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Mrs D's Primary Resources

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Welcome to my Shop. Everything now £5 or less! Lots of big units with resources to save you time. Most of my resources are English as I have led English for a number of years and been lucky enough to train with Pie. I use lots of Talk for Writing inspiration for my lessons but these are my own adapted resources. I aim to upload complete units of work with the planning and quality resources/worksheets for the lessons to save you time! Also moderation and assessment resources for end of KS1.




Welcome to my Shop. Everything now £5 or less! Lots of big units with resources to save you time. Most of my resources are English as I have led English for a number of years and been lucky enough to train with Pie. I use lots of Talk for Writing inspiration for my lessons but these are my own adapted resources. I aim to upload complete units of work with the planning and quality resources/worksheets for the lessons to save you time! Also moderation and assessment resources for end of KS1.
The Gingerbread Man Unit Planning Year 1 3 weeks

The Gingerbread Man Unit Planning Year 1 3 weeks

A 3 week unit of work for Year 1 based on the Gingerbread Man. Narrative and Non-fiction. 2 weeks focusing on narrative and then 1 week on instructions. This plan can easily be stretched to 4 weeks as I tend to block my lessons to get more done, especially when doing a longer write with Year 1. I have provided most of the resources you will need to teach this unit but not included flipcharts as everyone teaches differently and some prefer powerpoint not ActivPrimary. Before this unit, I sent requests to parents and friends to ask them to send poststcards to school as it linked to our Geography for the term.
Tidy by Emily Gravett Unit of work and resources Y1/2

Tidy by Emily Gravett Unit of work and resources Y1/2

Planning for a mixed age class Y1/2 Non fiction plan 2 weeks Fiction plan 2 weeks BOTH OF THESE PLANS ARE EASILY ADAPTABLE TO MAKE THEM LONGER. Poetry Plan 1 week (ideal for use during Y2 SATS week as a fun creative writing exercise) Resources for lessons, including images and worksheets. Linked to a ‘Good to be Green’/ Save the world/ Recycling Topic in Term 5.
Traction Man unit of work Y1/2 3 weeks

Traction Man unit of work Y1/2 3 weeks

Traction Man unit of work for mixed age class - Y1/2. A 3 week Fiction plan, in sessions which can be extended over 2 days or blocked across a whole morning so that you can block other subjects on different days. A 3 week NF plan focussing on Instructions with a Traction Man link. Children learn instructions in a T4W style and then create their own. Resources for lessons included.
Snail and the Whale unit of work Y1/2

Snail and the Whale unit of work Y1/2

An ideal unit of work to cover a 5/6 week term. Based on the try use prove method, with Pie Corbett talk for writing. These plans are easily adaptable for a single year group, Y1 or Y2. Each plan is for 2 weeks, but would be easily extended to 3 weeks each for a longer term with extra grammar lessons or short burst writes. Fiction unit plan - 2 weeks, based on the text Snail and the Whale. For Y2 and more able Y1. Non-fiction unit plan- 2 weeks, based on previous work during fiction. For Y2 and more able Y1. Facts about snails for NC report clumping - Can be edited and adapted to suit class. Missing Poster Template. Whale report box up - Can be used for any animal/ Non fiction boxing up, easily adaptable.
Pumpkin soup unit of work 2 weeks

Pumpkin soup unit of work 2 weeks

A seasonal2 week unit of work based on the story ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Helen Cooper in a T4W style. The children will have various opportunities for writing and grammar focus within the unit, ending with writing an innovated version of the original story. Included: A unit plan Word bank ideas A pumpkin soup recipe Instruction layout (I use these in frames on tables to prompt the children, they can be adapted for use by the children in the lesson) Some additional resources for Pumpkin poetry In the plan I mention a model story, this is not included as you can write one to suit your grammar/spelling focus and children’s abilities. It is on the flipcharts to give you an idea.
The Dragon Machine unit of work Y1 Y2

The Dragon Machine unit of work Y1 Y2

This is a complete unit of work for a Y1/2 class, aimed at the top end and differentiated. It can easily be made longer or shorter to suit. I have added a few resources that are helpful for some of the lessons, easily editable. We got some great writing from this and there are lots of opportunities for short burst writes and adding writing to your displays. Please see my other resources and units of work on Dragons, Dinosaurs, Meerkat Mail and more.
Dinosaurs Non Fiction complete Unit y1/2

Dinosaurs Non Fiction complete Unit y1/2

Based on the try use prove method, with Pie Corbett talk for writing. These plans are easily adaptable for a single year group, Y1 or Y2. This plan is for around 4 weeks, but would be easily adaptable to different length with more or less grammar lessons or short burst writes. Please note this planning is slightly adapted during the start of the week for a Supply teacher. Non-fiction unit plan- 4 weeks, based on modelled text. For Y2 and Y1. End of unit write - Non-chronological report. The writing we got from this unit was fantastic! We also used topic time to paint our dinosaurs, make clay/salt dough fossils, wrote reports/biographies about Mary Anning and more! Oral story to use for rehearsal/T4W. T-Rex Screen text map that I used for oral rehearsal. WANTED poster- layout for Y1 and Y2 Letter template Boxing up plan Plan for innovating a new dinosaur grammar lesson resources Success criteria grid How to trap a dinosaur- Layout for instructions that I use in stands
The Building Boy unit of work Y2/3

