Unit: English Legal Systems Students should be given 1 hour 30 minutes to complete this paper. They will also need lined paper/answer booklets to write their answers in. This is a complete paper, students will need to have studied all of the English Legal Systems (including Sources of Law) unit in order to complete this paper. Suitable for both January & June mock exams in Year 12 and January mocks in Year 13. Questions Question 1 (5 marks): Parliamentary Sovereignty Question 2 (5 marks): Precedent Question 3 (15 marks): Statutory Interpretation Question 4 (15 marks): Delegated Legislation Question 5: (a - 10 marks): Legal Funding (b - 15 marks): ADR Question 6: (a - 10 marks): Magistrates (b - 15 marks): Lay Personnel Students have to answer: 2x 5 marks 1x 15 mark (sources of law) 1x 10/15 mark combination
A-Level Law: Paper 2 Mock Exam - Eduqas Contract Option (Tort + Criminal)

A-Level Law: Paper 2 Mock Exam - Eduqas Contract Option (Tort + Criminal)

This mock exam is designed to replicate Paper 2 for the Eduqas A-Level Law exam. It is designed for Year 13 students. Paper: Paper 2 Exam Board: Eduqas Paper Length: 2 Hours 15 Minutes Unit: Tort Law Students should be given 2 hours 15 minutes to complete this paper. They will also need lined paper/answer booklets to write their answers in. In order to take this paper students will need to have studied all of tort & criminal law. They will need to have studied formation & privity for contract law. This is designed as a January mock exam so not all of contract is required. Suitable for both January mock exams in Year 13. Students answer three questions, one from Part A, Part B and Part C. Just like the real examination. Questions Question 1 (25 Marks): Privity Scenario Question 2 (25 Marks): Formation Scenario Question 3 (25 Marks): Psychiatric Injury Scenario Question 4 (25 Marks): Negligence Scenario Question 5 (25 Marks): Property Offences Scenario Question 6 (25 Marks): Murder, Attempt & Capacity Defences Scenario Students have to answer: 3x 25 Mark Questions
A-Level Law: Mock Exam Tort Law - Paper 2 and Paper 3 Combination (Eduqas)

A-Level Law: Mock Exam Tort Law - Paper 2 and Paper 3 Combination (Eduqas)

This mock exam is designed to replicate a mixture of Paper 2 and Paper 3 questions for the Eduqas syllabus. It covers tort law content only and is designed to be given to Year 12 students. Paper: Paper 2 & Paper 3 Exam Board: Eduqas Paper Length: 2 Hours 15 Minutes Unit: Tort Law Students should be given 2 hours 15 minutes to complete this paper. They will also need lined paper/answer booklets to write their answers in. This is a complete paper, students will need to have studied all of the Tort Law unit in order to complete this paper. Suitable for June mock exams for Year 12 students. Students answer three questions, picking one from Part A, Part B & Part C. This means they will answer one scenario, one evaluation and then their choice of either a scenario or evaluation for Part C. Questions Question 1 (25 Marks): Mixed Scenario Question 2 (25 Marks): Negligence Scenario Question 3 (25 Marks): Nuisance Evaluation Question 4 (25 Marks): Vicarious Liability Evaluation Question 5 (25 Marks): OLA Scenario Question 6 (25 Marks): Res Ipsa Loquitur Evaluation Students have to answer: 3x 25 Mark Questions
A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam - Paper 3 - Contract Option

A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam - Paper 3 - Contract Option

This mock exam is designed to replicate Paper 3 for the Eduqas A-Level Law exam. It is designed for Year 13 students. Paper: Paper 3 Exam Board: Eduqas Paper Length: 2 Hours 15 Minutes Unit: Tort Law, Criminal Law, Contract Law Students should be given 2 hours 15 minutes to complete this paper. They will also need lined paper/answer booklets to write their answers in. In order to take this paper students will need to have studied all of tort & criminal law. They will need to have studied formation & privity for contract law. This is designed as a January mock exam so not all of contract is required. Suitable for both January mock exams in Year 13. Students answer three questions, one from Part A, Part B and Part C. Just like the real examination. Questions Question 1 (25 Marks): Privity Evaluation Question 2 (25 Marks): Acceptance Evaluation Question 3 (25 Marks): Vicarious Liability Evaluation Question 4 (25 Marks): Trespass Evaluation Question 5 (25 Marks): CPS Evaluation Question 6 (25 Marks): Non-Fatal Offences Evaluation Students have to answer: 3x 25 Mark Questions
A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam Paper 1 - English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam Paper 1 - English Legal Systems

