This is an activity I have used with several classes.
I print off the question sheets and ensure that the answers on the back of the sheet. The students complete the questions and then self assess.
Once they have completed the question, they move onto the next question.
Planned lesson for the Activate 2 book.
Includes full Lesson Objectives and Quick check tasks to check progress through the lesson.
The lesson revolved around students looking at the energy values on food labels and comparing them to what they required to eat for certain activities.
Planned lesson for the Activate 2 book.
Includes full Lesson Objectives and Quick check tasks to check progress through the lesson.
Includes two lessons; 1st on Convection and Conduction and 2nd on Radiation
Planned lesson for the Activate 2 book.
Includes full Lesson Objectives and Quick check tasks to check progress through the lesson.
Includes information sheets regarding each energy source which I used as an STUDENT EXPERT exercise.
Planned lesson for the Activate 2 book including new energy stores.
Includes full Lesson Objectives and Quick check tasks to check progress through the lesson.
Also has a Energy Circus for students to look at and identify the energy stores (you will need to provide this).