'If you keep trying the same old things, you'll keep getting the same old results'. Imaginative teaching ideas help stimulate students and improve student retention. I don't claim to be an expert but I hope that some of my ideas will help other teachers.
'If you keep trying the same old things, you'll keep getting the same old results'. Imaginative teaching ideas help stimulate students and improve student retention. I don't claim to be an expert but I hope that some of my ideas will help other teachers.
This resource is a new lesson and activities covering the formation of the Solar System content of the new 2016 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes
1: A literacy battle ships activity
2: A power point to help lead students through the lesson
3: A information hunt activity
4: Presentation help cards
5: A 6 mark plenary question
6: A power point explaining how to carry out a micro teaching activity
7: A set of notes for students to use
8: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
9: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
10: A sheet for students to work through
11: A project sheet
12: A key information activity
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This resource is a lesson and activities on the early Universe content of the new 2016 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes
1: A 6 mark starter activity
2: An information sheet
3: A question maze activity
4: A power point leading students through the lesson
5: A micro teaching plenary activity
6: An early universe card sort
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This resource is a lesson with activities covering the cracking hydrocarbons section of the 2015 AQA GCSE Chemistry specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A key information starter game
3: A looking at alkenes activity
4: A cracking process activity with potential modelling activity
5: A sheet for students to fill in
6: A 6 mark assessment question
7: An alkenes card sort
8: A set of notes for students to use
9: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
10: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a whole lesson and activities on the cleaner fuels content of the new 2016 AQA Chemistry specification. This resource includes
1: A power point leading students through the lesson
2: A 6 mark starter question
3: An information hunt activity
4: A graph analysis activity
5: A micro teaching plenary activity
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This resource is a lesson and set of activities covering the new 2015 OCR AS Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A student sheet which can be filled out in the lesson or for homework
3: A maze of questions starter activity
4: A set of variation cards
5: A graph analysis plenary activity
6: A set of notes for students to use
7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson and activities on the maintenance of a resting potential content in the new 2015 OCR A2 Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A student sheet which can be used throughout the lesson
3: A build a axon membrane activity
4: A literacy questioning activity
5 A micro teaching plenary activity
6: A homework activity
7: A key information literacy activity
8: A starter game
9: A set of notes for students to use
10: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
11: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a whole lesson with activities covering the sensory receptors content in the 2015 OCR A2 Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A type of sensory receptor starter card sort
3: A literacy activity
4: A generating a potential large model activity
5: A student sheet covering the lesson
6: A home work task is included
7: A set of notes for students to use
8: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
9: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson on the evidence for evolution for the new 2015 OCR AS Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A Literacy activity
2: A snakes & ladders game
3: A power point to lead students through the lesson
4: A information hunt activity
5: A sheet for students to fill out during the lesson
6: A set of notes for students to use
7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is an A Level Biology lesson on the 5 kingdoms. This resource includes
1: A power point leading students through the lesson
2: A 5 kingdoms micro-teaching starter activity
3: A table for students to fill in on the 5 kingdoms
4: A literacy activity
5: A student sheet that students can fill out during the lesson
6: A set of notes for students to use
7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson covering the classification systems content of the 2015 OCR AS Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A card sort classification timeline starter activity
3: A what is a species literacy activity
4: An exam question plenary activity
5: A worksheet for students to work through during the lesson including a homework task
6: A set of notes for students to use
7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson covering the reaction time required practical aspect of the 2016 AQA Biology specialization. The lesson is designed to enable students to answer a range of questions based around the practical similar to old ISA paper 2 questions
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This resource is a lesson covering the structure and function of the nervous system content in the 2015 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A power point including leading students through the lesson
2: A nerve structure starter activity
3: A structure of the nervous system literacy activity
4: A activity showing students what happens at the synapse
5: A synapse 6 mark AFL question
6: A synapse interactive notebook activity
7: A synapse modeling activity
8: A set of notes for students to use
9: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
10: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a new lesson covering the introduction to homeostasis content in the 2016 AQA Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A literacy starter activity
3: A card sort activity
4: A peer homeostasis questioning activity
5: A 6 mark plenary question
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This resource is a new lesson covering the alternating current content of the new 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A 6 mark question starter activity
3: A AC / DC literacy activity
4: A calculating frequency activity
5: A plenary activity pulling the lesson together
6: A set of notes for students to use
7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room
8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning
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This resource is a lesson covering the parallel circuit content of the 2016 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A circuit building kit to use in the starter
3: A resistance in a parallel circuit circus activity
4: A parallel circuit challenge activity
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This resource is a whole lesson covering the series circuits content of the new 2016 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A resistance calculation starter activity
3: A circuit symbol building kit
4: A circuit building activity
5: A total resistance in a series circuit activity
6: A resistance challenge activity
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This is a new lesson for the antibodies & antitoxins section of the new OCR AS Biology specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: An information sheet for students to use throughout
3: A snakes and ladders starter activity
4: A Plasticine building activity
5: A key word plenary activity
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This resource is a lesson and related activities covering the current PD graphs section of the new 2016 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A current PD graph analysis starter
3: A resistance in a diode activity
4: A resistance in a LDR activity
5: A method and photo of how the equipment should be used
6: A 6 mark question for your plenary and AFL
7: A calculating resistance from a graph activity
8: A dice game AFL activity
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This resource is a whole lesson covering the resistance (including a required practical) section of the new 2016 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes
1: A power point to lead students through the lesson
2: A resistance equation activity
3: A student sheet for students to use throughout the lesson
4: A required practical
5: A planning sheet if you wish to extend the lesson
6: A 6 mark plenary question
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