This mock exam is designed to replicate Paper 1 for the Eduqas A-Level Law syllabus. It is suitable for Year 12 or Year 13 mock exams. Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas Paper Length: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Unit: English Legal Systems Students should be given 1 hour 30 minutes to complete this paper. They will also need lined paper/answer booklets to write their answers in. This is a complete paper, students will need to have studied all of the English Legal Systems (including Sources of Law) unit in order to complete this paper. Suitable for both January & June mock exams in Year 12 and January mocks in Year 13. Questions Question 1 (5 marks): Law Commission Question 2 (5 marks): Precedent Question 3 (15 marks): Delegated Legislation Question 4 (15 marks): Statutory Interpretation Question 5: (a - 10 marks): Legal Funding (b - 15 marks): Access to Justice Question 6: (a - 10 marks): Juries (b - 15 marks): Bail Students have to answer: 2x 5 marks 1x 15 mark (sources of law) 1x 10/15 mark combination
A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam - Paper 1 - English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam - Paper 1 - English Legal Systems

This mock exam is designed to replicate Paper 1 for the Eduqas A-Level Law syllabus. It is suitable for Year 12 or Year 13 mock exams. Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas Paper Length: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Unit: English Legal Systems Students should be given 1 hour 30 minutes to complete this paper. They will also need lined paper/answer booklets to write their answers in. This is a complete paper, students will need to have studied all of the English Legal Systems (including Sources of Law) unit in order to complete this paper. Suitable for both January & June mock exams in Year 12 and January mocks in Year 13. Questions Question 1 (5 marks): Law Commission Question 2 (5 marks): Statutory Interpretation Question 3 (15 marks): Delegated Legislation Question 4 (15 marks): Law Reform Question 5: (a - 10 marks): ADR (b - 15 marks): ADR Question 6: (a - 10 marks): Sentencing (b - 15 marks): CPS Students have to answer: 2x 5 marks 1x 15 mark (sources of law) 1x 10/15 mark combination
A-Level Law: Tort Law Problem Question Structure Card Sort (Eduqas)

A-Level Law: Tort Law Problem Question Structure Card Sort (Eduqas)

Unit: Tort Law Exam Board: Eduqas Paper: Paper 2 This card sort is a quick fire starter for revision sessions at Year 13 (or late Year 12). Students are given a set of cards for a particular topic and then have to sort them into the correct structure for the problem (scenario) question. How I Use These Cards I put students in pairs/small groups and give them each one topic. Once they have correctly sorted it they can do the next topic. The group with the most complete topics at the end of 3 minutes gets a prize. Printing Notes Set your printer to: Print Along Short Edge This will mean the cards are printed flipped so that the back matches the front! If you do long edge then this won’t work. I recommend doing a test print of pages 1 & 2 first to ensure your formatting is working!
A-Level Law: Eduqas Practice Questions Worksheet - Revision or Cover Activity

A-Level Law: Eduqas Practice Questions Worksheet - Revision or Cover Activity

This worksheet contains 20 individual practice questions designed for year 13 law students. These questions can be set as revision activities or homework activities. They are also a useful back-up in case cover is needed for a particular lesson. These questions are all Eduqas style exam questions, although the scenario questions could be modified for other exam boards. Question topics: Statutory interpretation (5 marks) Law Commission (5 marks) Delegated legislation (15 marks) Judicial precedent (15 marks) Alternative dispute resolution (10 marks) Criminal trial process (10 marks) Magistrates (15 marks) Legal funding (15 marks) Vicarious liability (scenario) Defences and remedies (scenario) Negligence (evaluation) Nuisance (evaluation) Necessity defences (scenario) Murder (scenario) Elements of criminal liability (evaluation) Voluntary manslaughter (evaluation) Misrepresentation (scenario) Formation (scenario) Express terms (evaluation) Implied terms (evaluation) The document includes instructions to pick five questions out of the sheet and plan them but this can easily be modified.
A-Level Law Bridging Work Document

