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The Legal Llama

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An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5. All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?




An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5. All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?
A-Level RS: Emotivism Top 10 Ranking Worksheet - Eduqas

A-Level RS: Emotivism Top 10 Ranking Worksheet - Eduqas

Unit: Religion and Ethics Topic: Emotivism Exam Board: Eduqas Paper: Paper 3 This worksheet is a great little revision activity for A-Level Religious Studies. Students are asked to write down the ten most important things they can remember about Emotivism. This helps them to consolidate their notes and knowledge. This can be used as part of a revision lesson or as a starter or plenary activity. It is also a good homework activity.
A-Level RS: Festivals Quiz Sheet - Eduqas Christianity

A-Level RS: Festivals Quiz Sheet - Eduqas Christianity

This is a fun quiz that can be used as revision or as a starter/plenary for students studying the Christianity option of the Eduqas A-Level Religious Studies course The quiz has fifteen questions which test student knowledge of key words. It is multiple choice - I recommend printing and then laminating so students can complete using white board pens and the resource can be reused year on year. Alternatively you could just read out the questions and get students to write down the answers. Answer sheet is included with correct answers marked There is space at the bottom for the student to fill in their score out of fifteen and also write down the key words that they need to revise.
Bible Verse Mapping Template - RE

Bible Verse Mapping Template - RE

This template is a brilliant resource to help support students at KS3 and KS4 Religious Education when looking at Bible verses. It can be printed, stuck in books and then filled in. You could even ask them to create a folder or book just with these in for each bit of key scripture at GCSE. Can also be used to support A-Level. It is also great fun for Bible journalling!
A-Level RS: Finnis Treasure Hunt (Ethics Natural Law - Eduqas)

A-Level RS: Finnis Treasure Hunt (Ethics Natural Law - Eduqas)

This is a fun starter activity or plenary for students who are studying the Ethics Unit of A-Level Religious Studies. Students are given one of the six trigger cards. They then have to go around the room and find three of the smaller cards that fit underneath their ‘heading’. The smaller cards contain statements, quotes and key words that relate to each heading. The printed sheet is in order, so the first row relates to the first heading, the second the second etc. A few items could arguably fit under multiple headings. Can be used as a starter or a plenary. I use this as part of a DIRT lesson following a 20 mark essay on Finnis. This is designed for the Eduqas exam board but will suit other A-Level exam boards as well.
A-Level RS: Ethical Egoism Key Words Card Sort

A-Level RS: Ethical Egoism Key Words Card Sort

This is a quick activity that can be used as a starter or plenary for a lesson on ethical egoism or future revision lessons. Students are given a card that contains either a key word or a definition. They have to find their ‘partner’ (the person with the matching key word/definition). There are six key terms in total all relate to the topic of ethical egoism.
A-Level Law: Contract Law Flow Chart

A-Level Law: Contract Law Flow Chart

This flow chart is designed to help support students in structuring their essays in contract law. It gives them an overview of questions to ask that they can then work through in order to identify the relevant issues in the problem question. It does not cover every single question that an be asked and each area will require more detailed additional steps (such as five steps to establish economic duress) but can be helpful in giving them a rough idea of structure. It can be printed in A3 although the text is a little small and it would benefit from being printed higher. However, the PDF is high quality so can easily be read and worked from on a screen.
Religious Education: The Sermon on the Mount

Religious Education: The Sermon on the Mount

This is a pretty version of the NIV translation of the Sermon on the Mount. This makes a great wall display or can be used as a worksheet, to stick in books or to be handed around when studying the Beatitudes. This is a great support for KS3, KS4 and A-Level Religious Studies.
GBH Flow Chart - A Level Law

GBH Flow Chart - A Level Law

This handy flow chart will help students work through the various elements of greivous bodily harm when studying criminal law. It is bright and colourful and they can stick it in their revision notes, or you can just post it onto Teams/Classroom etc. for them to copy. Really helpful when they are starting to structure lessons on the OAPA 1861. Designed for A-Level Law, Eduqas syllabus but suits any A-Level law course or BTEC.
Plenary Dice Template

Plenary Dice Template

This template allows you to make your own plenary dice. Print it out and then glue the tabs to assemble your dice. Students can then roll the dice and answer the question to check understanding. Each side has a different task to complete. They are general enough that they would suit several subjects. I have used these from KS3 through to KS5. I recommend using thicker card to print on or stick the dice to in order to give it stability.
A-Level Law: Duty of Care Crib Sheet: Negligence

A-Level Law: Duty of Care Crib Sheet: Negligence

This crib sheet is designed to help students with their notes or can be used as a revision resource. The sheet has various gaps that can be filled in during lessons or as a homework activity. Boxes to be completed: Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police (2018) Table of existing duty situations The table is particularly helpful for students as it allows them to quickly check for an existing duty situation. There is also a quote from Donoghue v Stevenson and a cute snail. Looks great printed in colour or black and white.
A-Level Law: Statutory Interpretation Case List - Eduqas Sources of Law