The Building Boy unit of work Y2/3

3 Powerpoint documents included using the Jane Considine approach. Planning sheets Independent writing stage slides Plot points slides (85 slides to support build up to writing) This unit of work will last around 3 weeks. Planned for a Year 2 class with a group of Y3 children included. Differentiation slides for LA.
Emily Brown and the Thing unit of work

Emily Brown and the Thing unit of work

Planning and resources for a Fiction Unit based on the book ‘Emily Brown and the Thing’. Planning suitable for Y1/2 class. Also included, Non-Fiction planning inspired by the book. Children learn a Non-Chronological report in T4W style and then innovate to create their own ‘Thing’.
Little Red Riding Hood English unit Y1/2

Little Red Riding Hood English unit Y1/2

A complete plan for 3 weeks fiction and a complete plan for 2 weeks non-fiction, based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The objectives cover both Year 1 and Year 2 ARE. In the 3 week plan you will see how the work is covered across the 3 weeks, using Talk for Writing as a basis of our work. One of the lessons on the plan is linked to our topic work, where we complete cross-curricular writing to hit our English objectives. This would be easily adaptable to your own topic. Included resources: 3 week narrative plan 3 week non-fiction plan - Instructions Story map example Suggested key vocab list Model story for retelling and story mapping - use other examples in books to share with the children. Wolf labelling sheet Model text for instructions - How to trap a wolf Comparing fairytale characters sheet Setting description word mats Self assessment grids- easily adaptable
Little Red Hen unit of work Year 1

Little Red Hen unit of work Year 1

A complete unit of work for a Year 1 class including some SEN based on Talk for Writing principles. This unit is for 2 weeks and has a PPT flipchart for use across the 2 weeks, resources and worksheets. The original story is readily available online. I used this unit at the end of Autumn Term and got some really super writing from my Year 1 children - some wrote 3 pages! Some of the other resources mentioned are available via Twinkl and other sites but these are not included in the bundle as I do not have the license to share.
Little Green Elf Christmas writing Y1

Little Green Elf Christmas writing Y1

A talk for writing based unit, similar to the Little Red Hen. This unit is designed for Y1 but could be easily adapted for Y2. Planning for 2 weeks is included, as well as a variety of resources for the unit. Perfect for the last few weeks of Christmas term. As a hook, you could decorate a Christmas tree at the beginning of the unit. #christmaswriting #year1 #littlegreenelf #talkforwriting
Year 1 Chinese New Year planning

Year 1 Chinese New Year planning

A 3 week unit of work based around the story of Chinese New Year. There are lots of opportunities here for Cross-Curricular links. We are using this unit as part of our topic ‘Around the World’. This year CNY is on Saturday 25th January so this plan fits just after Christmas holidays and ends the day before. It is easily shortened and adapted for 2 weeks or you could pick and choose activities to fit a week of planning. We are ending with a Chinese New Year party! There are lots of other resources easily available to accompany this unit across the curriculum from Twinkl, Mrs Mactivity and other similar sites. I have not included flipcharts for this unit but I have included success criteria grids, any activity proformas to use and a story for retelling. The grammar lessons that are built into the unit are subject to change depending on your class’s needs and the resources available in your classroom, therefore the activities are just a suggestion. Hope you find this useful!
Harry Potter planning Y3/4 3 week unit

Harry Potter planning Y3/4 3 week unit

An ideal unit for home-school or live lessons using Teams etc. This 3 week unit uses the first Harry Potter book as inspiration for various writing opportunities. Please note- this is just the planning overview, no resources are included but links and suggestions of where to find things are. You could use this as inspiration for lessons across the curriculum - potions making in science, history of magic, geography and map making - the marauders map, wizards of the world etc.
Jack and the Beanstalk unit Y1/2

Jack and the Beanstalk unit Y1/2

A complete unit with planning for 3 weeks fiction including: Boxing up grid Oral story Word Bank Wanted poster writing frame Setting description word mats And 2-3 weeks non-fiction planning including: Self assessment grids This planning uses local landmarks as part of the planning so adapt this to suit. I have not included images etc from this as it wouldn’t be relevant.
Running record bundle Y2 KS1 TAF

Running record bundle Y2 KS1 TAF

7 Resources
A full range of running records WTS/ EXS/ GDS This bundle contains 7 texts with running record sheets and questions to assess comprehension. A squash and a squeeze EXS George’s marvellous medicine GDS Owl Babies WTS Smartest Giant in Town EXS Superworm EXS The day the crayons quit EXS The dog from outer space WTS Total value £9.50, a bargain at £5, will save you time and be useful for Y2 reading evidence and to support moderation.
KS1 English popular texts bundle

KS1 English popular texts bundle

4 Resources
A bundle featuring my best sellers! Key texts for KS1, as recommended by English moderators include: Meerkat Mail Pumpkin Soup Tidy Emily Brown and the Thing A huge bargain!