A-Level Law Bridging Work Document

This resource is designed to be provided to Year 11 students who are taking Law at A-Level. It is designed for the Eduqas syllabus but is pretty universal! It can easily be adapted to suit any course you want :) The introduction says it is for Eduqas and you will be studying contract, but easily edited (you definitely have my permission to do this) Tasks: (1) Sort the key terms into criminal and civil (2) Write a definition of the key terms from task one (3) Research a recent English or Welsh law case and make a note of: facts; importance; what was decided; why you chose the case (4) Research arguments for and against the death penalty ready to write an essay about it in week 1 (this can be used as a baseline assessment of student writing style/ability) Document is bright, colourful and fun. It is meant to be appealing to students. It is designed to start to give them a foundation in terminology but is also helpful as a teacher to diagnose ability levels early on.
A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Paper 2 (Contract Law) - Substantive Law in Practice

A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Paper 2 (Contract Law) - Substantive Law in Practice

This is an A-Level law mock paper. This is Paper 2: Substantive Law in Practice with the Contract Law option (there are no Human Rights questions included). Paper is laid out to look similar to an Eduqas exam paper. Contains six questions, students can pick one from each area. Each question is a scenario question. This mock is designed to be delivered following just a few contract law lessons. By this points students are expected to have done: offer, acceptance, intention to create legal relations, consideration & privity Question Topics Tort Law Land Based Torts Negligence Contract Law Formation Privity of Contract Criminal Law Fatal Offences Property Offences
A Level Law: Eduqas Mock Paper 3: Contract Law: Perspectives on Substantive Law

A Level Law: Eduqas Mock Paper 3: Contract Law: Perspectives on Substantive Law

Number of Questions: 6 (3 to be answered) Exam Board: Eduqas Topics: Tort Law, Contract Law & Criminal Law Question Style: 25 mark evaluation Exam Paper: Paper 3: Perspectives on the Substantive Law This is a mock exam paper designed for second year students who are taking the contract law option. There are six questions on the paper, two for each topic, students can pick one for each area of law (answering 3 in total). The paper is designed to look and feel like an Eduqas exam paper. A note about contract law: This paper is designed for students who have started contract law but not completed it. They should have knowledge of offer & acceptance, intention to create legal relations, consideration and privity of contract Question Topics Contract Law Consideration Intention to Create Legal Relations Tort Law Trespass Psychiatric Injury Criminal Law Strict liability Attempt
A-Level Law: Eduqas Year 12 Mock Exam: Paper 1 English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: Eduqas Year 12 Mock Exam: Paper 1 English Legal Systems

Exam Board: Eduqas Paper: Paper 1 English Legal Systems Length: 1.5 hours Question Times: 2x 5 markers, 2x 15 mark sources of law (choice) & 2x 10/15 combinations (choice) This mock paper is designed to be given to students in Year 12 as part of their mocks. Students should have studied the entire English Legal Systems unit. It is designed to look and feel like an Eduqas Paper 1 exam. Question Topics 5 Mark Questions Precedent Statutory interpretation 15 Mark Sources of Law Law Making & Influences Delegated Legislation 10/15 Mark Combinations Alternative dispute resolution Criminal appeals & criminal trial process
A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam Paper 1 English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam Paper 1 English Legal Systems

Exam Board: Eduqas Paper: Paper 1 English Legal Systems Question Breakdown 2x 5 markers 2x 15 mark sources of law (choose one) 2x 10/15 mark combinations (choose one) This is an Eduqas mock exam paper that can be used for either year 12 or year 13 students as part of their mock exams. Students are expected to have covered all of the English Legal Systems content before taking this paper. The paper is designed to look like an Eduqas exam paper. Questions 5 Markers Law Making Rule of law 15 Mark (Sources of Law) Statutory Interpretation Delegated Legislation 10/15 Combinations Juries (10 mark) & juries (15 mark) ADR (10 mark) & ADR (15 mark)
A-Level Law: Contract Law Problem Question Card Sort (Eduqas) Scenario Revision