A-Level Law: Statutory Interpretation Case List - Eduqas Sources of Law

Topic: Statutory Interpretation Unit: English Legal Systems Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas This case list is a great supplement to student learning. It can be given to students to be filed away and help with revision or it can be used as a revision activity or resource. Also helpful for teachers when prepping lessons. Contains a variety of key cases on statutory interpretation, suitable for English Legal Systems essays. It is based around the Eduqas specification but would also suit other exam boards. Includes: Illustration Case Name Legal Principle
A-Level Law: Juries Case List - Eduqas English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: Juries Case List - Eduqas English Legal Systems

Topic: Juries Unit: English Legal Systems Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas This case list is a great supplement to student learning. It can be given to students to be filed away and help with revision or it can be used as a revision activity or resource. Also helpful for teachers when prepping lessons. Contains a variety of key cases on juries, suitable for English Legal Systems and Criminal essays. It is based around the Eduqas specification but would also suit other exam boards. Includes: Illustration Case Name Legal Principle
A-Level Law: Precedent Case List - Eduqas Sources of Law

A-Level Law: Precedent Case List - Eduqas Sources of Law

Topic: Precedent Unit: English Legal Systems Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas This case list is a great supplement to student learning. It can be given to students to be filed away and help with revision or it can be used as a revision activity or resource. Also helpful for teachers when prepping lessons. Contains a variety of key cases on precedent, suitable for English Legal Systems essays. It is based around the Eduqas specification but would also suit other exam boards. Includes: Illustration Case Name Legal Principle
A-Level Law: The Big Law Christmas Quiz

A-Level Law: The Big Law Christmas Quiz

I run this quiz every year with my year 12 students and they absolutely love it. There are six rounds and it takes about an hour to complete. Extra rounds can easily be added or removed depending on the length of the lesson you have to fit it into. Exam Board: Eduqas Students will need knowledge of all English Legal Systems topics (except Statutory Interpretation). This should make it suitable for year 12 just before Christmas but it would also suit year 13. Please check the answers for round 6 before running as it requires up to date knowledge of the Lord Chancellor & Head of Supreme Court and some answers may need changing The quiz was up to date as of 18/12/24! Rounds: Juries Christmas in the Courts The Justice System Precedent Picture Round General Legal Knowledge
A-Level Law: Criminal Justice System Crib Sheet

A-Level Law: Criminal Justice System Crib Sheet

This sheet allows students to organise their knowledge on the criminal justice system. It contains spaces to fill in the bare minimum of information that they will need to know. There is space to fill in: Case information forT & V v UK (1999) Criminal trial process Table for different types of trials Summary of Magistrates’ trials Summary of Crown Court trials It is bright and colourful, looks great printed in colour but works perfectly well printed in black and white. Students can also add text into the digital PDF version if you prefer.
A-Level Law: Crown Prosecution Service Crib Sheet

A-Level Law: Crown Prosecution Service Crib Sheet

This sheet helps students to organise the key knowledge they will need to know about the CPS. It has several boxes to fill in which they can do during lessons or as additional homework. It also makes a great revision activity. Boxes to fill in are: Role of CPS Narey Review Glidewell Report Macpherson Report Auld Review Abu Hamza (2006) Setting the Standard It has a nice pastel brown theme which looks very pretty. It looks great printed in colour but also works fine printed in black and white. Can also be filled in digitally if you prefer.
A-Level Law: Bail Case List - Eduqas English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: Bail Case List - Eduqas English Legal Systems

Topic: Bail Unit: English Legal Systems Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas This case list is a great supplement to student learning. It can be given to students to be filed away and help with revision or it can be used as a revision activity or resource. Also helpful for teachers when prepping lessons. Contains a variety of key cases on bail, suitable for English Legal Systems and Criminal essays. It is based around the Eduqas specification but would also suit other exam boards. Includes: Illustration Case Name Legal Principle
A-Level Law: Offer knowledge organiser - Contract Law Formation

A-Level Law: Offer knowledge organiser - Contract Law Formation

This knowledge organiser is a useful revision resource for A-Level Law students. It includes the most important parts of contract law that students need to know. This includes: Examples of invitations to treat Definition of offer Rules of offer Termination of offer It is bright and colourful and looks great when printed in colour but can also be printed in black and white.
A-Level Law: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Case List - Eduqas English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Case List - Eduqas English Legal Systems

Topic: ADR Unit: English Legal Systems Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas This case list is a great supplement to student learning. It can be given to students to be filed away and help with revision or it can be used as a revision activity or resource. Also helpful for teachers when prepping lessons. Contains a variety of key cases on ADR, suitable for English Legal Systems essays. It is based around the Eduqas specification but would also suit other exam boards. Includes: Illustration Case Name Legal Principle
A-Level Law: Delegated Legislation Case List - Eduqas Sources of Law

A-Level Law: Delegated Legislation Case List - Eduqas Sources of Law

Topic: Delegated Legislation Unit: English Legal Systems Paper: Paper 1 Exam Board: Eduqas This case list is a great supplement to student learning. It can be given to students to be filed away and help with revision or it can be used as a revision activity or resource. Also helpful for teachers when prepping lessons. Contains a variety of key cases on delegated legislation, suitable for English Legal Systems essays. It is based around the Eduqas specification but would also suit other exam boards. Includes: Illustration Case Name Legal Principle