'If you keep trying the same old things, you'll keep getting the same old results'. Imaginative teaching ideas help stimulate students and improve student retention. I don't claim to be an expert but I hope that some of my ideas will help other teachers.
'If you keep trying the same old things, you'll keep getting the same old results'. Imaginative teaching ideas help stimulate students and improve student retention. I don't claim to be an expert but I hope that some of my ideas will help other teachers.
This resource is a lesson with activities covering the levels of organisation content in the 2015 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A literacy starter game
3: 3 6 mark AFL questions
4: A pyramid of biomass activity
5: A competition activity
6: A set of notes for students to use
7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the concentration section of the 2015 AQA Chemistry specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: An unit conversion starter game
3: A suggested role play activity
4: An equation conversion interactive notebook activity
5: A dice game AFL activity
6: 3 short use of equation activities
7: A sheet for students to work through
8: A set of notes for students to use
9: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
10: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the periodic table & atomic theory content in the 2015 AQA GCSE Chemistry specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A starter game
3: A summary sheet
4: Interactive notebook activities
5: A dice AFL game
6: A development of the periodic table literacy activity
7: A key word card sort
8: A periodic table construction activity
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This resource is a revision lesson covering the fission & fusion content of the 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A fusion card sort
3: A nuclear power station information hunt
4: A summary sheet
5: An interactive notebook activity
6: 2 6 mark questions
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the spectroscope content of the 2015 AQA Chemistry specification. This resource includes:
1: A starter game
2: A key information highlighting activity
3: A power point to lead students through the lesson
4: A spectra comparison activity
5: A spectroscope modelling activity
6: A 6 mark AFL question
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the blood & it’s functions content of the 2015 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point with activities to lead students through the lesson
2: A 6 mark question starter question
3: A literacy game
4: A dice game AFL activity
5: A modelling blood activity
6: A micro-teaching activity
7: A 6 mark plenary question
8: A Blood literacy activity
9: A video on how to run the modeling activity
10: A set of notes for students to use
11: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
12: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the electrolysis of water content of the 2015 AQA Chemistry specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A starter game to remind students what they have already covered on electrolysis
3: A SPAG activity
4: A modelling activity
5: A 6 mark plenary question
6: A flipped learning slide
7: A group task
8: A dice assessment game
9: A sheet for students to fill in during the lesson
10: A set of notes for students to use
11: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
12: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the classification content of the 2015 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A classification game
3: An AFL dice game
4: A how organisms are named interactive notebook activity
5: A 3 domains literacy activity
6: A species discussion activity
7: A classification card sort
8: A set of notes for students to use
9: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
10: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the enzymes in digestion content in the 2015 AQA GCSE Biology specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A key information starter game
3: A student sheet that they can fill in about enzymes in digestion
4: Activities on different types of enzymes
5: Assessment activity dice games
6: A 6 mark assessment question
7: Videos going through how to model enzymes in digestion
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the kidney failure content in the 2015 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A key information starter game
3: A reading for meaning activity
4: 2 modeling activities
5: 2 videos showing how to carry out the modeling activities
6: A 6 mark AFL question
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This resources is a lesson with activities covering the pure substances content in the 2015 AQA Chemistry specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A key information starter game
3: A pure substances literacy activity
4: A purity of a substance graph activity
5: A purity and melting point activity
6: A melting / freezing point of salty water graph activity
7: A set of notes for students to use
8: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
9: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the motor effect content in the 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A spag starter activity
3: A dice assessment activity
4: A magnetic flux density activity
5: A model activity
6: A diagram & question activity
7: A 6 mark assessment question
8: A set of notes for students to use
9: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
10: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson and activities covering the cloning content in the 2015 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A starter game
3: A what is a clone literacy activity
4: A plant cloning dice assessment game
5: A question sheet on embryonic and adult cell cloning
6: A cloning SPAG activity
7: A 6 mark assessment question
8: A set of notes for students to use
9: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
10: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the plant organ & tissues content of the 2015 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point to help lead students through the lesson
2: A starter game
3: A 6 mark question analysis activity
4: A leaf structure activity
5: A dice assessment game
6: A counting stomata investigation
7: A 6 mark assessment question
8: A homework task
9: A set of notes for students to use
10: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
11: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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A new lesson covering all the points in the new AQA 2015 GCSE Physics specification, burning fuel for power section. This resource is designed to be taught in 1 lesson and includes activities for students to work through, group work activities as well as lots of opportunities for AFL. Included is the following:
1: A 6 mark AFL dice activity
2: A power point leading students through the lesson
3: Generating electricity information hunt activity
4: Generating electricity card sort
5: 6 mark question
6: How a power station works explanation activity
7: A set of notes for students to use
8: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
9: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson covering the plastic waste content in the new AQA Chemistry specification. The resource includes:
1: A power point which leads students through the lesson
2: A disposal of plastic waste information hunt activity
3: A plastic waste literacy starter activity
4: A plastic recycling activity
5: A 6 mark plenary activity
6: A dice AFL game
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This resource is a lesson covering the classification systems content of the 2015 OCR AS Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A card sort classification timeline starter activity
3: A what is a species literacy activity
4: An exam question plenary activity
5: A worksheet for students to work through during the lesson including a homework task
6: A set of notes for students to use
7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the covalent bonding content in the 2015 AQA Chemistry specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point with activities to lead students through the lesson
2: A number of bonds an atom will form game
3: A series of covalent compounds for students to draw
4: A simple covalent compounds spag activity
5: A simple covalent compounds modeling activity
6: A giant covalent compounds literacy activity & presentation
7: A 6 mark plenary question
8: A video showing how to carry out the modeling activity
9: A set of notes for students to use
10: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
11: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson & activities covering the ionic bonding content of the 2015 AQA Chemistry specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point with activities to lead students through the lesson
2: A sheet with activities for students to work through
3: A literacy starter game
4: A giant ionic bonding model activity
5: A video showing how to model ionic bonding
6: A 6 mark plenary question
7: A set of notes for students to use
8: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
9: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the speciation content in the 2015 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes:
1: A power point with activities to lead students through the lesson
2: An exam analysis starter activity
3: A suggested model activity & video showing how to carry it out
4: A literacy activity
5: A 6 mark plenary question
6: A set of notes for students to use
7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
Thanks for looking