A-Level Law: Contract Law Problem Question Card Sort (Eduqas) Scenario Revision

Unit: Contract Law Exam Board: Eduqas Paper: Paper 2 This card sort is a quick fire starter for revision sessions at Year 13 Students are given a set of cards for a particular topic and then have to sort them into the correct structure for the problem (scenario) question. How I Use These Cards I put students in pairs/small groups and give them each one topic. Once they have correctly sorted it they can do the next topic. The group with the most complete topics at the end of 3 minutes gets a prize. Printing Notes Set your printer to: Print Along Short Edge This will mean the cards are printed flipped so that the back matches the front! If you do long edge then this won’t work. I recommend doing a test print of pages 1 & 2 first to ensure your formatting is working!
A-Level Law: Criminal Law Problem Question Card Sort (Eduqas) Revision

A-Level Law: Criminal Law Problem Question Card Sort (Eduqas) Revision

Unit: Criminal Law Exam Board: Eduqas Paper: Paper 2 This card sort is a quick fire starter for revision sessions at Year 13. Students are given a set of cards for a particular topic and then have to sort them into the correct structure for the problem (scenario) question. Although based on Eduqas these are suitable for all exam boards, although you may want to pick out any topics that you do not study. How I Use These Cards I put students in pairs/small groups and give them each one topic. Once they have correctly sorted it they can do the next topic. The group with the most complete topics at the end of 3 minutes gets a prize. Printing Notes Set your printer to: Print Along Short Edge This will mean the cards are printed flipped so that the back matches the front! If you do long edge then this won’t work. I recommend doing a test print of pages 1 & 2 first to ensure your formatting is working!
A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam - Tort Law Year 12 Mock (Evaluation & Scenario Questions, Paper 2 & 3)

A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam - Tort Law Year 12 Mock (Evaluation & Scenario Questions, Paper 2 & 3)

This mock exam is designed to be given to Year 12 in the Summer of their first year once they have finished their Tort Law module. It is a combination of Paper 2 and Paper 3 style questions. Paper: Paper 2 & 3 (combined) Exam Board: Eduqas Unit: Tort Law Time Allowed: 2 hours 15 minutes Questions: 6x 25 marks (students answer 3) This paper is designed to be given to Year 12 students at the end of their tort law module. Because students have not studied all three units it combines paper 2 and paper 3 into one paper. This should help to replicate timings well as it is the same length and same number of questions as both Paper 2 and Paper 3. Students answer three questions, each one is a choice of two. Section A: Scenario (Problem) Questions (Paper 2) Section B: Evaluation Questions (Paper 3) Section C: 1x Scenario & 1x Evaluation Question (Paper 2 & Paper 3) Students answer one question from each section. Question Topics Question 1 (Scenario): Nuisance & Trespass Question 2 (Scenario): Negligence (inc. economic loss) Question 3 (Evaluation): Negligence Question 4 (Evaluation): Occupier’s Liability Question 5 (Scenario): Rylands v Fletcher, Nuisance & Trespass Question 6 (Evaluation): Psychiatric Injury Students should be given 2 hours 15 minutes to answer the paper. Students will also need lined paper/answer booklets.
A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam Paper 1 English Legal Systems - Year 12

A-Level Law: Eduqas Mock Exam Paper 1 English Legal Systems - Year 12

This mock exam is designed to replicate Paper 1 for the Eduqas A-Level Law syllabus. It is suitable for Year 12 or Year 13 mock exams. Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas Paper Length: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Unit: English Legal Systems Students should be given 1 hour 30 minutes to complete this paper. They will also need lined paper/answer booklets to write their answers in. This is a complete paper, students will need to have studied all of the English Legal Systems (including Sources of Law) unit in order to complete this paper. Suitable for both January & June mock exams in Year 12 and January mocks in Year 13. Questions Question 1 (5 marks): Precedent Question 2 (5 marks): Delegated Legislation Question 3 (15 marks): Law Reform Question 4 (15 marks): Statutory Interpretation Question 5: (a - 10 marks): Civil appeals (b - 15 marks): Woolf Reforms Question 6: (a - 10 marks): Magistrates (b - 15 marks): Magistrates Students have to answer: 2x 5 marks 1x 15 mark (sources of law) 1x 10/15 mark combination